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Chapter 972

Chapter 972 Asking For Trouble

Gale had also heard about this matter.

Jones Group’s production of banned drugs in Essley was an illegal act, which naturally drew significant

attention from the authorities.

Hence, Gale quickly agreed, “Rest assured, I will arrange for someone to personally monitor the

upcoming progress.”

“Thank you for going through the trouble.”

Gale chuckled. “It’s unnecessary to speak so formally between us. We’ve known each other for so

long, yet you’ve never asked me for anything. Now that you finally have, I must do my best to help you


After hanging up the phone, Jean didn’t leave. Instead, he stayed at the company to handle the

company affairs.

In the afternoon, lan suddenly strode in.

“Mr. Beauvort, something’s happened. There’s a bit of a situation at Jones Group.”

Jean put down his coffee cup and looked up at his assistant. His eyes were dark and cold as he asked,

“What’s going on?”

“The tide of news has shifted somewhat. Half an hour ago, Jones Group released a statement

asserting that the factories under its umbrella were merely researching prohibited drugs. They claimed

they had not introduced them to the market. I’ve asked the police, and so far, they haven’t found any

verifiable sales channels. As for those illegal drugs appearing on the market, there’s no evidence to

prove they came from Jones Group.”

At this point, his tone carried a hint of irritation.

“In this way, Jones Group will be accused of secretly researching dangerous drugs at most, but it won’t

constitute a concrete crime. Moreover, if they handle it well by guiding public opinion, they might even

be praised for contributing to medical research! It’s simply outrageous!”

After hearing everything, Jean narrowed his eyes, his long fingers unconsciously tapping lightly on

the table.

Naturally, prohibited drugs couldn’t be sold through legitimate channels.

The only way to make huge profits without leaving any evidence for the police to find would be through

the black market.

Hence, the black market was inevitably linked to this matter.

When he arrived at that thought, the man’s eyes grew increasingly somber.

A cold laugh spilled from his lips. “They’re really asking for trouble!”

Originally, he hadn’t planned on dealing with the black market here so soon.

But now, he had changed his mind.

Since Essley’s black market dared to get involved, there was no need for him to show mercy!

Since Essley’s black market dared to get involved, there was no need for him to show mercy!

In fact, this was a perfect opportunity, as cleaning up everything in one shot would certainly save himnovelbin

some trouble.

At that moment, he ordered with a stern face, “Send all the evidence collected by Nightshade to Prince

Gale. Once he sees it, he’ll know what to do.”

Ian knew that Jean was serious this time. Snapping to attention, he set off immediately to carry out the


That evening, just as Jean was about to finish work, he received a request to meet from Gale.

Accompanying Gale was the Duke of Essley, William.

Jean invited them in and specifically asked lan to brew some tea.

Gale waved his hand in refusal. “No need for such fuss. Our main purpose for coming here this time is

to talk with you about cleaning up the black market base here.”

Not at all surprised, Jean asked in a neutral tone, “Is there a problem?”

Gale hesitated briefly before saying, “Indeed, there is! In truth, the authorities have been searching for

black market strongholds for years, but they haven’t had much success. It was only last year that they

accidentally stumbled upon one. At that time, the authorities dispatched an elite force. What they

stumbled upon was all sorts of illicit trading, which included the sale of human organs and human

trafficking. The authorities attempted to intervene, leading to a fierce clash between the two sides. The

outcome was that the elites sent suffered heavy casualties, with only a handful making it out alive. The

people in the Essley black market are not only heavily armed, but they also possess extraordinary

skills. Among them are even Bartitsu experts!”

Jean was somewhat surprised, as he didn’t expect such a situation.

It seems that the black market in Essley is more troublesome and complicated than I imagined. T

Moreover, what surprised him the most was that even Bartitsu experts had gotten involved!

Could it be that the black market in Essley is also connected with Phison?

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