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Chapter 326

Chapter 326 Don’t Try To Harass Her

Neera did not wish to remain in the room a moment longer than she had to. Rising to her feet, she

turned to leave

“Where are you going? Who said you could leave, Neera?” Marnie demanded furiously.

Neera turned halfway, meeting Marnie’s gaze squarely and coldly. She no longer felt the need

to stand in


“I’m not under anyone’s control. Whether I leave or stay, that’s my own business. There’s nothing more

to be said; this dinner is a farce anyway. I’ll show myself out. I wouldn’t want to interrupt this cozy dome

stic bliss after all.”

Before she could take another step, Gladeon barked, “Neera, walt!”

Neera’s brow furrowed slightly, and her expression grew even frostier. Visibly impatient, she shot back,

“Well, what is it? I’ve said all that needs to be said.”

Gladeon knew that it would be useless to continue arguing back and forth. Taking a deep breath, he sw

iftly changed the subject. “Since you don’t want to discuss the family assets, we’ll drop the matter for no

w. However, as your grandfather, I’d like to ask a favor from you. Could you introduce Roze to Dr. Nanc

y? You know she has a

you don’t heart condition and needs urgent medical intervention. No matter what, she’s still

your sister. Even if want to acknowledge it, it’s a reality you can’t change. As her older sister, it’s your d

uty to try and help her!”

Unfortunately for Gladeon, Neera had anticipated something like this. Deadpan, she looked over at him

and asked dryly, “Anything else? First, you try to force me to hand over Aunt Adriana’s assets, and no

w you want me to introduce Roze to a doctor who can cure her. What’s next on your list of demands?”

Gladeon blinked, disconcerted, then hastily responded, “Nothing! You just have to promise to do me thi

s one favor, that’s all!”novelbin

Neera laughed derisively. “Oh really? Nothing else? I was under the impression that I was somehow ter

ribly indebted to all of you. Otherwise, why would all of you be so worried and impatient? You won’t rest

until I’ve handed everything over to you…”

Her tone was enigmatic. Her frosty gaze went around the room, taking in everyone’s expression. Abrup

tly, she laughed, but there was no humor in it.

“What a joke! Every time you open your mouth, it’s to remind me that Roxanne is my sister, that Alfonso

is my dad, that I should think about the family. You demand money from me, you demand I give you w

ork collaborations, family assets, and an introduction to Dr. Nancy. But have you ever shown a single o

unce of concern for me? From the time I came back from Essley until now, have any of you asked how

I was, or taken any interest in how life was for me in a foreign country for so many years? No! Instead,

all you’ve done is to constantly berate me about how I’m not fit to be a Garcia and that my children are i

llegitimate because they were conceived out of wedlock! You disowned me without even bothering to di

g deeper for the truth all those years back.. you seriously don’t expect me to believe that you don’t kno

w who the true guilty party was? The person who schemed and slandered me, who destroyed my innoc

ence and made me a hissing and a byword, do you dare tell me to my face you don’t know who was re


She went on, her words relentless, cutting, and increasingly colder as she spoke.

“You drove me out of the family. And now you brazenly come to me for something, expecting me to han

d it to you! Do you even know how ridiculous you are? Have you even looked into the mirror recently at

your hypocritical selves? I’ve never come across such disgusting individuals in my entire life! Consider t

his my request to you;

since you’ve never given me anything, stop shamelessly trying to get anything from me. I don’t owe all

of you anything. Understood?”

In the private room next door, Jean listened to what was going on and felt a sudden ache in his heart a

s if it had been gripped by a vice. He had never felt this way before…

The triplets‘ faces were red with rage. Unable to restrain themselves any longer, they dashed out and s

hoved open the door to the next room, charging in belligerently

“That’s right! Our mommy doesn’t owe you disgusting Garcias anything! From now on, you leave her al

one and don’t even think of trying to harass her!”

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