The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 447 Not Young Master Chen Anymore
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Chapter 447 Not Young Master Chen Anymore

“Dad, it’s my fault. I’m the one who caused the mess!” Chen Hao apologized. Chen Jindong and his

family went into the study room. The matter really took Chen Jindong by surprise and he was unsure

how to handle it.

“No, Chen Hao. That’s not the main point. Mo Changkong from the Mo Family—as I heard your

grandfather mentioned him years ago—was a man of extreme greed. Your grandfather dealt with him

before. The main reason the Chen Family moved from China to the Southern Region is to avoid Mo

Changkong’s control!” Chen Jindong said. “So, even if he didn’t come for the Long Family today, he

would still come to seek revenge on us for the Li Family and the Zhao Family tomorrow or the day

after!” Chen Jindong frowned.

“Dad, before this, you are concerned about the Mo Family. Is it because of him?”

Chen Hao heard from his father before that the latter would not seek the help of the Mo Family unless it

was absolutely necessary; he did not want to be related to them in any ways.

Chen Jindong nodded worriedly.

“Chen Hao, you only knew the Fang Family, the family which paralleled our Chen Family. But yournovelbin

father hasn't told you this—there were three most wealthy families in the world forty years ago—the

Chen Family, the Fang Family and the Murong Family. However, the Murong Family had changed their

identity to the Mo Family now. Do you know what I mean?” Chen Hao’s mother asked.

Chen Hao nodded his head.

“Ah! But without the help of the Mo Family, we can’t deal with the mysterious League of the Sun on our

own, nor will we be able to find Uncle Pingan. Then, we won’t know about the secret that revolves

around him anymore!” Chen Jindong thumped his fists on the table heavily.

“Dad, I don’t understand the curse of the Chen Family you mentioned before. Since the Chen Family is

so powerful, how can it be destroyed so easily? Besides, even if Mo Changkong wants revenge, it

doesn’t mean he will succeed. Anyhow, I don’t believe that the Chen Family will end up like the Murong

Family—being taken over by the Mo Family!” Chen Xiao protested.

Chen Jindong waved his hand. “You’re right. Even if he wants revenge—with his effort alone—it’s

impossible for him to destroy the Chen Family now like the way he destroyed the Murong Family years

ago. But, I’m afraid the Chen Family will suffer a great loss because of him! However, I’m not worried

about the loss as long as we manage to find Uncle Pingan. With him around, even if the Chen Family is

destroyed, it will be restored to its former glory, or even become a hundred times more powerful than its

current state. The Chen Family will become the most powerful and wealthy family in the world forever!

Do you understand what I mean? However, if we can’t find Uncle Pingan, then I’m afraid, within ten

years—no, not even ten years—the Chen Family will vanish forever!” Chen Jindong shook his head

and continued, “So, we must find Uncle Pingan with the help of the Mo Family!”

Chen Hao realized that his father would never tell him about the curse no matter how he tried.

“Dad, so now, we’re just going to give him half of our family’s properties? Ha! I wonder if he has the

guts to take it!” Chen Xiao argued, “I’d like to take a stand against him and we’ll see how it turns out! I

don’t believe we can’t deal with Mo Changkong using my powerful influence in North Africa.”

“Sister, dad isn’t talking about how to take on Mo Changkong now, but we need to cooperate with the

Mo Family instead. This is the only way!” Chen Hao explained.

“But, how? I don’t think the Mo Family will be interested in working with us now!” Chen Xiao said


“Well, there is a way.” Chen Hao smiled bitterly and glanced across at his parents and sister. He said

with a smile, “I have an idea.”

“Chen Hao, w-what do you mean?” Chen Jindong asked in panic; he noticed that there was a hidden

meaning in Chen Hao’s words.

“Dad, just leave the matter to me. I’ll handle it!” Chen Hao left the room after he finished his words.

“Mo Changkong, Mr. Chen and his family, and the Yang Family are friends of mine. Don’t you dare go

too far as to lay your hands on them!”

Mo Weiping and Mo Changkong were in an argument outside.

“Besides, a wealthy family like the Chen Family is not one you can simply take vengeance on. Of

course, I can keep my nose out of your business, but Mo Changkong, you must think about it clearly—

with the influence of the Chen Family around the world now—what will be the consequences and

negative effects if the Chen Family got damaged? Unlike the Murong Family from forty years ago, if

anything happens to the Chen Family now, there will be chaos everywhere and I’m sure the leader of

the Mo Family will not stay put and do nothing about it. So, do you think you can still have half of the

Chen Family’s property in peace once you break the balance?” Mo Weiping threatened before he

waved his hand and sat down.

