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Chapter 325

Chapter 325 You’re Worse Than Strangers

Upon seeing this, lan reassured them, “Don’t worry, I’ll come up with a solution.”

After taking a moment to reflect, he formulated an idea and left

the room to contact the restaurant’s manager.

The manager greeted lan and Jean with the utmost respect, “Mr. Beauvort, Mr. lan, what brings you her

e today? Do you have any requests?”

lan nodded, handing the manager a phone and gesturing toward the adjacent room, “Please find a way

to place this phone in there without arousing suspicion.”

Though puzzled, the manager did not dare question further. Being part of the Beauvort Group’s five–

star hotel, he understood the significance of it and promptly accepted the task. He summoned a waiter,

provided instructions, and sent the waiter to private room 13.

In just under five

minutes, the waiter entered private room 13 sneakily and delivered a fruit plate as an excuse.

Before he left, he tucked

the phone behind a vase, making sure it was unnoticed. The phone had been pre–set for a call.

lan turned on the phone’s speaker and respectfully positioned it in front of Jean.

Before long, faint voices emanated from the speaker, capturing the rapt attention of the triplets who had

gathered around, listening intently and even holding their breath.

Yet, after just a few exchanges, their expressions soured upon overhearing the ongoing conversation.

Jean’s brow furrowed in response.novelbin

lan could not help but think…

This is unbelievable, the Garcia family’s audacity and lack of integrity seem to be ingrained traits passed down through generations!

It appeared their moral compass had been severely skewed.

In the adjacent room, Neera’s demeanor hardly wavered. She remained remarkably composed, having

anticipated the situation well in advance before arriving.

Her reaction seemed almost indifferent. Leaning back in her chair, she casually

regarded the two elderly individuals before her,

“I’m sure you already made up your mind about the conditions

before approaching me, didn’t you? If that’s the case, why bother asking for my opinion?”

Marnie, assuming Neera was on the brink of compromise, adopted a slightly

more domineering tone, thinking the situation was easier to manage.

“The offer for 5 percent of the Garcia Group shares isn’t bad. You should be grateful,” Marnie stated.

Neera repeated the words, her voice dripping with irony. “Grateful? How can the dilapidated state of the

Garcia family compare to the ANXIN Group? Plus, it’s useless to tell me about this. You should be disc

ussing this with Aunt Adriana. She’s the one who wants to

give it to me. You’ve come to the wrong person.”

Neera repeated the words, her voice dripping with irony. “Grateful? How can the dilapidated state of the

Garcia family compare to the ANXIN Group? Plus, it’s useless to tell me about this. You should be disc

ussing this with Aunt Adriana. She’s the one who wants to give it to me. You’ve

come to the wrong person.”

Marnie’s patience wore thin, and

she retorted, “If she were to give the company to you, could you accept it without any reservations?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Neera retorted, “Aunt Adriana has no children. If she wishes

to entrust her wealth to me, I have no objections. I would safeguard everything she’s strived so hard to

build. Besides, if you believe the Garcia Group

holds such value, why not grant the family business to Roxanne? I want nothing to do with it. Not even a measly five percent. I’m not interested.”

Upon hearing this, Roxanne was restless, her agitation palpable. Her desire for the ANXIN Group had o

nly intensified.

At that moment, she discreetly

tugged at Susan’s sleeve, a signal of her anxiety. Susan responded with a reassuring pat, urging

Roxanne to stay composed. Susan then turned

her gaze and subtly conveyed her support through raised eyebrows.

“Neera, don’t you understand simple words? Roze is the legitimate heir of the Garcia family! Plus, her c

hild will carry the Garcia family name in the future!”

Neera remained unfazed, retorting, “So what? My children’s surnames are also Garcia!”

Susan’s expression turned scornful, “How audacious of you to claim that! You are an illegitimate child.

How can you even begin to compare yourself to Roze and her child?”

The words ‘illegitimate child‘ ignited a surge of anger within Neera.

Her features grew icy, her brows furrowing and her lips

straightening into a firm line. An unspoken pressure seemed to fill the air around her.

“Should I remind you that Roxanne, the daughter you gave birth to, is also an illegitimate child?” Neera’

s tone dripped with

sarcasm as she unveiled the long–buried scandal.

“Roxanne and I were born just months apart, which serves as clear evidence that Alfonso had an affair

with my mother while she was pregnant. Isn’t she an

illegitimate child? Furthermore, you have no right to parade your moral high ground

in front of me. All of you never supported me, never acknowledged

me, and even drove me out of the family. In my eyes, you’re worse than strangers! If that’s the case, w

hat entitlement do you have to lay claim to my possessions?

Whether it’s the ANXIN Group or Startales, what belongs to me is rightfully mine, and no one

has the authority to seize it! Likewise, I won’t be swayed by your words or indulge your daydreams! I m

ay have come here today for the sake of Aunt Adriana, but that doesn’t

mean I’ll simply bow down to your wishes!”

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