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Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493


From beginning to end, her tone was very calm, completely devoid of any emotional undertones. It was

as if she were telling someone else’s story.

But as her words fell, Wrenn’s face was already covered in tears.

While Neera spoke, she kept her eyes downcast, her fingers idly caressing the rim of the cup. Now, she

looked up novelbin

and couldn’t help but pause.

She opened her mouth, then closed it again, taking a long moment before she softly asked, “Why are

you crying…


There was a hint of helplessness in her tone.

She pulled out a piece of tissue paper and handed it to Wrenn. “It’s all in the past now. For me, those

things have become an insignificant past.”

Wrenn was crying so hard that her eyes became red and swollen.

She took the piece of tissue, wiping away the tear stains on her face. Yet, her tears fell even more

fiercely, leaving her unable to utter a single word for quite some time.

After a long pause, she was still crying, her voice filled with sobs. Suddenly, she said, “Neera, if only I

had known about your past, I would never have treated you that way, no matter what…”

To Neera’s surprise, Wrenn’s first words were actually these, leaving her slightly stunned.

And the words that followed caused a slight change in her expression.

“Neera, you were so young, and life was so tough for you. Those years must have been very hard,

weren’t they…”

Neera was taken aback once again.

When Adriana came to take her away years ago, the first thing she said upon meeting Neera was the


At that time, Adriana was gently stroking her face, tears streaming down just as much as Wrenn was,

utterly heartbroken.

Neera pursed her lips, murmuring gently, “No matter how hard it was, it’s all in the past now.”

But the more she downplayed it, the more it hurt Wrenn’s heart.

She had never truly understood Neera’s past.

Upon hearing about those past events now, she felt such deep regret. She was filled with both sorrow

and remorse.

Those experiences were beyond her wildest imagination.

She had never experienced such a life, nor had she ever seen it.

Just how strong is this girl to grit her teeth and persevere in such an environment?

10:25 Sat, 9 Dec


She’s like a sapling, thrown into the muck yet not giving up, tenaciously drawing on every bit of hope

that can keep her alive.

The fact that Neera could endure all these hardships was truly a testament to her immense courage

and tenacious determination.

The more Wrenn thought about it, the more it hurt her heart. If only she had taken the time to

understand Neera from the very beginning instead of being swayed by others and listening to the lies

from those with ulterior motives, perhaps so many things wouldn’t have happened later on.

Neera’s origin, background, and experiences – none of these were things she could choose for


But even so, she remained resilient, growing into the person she is today and reaching heights that no

one else could possibly attain.

Her spirit was like no other!

Wrenn lamented silently. Why is it only now, at this moment, that I realize how wildly wrong I was?

Observing how Wrenn was crying her heart out, Neera took a deep breath, handed her another tissue,

and began to comfort her instead.

“It’s really okay; everything is in the past now. Compared to my current life, those past experiences

don’t matter much. I didn’t feel it was hard at the time, and looking back now, I don’t think it was that

difficult. We all have to take life one step at a time. Even if the days are terrible, we still have to live

each day as it comes.”

Wrenn listened with a heavy heart, unable to fathom the amount of hardship Neera must have endured

behind her nonchalant facade.

After Wrenn had cried enough, she began to feel angry again.

“If only I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t have let those two leave so easily!”

Neera didn’t really care either way.

“It doesn’t matter to me how easy they had it. I just don’t want to have any involvement with them

anymore. I’ve already repaid all past favors I owe them. What I should have done, and even what I

shouldn’t have done, I’ve done it all. Even if this matter gets exposed, I have nothing to fear. I don’t

care about others pointing fingers at me or what they might say, so you don’t need to worry about me

too much. If you run into them in the future, do as you please. There’s no need to hold back on my


Upon hearing this, Wrenn lightly bit her lip, suddenly letting out a long sigh.

“Neera, don’t you understand yet? To me, you are like my own daughter now. Whatever I do that has

anything related to you, I will definitely consider your feelings. I just regret that I understood you too

late, that I once listened to one-sided stories and treated you so poorly. If I had known how hard it had

been for you, I would never have treated you that way…”

Neera looked into her eyes, a smirk abruptly tugging at the corner of her lips.

“I understand your feelings, and I’ll say it again: what’s past is past. Whether it’s my past experiences,

or previous misunderstandings, you had your convictions back then, and I don’t blame you. As for what

happened with Thora later, you had your thoughts, and your intentions were good. It ultimately led to

serious consequences, but you’ve learned your lesson. There’s nothing more to say about it. Now… it’s

all in the past.”

When she said, “It’s all in the past,” it wasn’t just a casual remark but what she truly felt inside.

She had no intention of holding on to that matter, nor did she dwell too much on the past either.

She had noticed Wrenn’s new attitude toward her.

Her heart wasn’t made of stone. She understood the concept of sincerity being met with sincerity.

That was also the reason that she shared her past with Wrenn today.

If she were talking to someone she wasn’t familiar with, she wouldn’t utter a single extra word.

Wrenn stared at her for a moment before she suddenly laughed, though her eyes were filled with tears

This time, she wasn’t shedding tears of sadness but of joy.

“Neera, thank you for being willing to say these things to me today. Really, I’m very grateful to you, and

thank you for forgiving me…”

Neera smiled gently. “Stop crying, or else if Jean sees this, he might think I’m bullying you.”

Wrenn chuckled. “That naughty boy, from the very beginning, he’s only sided with you, not caring about

my thoughts or feelings. They say that a man who marries forgets his mother. I didn’t believe it at first,

but later, I found out it was true. Even if he saw me crying, he wouldn’t think it was because you upset


At the turn of the staircase, Jean heard the conversation between the two. His eyebrows raised slightly,

and a curve formed at the corner of his mouth.

That evening, Wrenn personally cooked, preparing a table full of dishes.

After receiving his dry needling treatment session, Frederic lay down for a while. He felt much better

now, so when he descended the stairs, he was noticeably more energetic.

Looking at the lavish feast, he exclaimed, “It’s only because you were willing to return that this VIP was

willing to personally cook, Neera. We’re not so lucky to receive this honor.”

Wrenn glanced at him. “I see you’re feeling better, and now you’re looking for trouble again.”

Frederic closed his mouth, immediately falling silent.

Jean and Neera couldn’t help but laugh when they saw it, and the three little ones did the same.

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