On the other hand, Mo Changkong narrowed his eyes and frowned. He did not think about that before.

To be honest, Mo Changkong had always wanted to take over the wealthy Chen Family for a long time.

Following his long fight and struggle with the Chen Family, Mo Changkong realized the family was not

an easy target after all.

He then changed his target and aimed on taking over other wealthy families in China after the Chen

Family moved to the Southern Region.

Just now, Mo Weiping’s words reminded Mo Changkong of the Chen Family’s capability. Besides, the

leader of the Mo Family would never forgive him if anything happens. But he could not let the property

slip through his fingers easily. If I can’t get my hands on half of the property, I must at least get one third

of it! I can’t give up now! Mo Changkong thought to himself in silence.

At the same time, Chen Hao came out.

“Don’t worry, Chen Hao. We’re good friends. So Uncle Mo Weiping and I will help you!” Mo Qingying

said while walking toward Chen Hao and holding his arm.

“I know. Thank you, Qingying!” Chen Hao thanked Mo Qingying. Then, he turned to Mo Weiping and

asked, “Uncle Mo, will you stay and help the Chen Family if my conflict with the Long Family is


Mo Weiping nodded his head solemnly although he did not understand the true meaning behind Chen

Hao’s words. “Don’t worry. Your grandmother saved my son years ago, and I promised her I’ll return the

favor in case she needs any help in future. So, I’ll help the Chen Family with all my might on her

request, because the Mo Family will honor every promise we make!”

“Alright then!” Chen Hao nodded with a smile. He then turned to look at Mo Changkong. “Elder Mo

Changkong, you said you want to seek revenge on the Chen Family on behalf of the Long Family, but

you knew that the conflict is between me and the Long Family—it has nothing to do with the Chen

Family. So, if you want to avenge them, you can look for me instead of the Chen Family!”

Mo Changkong smirked. “Ha! Well, you are the eldest son of the Chen Family, so the conflict between

you and my friend is equal to the conflict between the whole of the Chen Family and my friend!”

“You’re wrong, Elder Mo Changkong. From now on, I’m no longer the eldest son of the Chen Family.

That means you can’t blame the Chen Family for what I did anymore!” Chen Hao said with a smile.

“What did you say?” Mo Changkong’s narrowed eyes suddenly widened when he heard that.

“Chen Hao, what nonsense are you talking about?” Chen Jindong moved forward and bellowed angrily

when he heard Chen Hao’s words.

Chen Hao smiled and said, “Like I said, from now on, I’ll leave the Chen Family, and that means I’m not

Young Master Chen anymore! So, Elder Mo Changkong, just take your vengeance on me! Oh yeah,

Uncle Mo, you promised to stay and help the Chen Family just now. If I leave the Chen Family now,

then the Chen Family will not be related to the conflict between me and the Long Family anymore, am I


Mo Weiping was surprised by Chen Hao’s words; he did not expect that Chen Hao would choose to

give up his fortune in order to save his family. Mo Weiping agreed with a nod. “Of course! You are no

longer related to the Chen Family, who would dare to look for trouble with the Chen Family?” He turned

to look at Mo Changkong as soon as he finished his sentence, obviously warning Mo Changkong not to

take it too far.

Mo Changkong’s eyes were burning with rage. “Ha! Leaving the Chen Family? Don’t say I never warn

you, young man, do you really think you can live after leaving the Chen Family? Even if I don’t kill you,

other enemies of the Chen Family will! By that time, if the Chen Family helps you, I’ll still have my

revenge on the Chen Family and unfortunately you, boy, will die in vain!”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. No one will help me. Of course, you can make a move once I

walk out of the Chen Family’s door,” Chen Hao said.

“Brother!” Chen Xiao was very worried about Chen Hao. She looked at Chen Jindong and pleaded,

“Dad, please, say something!”

Chen Jindong frowned slightly and his eyes reddened. He then declared with trembling lips, “Very well

then, since my son is willing to take full responsibility and leave the Chen Family on his own accord—

as a father, I promise you—if anyone dare to lay their fingers on you, I, Chen Jindong will fight them to

death with all the power of the whole Chen Family!”

Bang! Chen Jindong smashed a wine glass into pieces with his bare hand. Mo Changkong’s eyelids

were twitching when he heard that.

“Dad, what are you saying?”

“Jindong, are you crazy? He is our son!”

Both Chen Xiao and Yang Yuping were very concerned with the situation.

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