The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 479 Gain a Firm Footing
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Chapter 479 Gain a Firm Footing

“I did not expect Mister to not only have exceptional combat moves but also superb medical skills. How


Shen Wanshan said in a respectful manner.

Chen Hao merely gave a slight nod and stayed silent.

On the other hand, Shen Wanshan and his men exchanged looks at each other.

Shen Wanshan then shouted in a respectful voice, “I have no idea what Mister would like to do in the

future but would you need our help? You have saved our lives and all of us brothers would be willing to

follow by your side and serve you faithfully.”

Indeed, the gratitude they had for their savior was beyond words. Furthermore, Shen Wanshan and his

people strongly valued loyalty and brotherhood.

Apart from that, Shen Wanshan and his people had nowhere else to go. Hence, if they had the

opportunity to follow a person with incredibly strong capabilities at such a young age, they might have a

bright future ahead.

Clearly, the rest of his men had similar thoughts.

Chen Hao gave them a bitter smile and said, “Me? I'm afraid that I might have to stay somewhere in

the Tian City Triangle Zone as I do not have anywhere else to go!”

“Mister, you have no place to go? It just so happened that the few of us are rather familiar with the Tian

City Triangle Zone. So, if we stay by your side, we might even be of some help to you. Mister, would

you be willing to take us in?” Shen Wanshan asked.

Chen Hao gave it a deep thought.

The thing that he lacked the most at this moment was manpower. He needed to build a force of his own

and he had no idea when he would be able to accomplish that. It was crucial to have his own team of

people in order to aid in his fight against Mo Changkong.

Shen Wanshen and his men have strong foundations and they seemed very loyal too. If they were

trained with the similar techniques which Mr. Qin had taught me, then it wouldn't be difficult to go

against someone like Mo Changkong.

Chen Hao chuckled. “Taking you in sounds too serious. After all, I'm also a person without a home! So

if you all are willing to join me, it would be great to travel and explore together!”

“That's great, Mister!”

Shen Wanshan and his men were overjoyed.

Chen Hao nodded his head.


Just then, dark clouds gathered in the sky and the loud roar of thunder could be heard.

Following that, it started pouring heavily.

Chen Hao and the rest of them couped up in the cave.

For once, the whole lot of them were at ease as they looked out of the cave.

Shen Wanshan said, “Mister, we are going to have to come up with a plan if we want to reside in the

Tian City Triangle Zone. We would definitely need to have our own business and force of power!”

Chen Hao nodded his head in agreement.novelbin

As it could be seen, they did not have a place to stay which resulted in them having to hide in a cave

when it started raining.

If this were to continue, it was going to be tough to survive in Tian City!

Chen Hao turned around and asked, “Do you guys have any ideas so far?”

“The largest city within the Triangle Zone is Tian City. The economy is flourishing and we can build our

base over there. However, there are as well many different forces of power and it's quite a chaotic

place. If we just head in there like that, it would be difficult to gain a firm footing! Apart from that, ten

kilometers ahead of us is a small town outside of Tian City called Tagou Town. It is a relatively bustling

town and we could start from there! Mister, I have some money with me and we could start a small

business! That way, at least we have a base set up!” Shen Wanshan explained.

Chen Hao waved his hand and said, “There is no need for a small business. I can give you some

money, so you can go and set up a big business instead! Oh right, what is there in Tagou Town?”

Shen Wanshan replied, “The only big business that stands out there would be the pharmaceutical

factory. The factory is rather huge and it would take quite a lot of money to purchase it!”

“Pharmaceutical factory?”

Upon hearing that, Chen Hao’s interest was piqued. What a coincidence! Not only was I planning to

look for the King Ginseng, I would also need medicinal herbs for my daily training. This would be so


Chen Hao said, “I can provide the funds needed. Let’s head over once the rain stops!”

A day later.

Inside a small hotel of Tagou Town.

“Mister, we got it settled!”

Shen Wanshan pushed the door open.

He came in together with two of his men.

Chen Hao smiled and said, “That was quick!”

