The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 449 We Will Probably Never Meet Again
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Chapter 449 We Will Probably Never Meet Again


The sound of the violent explosion reverberated through the dark sky. Smoke floated in the air and rock

pieces flew everywhere. The flame of the explosion lit up the whole dark night sky. Several cars

exploded and were engulfed in flames.

“Young Master Chen, are you all right?” Tian Long wrapped his arms around Chen Hao as they rolled

down the slope together.

During the collision, Tian Long and Di Hu grabbed Chen Hao and jumped out of the car. Their

opponents were indeed men of violence and madness.

“I’m fine.” Chen Hao shook his head, feeling dizzy from the huge impact.

“They’re coming!” Di Hu shouted.

Several armed bodyguards in black suits began to storm down the slope from the road.

“There are still sixteen men left. Tian Long, both of us will take on eight men respectively. Young Master

Chen, you run in the northern direction. General Manager Li will meet you down there at the north side

of the hill. We’ll take care of them here!”

Li Zhenguo came too! Chen Hao was touched and grateful for their help. At the same time, he knew he

would get in the way of Tian Long and Di Hu if he continued to stay here with them. So, without saying

anything, he nodded and ran in the northern direction.

Chen Hao’s stamina had improved greatly than before ever since Uncle Qin taught him some of the

simple breathing techniques and those five techniques. Chen Hao summoned up all his strength and

dashed as fast as he could toward the north side of the hill.

“Almost there!” Chen Hao gritted his teeth and encouraged himself. As he ran, his surroundings

became darker and darker that he could barely see anything around him. All of a sudden, Chen Hao

tripped on something and fell face down onto the ground heavily. Suddenly, he found himself

surrounded by blinding car lights. Several bodyguards in black suits came and took Chen Hao away.

Chen Hao recognized the cars through their number plates. All the cars belonged to the Long family of

Yan Jing.

Oh God, I’m doomed! Chen Hao closed his eyes. He knew he could not escape this time.

“Let him go!” Chen Hao heard a familiar girl voice when he was on the brink of hopelessness. He

opened his eyes and realized that the voice belonged to Yang Xia.

“Yang Xia?” Chen Hao said in surprise.

Yang Xia folded her arms across her chest and walked toward Chen Hao. “Hmph! Chen Hao, I bet you

didn’t expect yourself to fall into my hands now, did you?” Yang Xia asked coldly.

“No, I really didn’t.” Chen Hao smiled bitterly.

“Chen Hao, you are incredible. You are Young Master Chen of the Chen Family, the richest family of all

that is much desired by many people in the world. With a single word, you almost destroyed the whole

Long family! Chen Hao, you are really incredible!” Yang Xia taunted.

“Well, since I’m in your hands now, you can capture me and claim your reward. Stop talking nonsense.

You can finally have your revenge now,” Chen Hao said with a bitter smile on his face.


Yang Xia raised her arm and slapped Chen Hao across the face. “Stop talking nonsense, you say? I

want to talk anyway! Chen Hao, do you know how long I have waited for this moment? I’ve been

thinking about the day when I can capture you and have you lower your head in front of me just like the

way you are now. I’ve waited for this moment for such a long time.”


Yang Xia slapped Chen Hao again. “Heh! That day in the southwest region, I threw away my pride and

confessed to you. But you—with your arrogant attitude—turned your back on me and even hurt my

feelings repeatedly. Back in the days when we were in college, when you were still that poor loser, who

had stayed beside you? Who—without caring about what other people think—was willing to walk hand

in hand with you around the campus? Who never looked down on you and befriended you?”


Yang Xia’s eyes were reddened with tears. “It was me! What about you? You treated me like dirt and

refused to offer me any help after you became rich. I once lived poorly like a stray dog, begging for

food everywhere. Instead, you chose to help someone like Han Siyu—some b*tch who always looked

down on you—and not me! You are the one who should be sorry!” Yang Xia snarled. “Since you have

already left the Chen family, I’m not afraid to tell you this—do you really think you can escape now?

Even if you manage to escape from the Long family, there are still the Mo family, the Liu family, and

other families keeping their watchful eyes on you. You are basically nothing but a poor abandonednovelbin

loser right now. Do you hear what I said? Speak! Answer me!”

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Infuriated, Yang Xia gave Chen Hao another three slaps across his face. Chen Hao had always been a

nightmare to Yang Xia. This unusual nightmare of Yang Xia had turned into a twisted form of madness

once it was long buried deep within her heart. When the madness was finally released, Yang Xia

became hysterical.

“What more can I say? You can insult me or even vent your anger by killing me now!” Chen Hao shook

his head.

“Heh! Up until now, you still don’t understand me! You still don’t know what kind of girl I am!” Yang Xia

pushed Chen Hao and took a deep breath.

“Chen Hao, honestly, I wasn’t thinking about claiming any reward when I caught you this time. I can let

you go this time if you are willing to bow to me and apologize. If you can do that, I will forgive you and

let you go!” Yang Xia said, clenching her fists.

The men at the scene were the armed force assembled by the clever Yang Xia when she was in the

Long family all these years. All of them were under her command.

“Y-You will let me go?” Chen Hao was rather surprised when he heard these words. Indeed, he had

hated and even hurt Yang Xia several times over some incidents. Initially, Chen Hao thought that falling

into her hands would make no difference than falling into the hands of Long Zongshan. But now, Yang

Xia said she would release him.

As for Yang Xia, although she hated Chen Hao and had wished him to live miserably, she did not want

Chen Hao to lose his life. She did not wish Chen Hao to have a happy life, but she could not bring

herself to see Chen Hao get hurt. These were Yang Xia’s internal conflicts.

“Yes. If you apologize sincerely to me—from the bottom of your heart—I’ll let you go!” Yang Xia

reassured Chen Hao.

Chen Hao never thought Yang Xia would say such words at a time like this. He felt a bit remorseful

over his harshness toward Yang Xia.

“Okay, Yang Xia. I, Chen Hao, was wrong about you before this. If you release me today, I will

remember your kindness forever.”

“Hmph! There’s no need for you to remember my kindness. Just leave now!” Yang Xia folded her arms

in front of her chest, turned her head, and looked away in disdain. Her men made way for Chen Hao.

Chen Hao nodded at Yang Xia and left.

“Wait!” Yang Xia stopped Chen Hao suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Hao asked.

“Chen Hao, I’m not sure if we will ever meet again after we part ways here. I need to warn you about

the Mo family’s extraordinary capabilities. They have always wanted to take over your Chen family, so

they won’t let you go easily. You have to be careful on your own! Now, the Long family is nothing more

than pawns for the Mo family. The Mo family will never give up their search on you until they find and

capture you. If you manage to escape this time, just conceal your identity and live on. Don’t show

yourself anymore no matter what happens to the Chen family!” Yang Xia warned.

“I understand. Thank you, Yang Xia!”

“One more thing. Do you know why I let you go?” Yang Xia asked again.


“Because after going through so much all these years, I finally realize that you truly loved me from the

bottom of your heart. It’s me who didn’t cherish it while it lasted.” Yang Xia’s eyes reddened with tears.

“You take good care of yourself from now on. I’ll take my leave,” Chen Hao said, nodding at Yang Xia

before he turned and left.

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