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Chapter 971

Chapter 971 Unable To Withstand

Marx had a grim expression on his face, along with a hint of fear and trepidation.


He hesitated for a moment before plucking up the courage to say, “It’s the people from F.A. They tipped

off the police and are acting as the driving force behind the scenes. Besides that, the subsidiary of

Beauvort Group is involved, too.”

These two conglomerates were among the top enterprises globally.

Now that they had suddenly joined forces, Jones Group naturally couldn’t withstand it!

Upon hearing this, Alex could feel his heart sinking.

“How could this happen?”

The fact that Red Rash Powder originated from the Jones family was something that no one should

have known.

After all, the Jones family’s original identity as the Norton family was a matter of centuries ago.

Even though Kyra had gone to the institute to find Neera previously, thus arousing their suspicions, this

matter was certainly not that easy to investigate.

But now, Jean and the Gordon family had joined forces to attack Jones Group.

This suggested that they might have already discovered something.

Alex admitted that he had somewhat underestimated Beauvort Group and Gordon Group.

Their abilities were even greater than he had imagined!

As Alex was secretly taken aback, Marx asked again, “Mr. Jones, what should we do now? At the

moment, all the major media outlets are focusing on this matter, and there are all kinds of unfavorable

comments about us on the internet.”

Alex slammed his fist on the table, growling at him in irritation, “Who has time to worry about public

opinion now? If we can’t smooth things over with the police and it really goes to court, the whole

company will be done for!”

Producing illegal drugs was a serious crime that could land the perpetrator in jail for a long time.

Moreover, if they discovered he had illicit dealings with the black market, that would be an even more

serious crime.

By then, not just the company, but the entire Jones family would be done for!

He was as anxious as a cat on a hot tin roof.

After a long pause, he murmured, “The most pressing matter is to extricate me from this situation.”

As he spoke, he pulled out his phone and dialed Benny’s number.

The situation had blown up so much that Benny already knew about it. As soon as the phone call.

connected, a barrage of complaints came through.

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“What’s going on with you? How did those factories get raided by the police? Now it’s causing a city-

wide uproar! What’s your plan to resolve this?”

Alex stood by his desk, propping his forehead up with one hand as he said, “This is all the fault of F.A

and Beauvort Group’s subsidiary. The incident happened so suddenly. I didn’t expect it, nor did I even

have time to prepare.”

“F.A and Beauvort Group?”

Benny furrowed his brow, immediately realizing that things were not as simple as they seemed.

“Your company has never had dealings with these two before, so why have they suddenly set their

sights on you? Have you done something to provoke them?”

Alex hesitated for a moment, ultimately deciding not to lie to him and told the truth.

Upon hearing this, Benny immediately burst into a tirade.

“How incredibly foolish of you! Haven’t you heard of Nancy, the miracle doctor? And that she’s Neera

Garcia? Yet you dare to play these games in front of her! You must be mad to do all this for a woman!”

Since Alex was still hoping for Benny’s help, he didn’t refute the words. “I admit I didn’t think it through

before. I originally thought there wouldn’t be any problems. I’m sorry for causing you trouble. But right

now, let’s first handle this matter. Do you think you could lend a hand?”

Even though Benny was upset, he knew that losing his temper would be pointless as he needed to

consider the bigger picture.

He gave a huff, ultimately agreeing.

Over the years, the profits he derived from those illicit drugs had been quite substantial.

Naturally, he was also reluctant to have such a lucrative opportunity ruined.

After hanging up the phone, Marx came in again, looking somewhat apprehensive.

“Mr. Jones, the shareholders are waiting for you in the conference room. They insist on your presence

to clarify the situation…”

Alex tossed his phone onto the table, his face seemingly shrouded in a cloud of gloom.

The impact of this matter was simply too significant, causing severe losses for the company.

Those shareholders had rushed over in a panic, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out they had come

to criticize him.

He was unbearably agitated, yet he knew he had no choice but to go.

While Alex was at his wit’s end, on the other side of things, Jean had made a trip to the branch office.

He was truly committed to this matter.

“Mr. Beauvort, all of Jones Group’s businesses have been affected to varying degrees. If Alex wants to

get out unscathed, he might have to find a scapegoat. Only in this way, he might avoid prison.”

Jean casually rolled up his sleeve halfway and said coldly, “Whether he can get out unscathed will

depend on whether he has the skills to do so.”

He clearly had plans in advance.

After saying that, he picked up his phone and contacted Gale, “Could you please keep an eye on this

incident with Jones Group?”

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