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Chapter 970

Chapter 970 I Think You Are Wonderful

After arriving at the cinema, the couple chose a suspense film.

Films of this sort always created a dark, tense, and eerie atmosphere.

Today’s film was indeed a masterpiece, with scenes that could even be described as bloody.


In one scene, the police were speculating on the killer’s method of murder, and the reenactment was

extremely terrifying.

Jean originally thought that Neera would be scared.

Unexpectedly, when he glanced over, the woman was not at all afraid. On the contrary, she was

enthusiastically munching on popcorn, thoroughly engrossed in what she was watching.

Jean was somewhat surprised. He leaned in and asked her softly, “Are you not scared?”

Neera glanced at him from the corner of her eye. In the darkness, half of her face was illuminated by

the screen’s light, yet her eyes shone like stars.

“What’s there to be scared of? As a doctor, I deal with guts and gore every day when patching people

up. This is just a walk in the park.”

As she spoke, she suddenly became enthusiastic and began to whisper in his ear, playfully criticizing

the film from a doctor’s professional perspective.

“The position where the killer stabbed would be simply impossible to achieve from this angle. He

should have moved two centimeters to the side…”

While she muttered away, several girls in the adjacent seats were scared out of their wits, continually

seeking refuge in their boyfriends’ arms.

Compared to them, her carefree comments seemed to stand out as odd, no matter how one looked at


Jean found it amusing, a smile unconsciously tugging at the corner of his mouth. He didn’t interrupt her,

just patiently listened.

For some reason, he found listening to her speak far more interesting than watching the movie.

Her serious, analytical demeanor was incredibly adorable, so much so that he couldn’t take his eyes.

off her.

As Neera was speaking, she noticed his staring and stopped, muttering under her breath, “What’s the

matter? Why are you looking at me like that…”

Jean leaned in, pecking her lips lightly, his eyes filled with amusement.

“It’s nothing, just that I like you too much. No matter what, I think you’re wonderful.”

After hearing his sweet words, Neera felt a warm sensation in her heart.

Despite being together for so long, they had never dated like an ordinary couple as they were now.

In the dim light, she gazed intently at the man’s handsome features, her heart pounding. Suddenly, she

mustered the courage and leaned in to give him a kiss.

12:03 Wed, 25 novelbin

Jean reacted extremely quickly, holding her firmly to prevent her from pulling away before using his

tongue to explore her mouth.


Neera was so nervous that she could hardly stand it. Her whole body was tense as she was terrified of

being seen by others.

The man, however, brazenly ravaged her lips, stealing away all her breath.

The movie didn’t matter anymore.

In his world, she was the only thing that mattered.

And she was the same.

After what felt like an eternity, the man reluctantly let her go.

As if he could hear her frantic heartbeat, he chuckled softly, his voice a sexy, intoxicating murmur,

“Don’t be scared, no one saw.”

Neera’s lips were moist and her eyes were astonishingly bright. She shot him an annoyed glance, then

ignored him, her face flushed as she turned her attention to the big screen.

The man lifted his lips, reaching out to grab her hand before interlocking their fingers.

Neera’s heart was pounding like a drum, but she just couldn’t bear to let go.

Two hours later, the two of them returned home.

The moment the three little ones heard the door open, they excitedly ran over.

“Mommy, Daddy, why did you come back so late?”

Jean gently patted the three little heads, smiling as he said, “We were on a date, so we came back


Upon hearing this, the three little ones immediately responded with a meaningful “Oh.”

“Mommy, are you happy?” Sammy asked with a wide grin.

Neera smiled slightly. “Yeah, I’m quite happy.”

Upon hearing this, all three of them simultaneously felt a sense of relief.

It was wonderful that their parents seemed to be making great progress in their relationship.

Then, they started chattering away with Neera, sharing the fun events of the day.

As expected, Jones Group made the news first thing the next morning.

The media revealed a shocking discovery of a vast amount of prohibited drugs, with a list extending to

hundreds of varieties, unearthed from the pharmaceutical factories owned by Jones. Group.

Foreign authorities were taking this matter very seriously. They had ordered Jones Group to halt the

production of all its pharmaceutical products and to recall all drugs that had already been sold.

As Alex hadn’t slept all night, his face looked frightfully pale.

He had intervened immediately upon returning last night, instructing his subordinates to handle the

matter discreetly as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, the news still spread uncontrollably.

Just as he was at his wits’ end, his assistant rushed in to report.

“Those media outlets are impossible to control. No matter how I reach out or what incentives I offer,

they just won’t play ball. It’s as if someone is secretly pushing this matter forward!”

Alex had also realized this and was suddenly filled with uncertainty. “Who is it?”

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