Shen Wanshan coughed and said, “Ahem, let's not talk about it. The owner of the pharmaceutical

factory had long been harassed by the few local forces and already had the intention to sell it off. I used

the least amount of money to purchase the factory and company over, so there is still a small amount

of money left. Oh right, since the owner of the company has been changed, Mister, why don't you come

up with a new name?”

Chen Hao casually said, “Let’s call it Tian Long then!”

Shen Wanshan smiled and said, “Tian Long? Tian Long Group? Not bad, it's rather domineering. I

would get to it right away. By the way, the few of us gathered our money together and also bought over

the manor that the previous owner stayed in! From now on, you could stay there!”

“You didn't force him, right?”

Chen Hao knew very well how much money Shen Wanshan had, so how could he afford to buy over

the whole manor?

“N-No way! The owner willingly sold it to us!”

Prior to that, Chen Hao had reminded them that they could not threaten the owner to sell the company.

Despite the fiery temper that Shen Wanshan had, he was not someone that would act rashly.

“Okay, that would make me feel at ease. By the way, Wanshan and the rest of you, move into the

manor as well! That way, I wouldn't be so lonely! Come on, let's go take a look at the manor!” said

Chen Hao.


Shen Wanshan and the others were ecstatic.

When they walked down to the entrance of the hotel, there were already two black Mercedes Benz

waiting for them. Chen Hao was puzzled as to where Shen Wanshan got the cars from.

However, after mingling with Shen Wanshan for the past two days, Chen Hao came to realize that he

was quite a capable person. Not only that, he had similar traits to that of Li Zhenguo whereby they were

very meticulous in handling matters.

Very soon, they arrived at the manor.

Although Tagou Town was only a town, it was definitely not small.

It was twice the size of Ping An County.

Apart from that, the town was rather bustling as they had various bars and hotels.

At the end of the day however, it was still within the Tian City area which was undoubtedly chaotic and


People, who had dragon tattoos, roamed the streets.

A group of punks smashing up a shop lot was considered quite a common occurrence. Along the way,

Chen Hao had already witnessed a few of such cases.

It really is lawless around here!

Chen Hao shook his head slightly.

Not long after, they arrived at the manor that Shen Wanshan bought over.

It was a rather huge place.

However, before Chen Hao even made it into the main villa of the manor, he overheard people crying

and wailing.

“The whole lot of you better be orderly! Why are you all crying? Later when the new master arrives, you

all better smile and greet him. If you all offend him and make him unhappy, I will make sure to skin you

all alive!”

The sound of a middle-aged man reprimanding others could be heard.

Shen Wanshan then pushed the door open.

“Oh! Chairman Shen, you are here. This is… Oh, is this our new master? With such an impressive

appearance, it must be him! My name is Liang San and I'm here to greet you, Master!”

The middle-aged man with a thievish look and furtive eyes was Liang San. He introduced himself and

bowed respectfully before Chen Hao.

“Greetings, M-Master!”

Behind Liang San were twenty over lady servants of various age groups. They all looked rather

beautiful. At that moment, they greeted Chen Hao with a faltering voice.

Shen Wanshan said, “Mister, these are all the lady servants of the previous owner. Liang San here, is

the butler. I thought that these servants were decent and decided to leave them behind to serve you!”

Liang San smiled and said, “Yes, Master, don't worry! I have trained these lady servants well. They

would obey your orders and dare not defy them!”

“They… Did you abduct these girls?”

Chen Hao slowly walked over to one of the girl servant's side.

He lifted her arm and dragged up her sleeve. There were bruises all over her arm, clearly, she was

beaten up a lot.

“Hehe, I bought them a while ago at a cheap price. After all, a lady servant is cheaper than a box of

cigarettes! The key point is that they all looked rather pretty and cute. Master, don't worry, these twenty

plus lady servants were newly purchased. They are still virgins and those who weren't have been

chased away! Master, are you satisfied?”

Chen Hao frowned as he felt disgusted looking at Liang San.

With a cold tone, he said, “I have no need for lady servants. Wanshan, ask them to provide you with

their house address and find a way to send them back home.”

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