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Chapter 324

Chapter 324 All of Them Are Shameless

Upon hearing this, Neera’s heart churned with a sense of discomfort.

They mentioned Aunt Adriana’s company as soon as I opened my mouth. I guess they had a purpose f

or wanting to meet up with me.

Her response lacked politeness as she straightforwardly and dispassionately remarked, “Aunt

Adriana has always been one to accomplish her endeavors humbly, not seeking attention. Unlike certai

n people who feel the need to flaunt their achievements, craving acknowledgement from everyone! Plu

s, Aunt Adriana has no obligation to tell you about her achievements. After all, she painstakingly built he

r company from the ground. up. Whether she chooses to share or not is all up to her.”

Roxanne interrupted, her dissatisfaction evident, “That’s

not what I meant. If Aunt Adriana truly cared about the Garcia family, she would collaborate with us to el

evate both companies. If the ANXIN Group could merge with the Garcia Group, we would have become

a renowned multinational powerhouse, significantly enhancing our stature both domestically and intern


Neera thought that Roxanne

was out of her mind and decided it was not worth engaging in an argument with.

She retorted sharply, “Aunt Adriana has

developed the ANXIN Group from nothing to its current prosperous state. Meanwhile, the Garcia family

has been going downhill for years, teetering on the edge

of collapse. Roxanne, do you not find it absurd to discuss the merger of two companies in such

disparate circumstances?”

Roxanne faltered momentarily, struggling to find a retort, her expression turning sour.

Alfonso’s mood mirrored the negativity in the room.

Was it possible that

he did not grasp the implication? Neera entertained the idea that perhaps his words were merely

a mockery. He appeared clueless about effective business management, leading to the downfall of the

Garcia family.

Marnie also perceived the underlying tone and grew annoyed. With a stern expression, she slapped the

table, voicing her displeasure, “Young lady, is this the way you address your father with such sharp wornovelbin

ds? Do you no longer hold any respect for your elders? Have you forgotten the values of courtesy

for those older and younger than you?”

Neera remained seated in her chair, her gaze fixed on Roxanne, not paying attention to the lecture.

“I’m just telling the truth. Grandma, why are you getting so upset? It’s

not worth getting worked up over. Besides, didn’t the two of you invite me for dinner tonight? Yet, neithe

r of you has taken a single bite of this meal. Instead, you’re discussing matters

related to the ANXIN Group inside and out. Is your focus always on the ANXIN Group?”

Upon hearing Neera’s words, the elder members of the Garcia family underwent a sudden

change in demeanor.

Considering their status as elders, they believed they deserved respect from this young girl no matter t

he circumstances.

But her straightforward manner of speaking caught them off guard!

Her words held a clear undercurrent of irony!

Marnie’s expression turned grim.

She no longer wanted to beat around the bush when it came to this point.

“Your grandfather and I are old, you can’t blame us. However, the ANZIN Group stands as a product of

bre Adriana’s hard work. It’s only logical that both you and Roze, who are her nieces, should have a sta

ke in it. Yet, now that you’re married and part of another family, it falls upon Roze to shoulder the respo

nsibility of tending to our family and carrying on the family lineage! Roze is a dutiful person, and she an

d Zach agreed that their future children will bear the Garcia family name, thereby extending the Gardia

family’s legacy Hence, she possesses the qualifications to inherit all of Aunt Adriana’s assert

She paused, she slowed down. “Of course, considering you share the same bloodline, I don’t intend to

shortchange you so severely, I’m willing to give you 5 percent of the Gardia Group’s shares. What do y

ou think?

Neera felt disgusted upon hearing these words,

The members of the Garcia family were so different from each other. It was truly repugnant!

Could someone of their age say such things?

The Garcia Group was now in shambles, a mere shadow of its former self its overall value hardly amou

nted to a tenth of the ANXIN Group’s!

Did they feel no embarrassment or remorse as she spoke these words?


While Neera was engaged in conversation with the García family members, Jean entered the adjacent

room with the triplets in tow.

Initially, the triplets pressed their cars against the dividing wall between the two chambers, attempting t

o catch fragments of the ongoing discussion.

However, the soundproofing in the room was rather effective, making it challenging for them to hear the

conversation taking place next door….

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