The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 481 Hostile Banquet
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Chapter 481 Hostile Banquet


Lan cried out.

Shen Wanshan asked, “Mister, you know him?”

Chen Hao said, “Yes, of course! He’s like my brother!”

Lan sobbed and said, “Ah! Mister, then you must save Hu! I know that you have excellent medical

skills! Please, you have to save him!”

It turns out that the Hu guy Lan had mentioned is actually Di Hu.

If I knew that, I would have sent my men to look for him long ago.

Then things would not have turned out this way.

“Lan, move aside for now. Didn't you hear what Mister said? He is brothers with Hu!”

Yu dragged Lan aside.

As for Chen Hao, he was able to assess Di Hu’s injuries in a short span of time.

His wounds were very severe and if he had been discovered a few hours later, he would most probably

succumb to his injuries, even if Mr. Qin was here.

Chen Hao said, “Hurry up, bring Di Hu back to the manor first!”

Two whole hours later.

Di Hu’s fingers twitched slightly.

Right after, his eyes slowly opened.

The first thing he saw was Lan, who was gripping tightly onto his hands.

With a weak voice, Di Hu said, “Lan? A-Am I dreaming? Am I already dead?”

Lan cried out, “No! You are not dead! Hu, you are not dreaming. It’s Mister! Mister is the one who

healed you!”


Di Hu was in shock. “I understand how bad my injuries were, even Master Zuo from the Southwest

Region wouldn't have been able to save me. The only reason that kept me going was you. I wanted to

come over and see you before I died! How could anybody have treated me?”

“It's the truth, Hu! Mister is very capable and he really saved you! Oh right, I got too excited and forgot

about it. Mister told me to let him know immediately when you woke up!”

After she finished speaking, Lan wiped her tears off and ran out in a hurry.

“Di Hu, you woke up?”

Chen Hao said while running in.

Di Hu, who was lying on the bed, shuddered when he heard this voice.

He lifted his head up and when he saw who it was, his lips convulsed. “Y-Young Master Chen?!”

Di Hu was astonished and happy at the same time. He anxiously tried to sit up right away.

“Don't move, you just recovered!”

Chen Hao came over and supported him.

Di Hu gripped onto Chen Hao’s hand tightly and said, “Young Master Chen, it's so great to see you! I

heard rumours that y-you were dead. I didn't expect to see you here. It feels great to see you!”

Di Hu was so agitated that tears were flowing down his face.

Chen Hao also did not expect to bump into Di Hu in a totally foreign place with unfamiliar people


He then smiled and said, “I am not dead! I am perfectly fine!”

“Hu, Mister is the one that did everything he could to save you!” explained Lan.

“Y-Young Master Chen? You were the one who saved me?” Di Hu was surprised. “When did you pick

up medical skills?”

Chen Hao replied, “About half a year ago. Enough with the questions, I will fill you in later on. Hurry up

and tell me what happened to you. How did you almost lose your life and what about your brother?”

Just then, a look of bitterness flashed across Di Hu’s face. He then narrated the story of what

happened to him and his brother over this period of time.

It turned out that after that night of risking their lives to protect Chen Hao, they returned to the Chen


However, because Tian Long and Di Hu stepped in to help, the Chen Family was afraid that the news

would spread out and it would endanger their lives. Thus, Di Hu and his brother were given a sum of

money so that they could leave the Chen Family.

At first, Tian Long and Di Hu planned to return to the mercenary base that was overseas.

However, on the way there, they heard about Chen Hao and Li Zhenguo’s incident in Qing City.

And the fact that Young Master Chen had gone missing.

As such, they went over to the Southwest Region and investigated the matter in private. However,

three months went by and there was still no news.

Not only that, the Situ Family became aware of their presence. With no other choice, the both of them

could only leave the Southwest Region and came over to the Tian City Triangle Zone.

At first, they had planned to gain a foothold here and use their money to build a force of their own.

Then, they could return and seek revenge on the Situ Family.

However, the both of them underestimated the strength of the forces here in Tiancheng City.

In a brawl to take over another force, they were eventually defeated by the dominant force in

Tiancheng City, Wen Sen.

