The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 448 Distressed
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Chapter 448 Distressed

Chen Jindong was worried too. If Chen Hao stayed, it would give Mo Changkong a perfect excuse to

confront the Chen family. Even though the Chen family had the ability to resist Mo Changkong now, the

family would still suffer greatly. With the great loss and the unstable business foundation, the Chen

family would not have enough power to find and deal with the League of the Sun. In a helpless situation

where they failed to find Pingan, God knows how long the Chen family would be able to survive.

Therefore, Chen Hao’s departure from the Chen family would definitely buy them some time. Chen

Jindong understood the rationale behind Chen Hao’s decision. But without the protection of the Chen

family, Chen Hao will face a lot of difficulties in future. Both Mo Changkong and the Long family will not

let him go easily. Chen Jindong clasped his fists tightly, struggling very hard to get those words out of

his mouth.

“Great, very well then. I never expected that you, Chen Jindong, would treat your own son like that.” Mo

Changkong frowned then smirked. “We still have a long way ahead of us. Let’s wait and see then!

Uncle, regarding today’s business—for the sake of your promise—I’ll let the Chen family off the hook

first, but I won’t forget about it, and I will have my revenge eventually!” Mo Changkong said coldly

before he waved his hand and left.

Chen Jindong was willing to sacrifice his own son to save the Chen family’s property. I bet Chen

Jindong will go insane if I continue to threaten to steal the family’s fortune. If the man lashes out on me

with everything the Chen family has, I’ll suffer a great loss too. So, I can’t benefit from the situation

even if I continue to stay here. With Chen Hao leaving the Chen family, I’ve lost the excuse to take over

the family’s wealth. Nevertheless, Mo Changkong knew that Chen Hao would still be his trump card in

helping him take over the Chen family. So, Mo Changkong went with the flow and left the place in


“Elder Mo Changkong, are we just going to let the Chen family go like that? Their wealth is

unbelievably large! It’s more than ten times of the wealth of the Mo family you established in Longjiang

province!” one of Mo Changkong’s men said after they left the island.

“Well, of course I know about that, but there’s no need to go all out on the Chen family at this point. I

have lots of enemies from different sects within the Mo family that are constantly plotting against me.

So, even if I win against the Chen family in the end, I may lose the ability to defend myself against

attacks from other sects within the Mo family. So, in order to achieve victory on both sides, I still need

that boy, Chen Hao. Send my orders to the Mo family in Longjiang province and to all financial groupsnovelbin

we’ve established all these years in China—tell them to keep an eye on Chen Hao. Whoever manages

to capture him and present him to me, I’ll reward them with what they desired the most,” Mo

Changkong commanded while narrowing his eyes.

“In that case, no matter how Chen Hao runs and hides, he can never escape and will still fall into our

hands!” Mo Changkong’s men smirked while nodding.

That same night, at the harbor of Hong Kong, Chen Hao came down from a boat with a suitcase on his


Chen Hao felt unbelievable and unreal when he thought of everything that happened for the past six

months. Everything was like a dream to him. His life changed abruptly from a poor student and loser to

the richest young man in the world who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Even though he

became even more miserable than before now, Chen Hao understood that these were the sacrifices he

needed to make for the sake of his family’s long-term benefit. He was not scared of the life of poverty

that was awaiting him; the only thing that worried him was whether he would be able to survive and see

tomorrow’s sunrise.

At the harbor, Chen Hao could see quite a number of people scurrying around in the dark even though

it was late at night. He kept looking behind while walking toward the exit. More than ten people are

tailing me right now. Am I going to die here tonight? Chen Hao thought while clutching his fists tightly.

Before this, he was not afraid of death, but things changed the moment when one truly faced death. All

Chen Hao could think of now was staying alive.

Suddenly, Chen Hao quickened his footsteps. The group of more than ten people with seemingly

exceptional capabilities behind him also quickened their footsteps and pursued Chen Hao immediately.


Flashes of bright car lights appeared, and rapid brakes screeched on a road beside the bay of Hong

Kong. The cars halted in front of the running Chen Hao, trapping him at the center of the road. Then,

the car doors opened, and a group of bodyguards stepped out of the cars. The leader of the group was

none other than Long Zongshan, the father of the three grandsons of the Long family.

“Well, well, well. Aren’t you Young Master Chen? Where do you plan on going in such a hurry?” A flash

of malevolent look crossed Long Zongshan’s face. “Rumor has it that Young Master Chen announced

today he would leave the Chen family for good. We didn’t really believe it at first, but judging from the

look on Young Master Chen’s face now, it seems the rumor is true after all!” Long Zongshan sneered.

“Long Zongshan, I know you’ve been waiting for this for a long time, so cut the crap and just take me if

you want!” Chen Hao frowned.

“Young Master Chen, if it wasn’t for the strict order I received not to kill you, I would cut you into pieces

and use your flesh to mourn Shaoyun,” Long Zongshan barked. His face twisted with anger and

sadism, and his eyes were burning with fury.

“Grab him!” Long Zongshan waved his arm, and immediately, his men moved toward Chen Hao.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

Suddenly, a loud noise of engines revving shattered the silence of the night. A modified four-by-four

SUV sped directly toward the trapped Chen Hao from the side of the road.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The SUV crashed into the cars as it sped toward Chen Hao, and he was pulled into the SUV.

“Go after them, and don’t let them escape,” Long Zongshan roared.

The plan of saving Chen Hao was quick and sudden. Everything happened within seconds. They

managed to save Chen Hao when Long Zongshan and his men were temporarily blinded by the

flashing car lights of the SUV.

“Young Master Chen, are you all right? Sorry that we were late,” said the Dragon Tiger Brothers, Tian

Long and Di Hu.

“I’m fine. You guys were just in time!” Chen Hao nodded his head. “By the way, why are you guys here?

Did my sister tell you to come?” Chen Hao asked.

“Yes. President Chen knew that once you left the southern region, you’d be surrounded and attacked

by the enemies. So, she sent us to help you. Young Master Chen, what is your plan next?” Tian Long

and Di Hu asked.

If the situation allowed it, the brothers would very much like to stay with Chen Hao, offering him

protection and assistance all the way through. But unfortunately, they could not do so under the strict

surveillance of the Chen family. In order to avoid giving Mo Changkong any excuses to take revenge on

the Chen family, they had been watching closely on Chen Hao. Even though the brothers were able to

help Chen Hao this time, it did not mean they could do the same every time Chen Hao was in danger.

“I’m no longer Young Master Chen. You guys can just call me Chen Hao from now on. I’m not sure

what my next plan is, but I’m thinking about going to the southwest region to find a person,” Chen Hao

said after thinking for a while. A person suddenly appeared in his mind when he was in distress on a

quiet night.

“All right, Young Master Chen. We’ll escort you to the southwest region,” Tian Long and Di Hu said.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

Another noise of engines revving blared through the night sky. Then, another batch of modified SUV

trucks sped toward Tian Long and Di Hu’s SUV. Judging from their driving skills, the men behind the

wheels were experts.

“Sh*t!” Tian Long smashed his steering repeatedly in panic.

At the same time, the SUVs recklessly rammed into Tian Long’s car at high speed.

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