They even captured Tian Long.

Di Hu was also being hunted everywhere.

He had no other choice but to hide and lay low.

Amidst all of that, he happened to bump into Liang Er, a butler who was torturing over a dozen girls.

Di Hu was furious and murdered Liang Er.novelbin

Those few days, he happened to get to know Lan.

That was when their feelings for each other blossomed.

The plan was to rescue his brother and then get married.

However, he did not expect that his rescue operation three days ago would fail and he would be

defeated by Wen Sen. As such, he almost lost his life and ran all the way here after escaping!

That was the story of what happened.

“Wen Sen?”

Chen Hao frowned.

Shen Wanshan and his men also displayed expressions of fear. “Mister, Wen Sen is a dominant force

in Tiancheng City. Not only does he have a large group of people, he has very strong capabilities as

well. He’s quite an evil person himself. Even capable people who had spent the last decade training

were not worthy opponents of his. By the looks of it, Di Hu and his brother must be capable people with

strong skills too. However, it’s not unusual that they were defeated by Wen Sen!”

Chen Hao asked, “Is he that powerful?”

Chen Hao was clear on Tian Long and Di Hu’s skills. They had exceptionally strong physiques and a

natural talent in fighting.

It was a rare sight for them to be beaten up and not being able to keep up with another person.

Shen Wanshan was not weaker than Tian Long and Di Hu. However, at that moment, he also had a

fearful look on his face. That showed how fearsome Wen Sen, the dominant force in Tiancheng City,


With a stern voice, Shen Wanshan said, “But Mister, me and my brothers lives belong to you. We are

not afraid to die! If you ask us to face off against Wen Sen, we would gladly do so!”

“Yes, Mister. We are not afraid!”

The other brothers of Shen Wanshan declared their stand as well.

Chen Hao lifted his arm up and said, “We will have to break things down and come up with a plan.

Wanshan, I need all the information you can gather on Wen Sen’s forces. Prepare them for me right


Chen Hao was not afraid, but if Wen Sen was as powerful as people claimed him to be, he could not

put his brothers’ lives in danger!

Nonetheless, Tian Long and Di Hu had an exceptional bond with him.

Now that Tian Long was in trouble, Chen Hao would definitely do anything to rescue him.

Very soon, the evening took over.

“Young Master Chen, you have to bring me along when you go to Tiancheng City!”

Di Hu limped into the courtyard and said to Chen Hao, who stood upright with his arms behind his


Chen Hao smiled and said, “Di Hu, why did you get out of bed? Didn't I tell you that I am no longer

Young Master Chen? You don't have to address me as such anymore!”

“Alright, I got it, Young Master Chen.”

Di Hu also gave a bitter smile and coughed. “Ahem! By the way, both of us have left the Chen Family

as well, so we are no longer Tian Long and Di Hu as granted by Miss Chen. You may address me as

Zhang Hu!”

Chen Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, “I would take action within these few days in regards to

Tian Long’s rescue operation. You should stay back to rest and recover! Don't worry, I promise I will

bring Tian Long back to you in one piece!”

“But Young Master Chen…”

“Say no more!”

Chen Hao lifted his hand up and cut Zhang Hu off.

Just then, Shen Wanshan walked in from outside.

He coldly spoke, “Mister, the five main forces of Tagou Town sent over an invitation. They wish to invite

you over to a gathering tonight. Furthermore, the person who sent over the invitation made it

compulsory for you to attend!”

Chen Hao asked, “What is this all about? A hostile banquet to teach me a lesson? Or are they trying to

intimidate me?

Shen Wanshan said, “Haha, I understand very well the intentions of these five forces. They are

intimidating us as we are trying to set up our operations here. From today onward, they would want to

threaten us to pay the protection fees! Mister, we don't have to respond to them. I will help you reject

them right away!”

“There is no need to reject them. Since we are getting ready to head to Tiancheng City tomorrow, I do

not wish for there to be any potential problems. Seeing as how they are so well-prepared, it would be

disrespectful to turn them down. Let them know we will head over tonight!”

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