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Chapter 1492

Chapter 1492


Neera pursed her lips, her gaze drifting downward to land on the pair of hands that were holding hers.

Thanks to meticulous care, those hands remained fair and slender, their skin delicate. Even under the

light, they emanated a lustrous glow.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and with an indifferent expression, she gently withdrew her hand.

Her hands now grasping air, Wrenn felt as if her heart was also empty, inexplicably overwhelmed by a

profound sense of disappointment.

Did I fail again…

Is she still unable to accept me?

Then again, I had indeed been so foolish, committing so many extreme mistakes and even almost

harming Jean. Why on earth should she forgive me?

Even she herself had not completely moved on from the regrets of the past.

She felt an intense bitterness in her heart, yet she dared not let it show on her face, fearing that Neera

would be repulsed or upset if she saw it.

Therefore, she could only console herself. It’s okay. If Neera still can’t accept me, it just means I’m not

doing enough yet. I just need to continue to work hard.

Even if Neera would give her the cold shoulder for the rest of her life, it didn’t matter. In any case,

Wrenn would continue to give her all for her and Jean, as she always had.

From now on, no matter what happens, I will treat this girl as if she were my own daughter, doing

everything in my power to protect her.

With these thoughts in mind, she took a deep breath, intending to act as if nothing had happened and

instead comfort Neera.

“It’s okay. If you don’t want to talk about it now, then don’t. After all, I know that your relationship with

them isn’t good, and they haven’t been good to you either. That’s all there is to it. Don’t worry; if I see

them in the future, I won’t engage with them.” novelbin

After she finished speaking, she moved to get up. “You rest for a while. It’s almost dinner time. I’ll go

and personally make your favorite dishes for you-”

Before she could finish her sentence, Neera suddenly spoke up. “Indeed, they were not competent

adoptive parents. I can’t deny everything that happened over the years, but in my heart, they are not

my family at all.”

Hearing her suddenly open up, Wrenn was first taken aback. Then she couldn’t help but reveal a look

of surprise and joy, her eyes lighting up.

She sat back down, her gaze intensely fixed on Neera. In a soft voice, she asked, “Did they treat you

poorly? Did they abuse you?”

While collecting her thoughts, Neera unconsciously tapped her fingers lightly on the edge of the tea

table before responding.

10:25 Sat, 9 Dec RR.

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“I suppose so. Back then, they couldn’t afford to send me to school, so they had me work. I had to get

up before dawn, carry a basket on my back, and go chop wood. After chopping wood, I had to go home

and cook for the whole family. After sending my younger brother to school, I had to return home and

continue working. I had to do all sorts of work, and if I didn’t finish, I couldn’t eat. Moreover, if they

thought I wasn’t doing a good job, they would either hit or scold me. I could only do my best, but even

so, I couldn’t satisfy them. They would find all sorts of faults with me. I had no other choice but to

endure. However, due to the long list of chores, I often missed out on hot meals. Even in winter, I had

to make do with leftovers. As I hit a growth spurt, my appetite increased, but I often didn’t get enough to

eat, which made me very thin, like skin and bones.

At this point, she laughed lightly, as if it was nothing.

“I still remember when the Garcia family first brought me back from the countryside. The way they

looked at me was as if I were a beggar. I was dressed in tattered clothes, my face was pale, and I was

thin due to malnutrition. Even the servants of the Garcia family seemed more like the masters of the

house than I did. Besides that, the Garcia family all kept their distance from me, unwilling to share a

meal with me at the same table, as if they were afraid I carried some contagious disease that could

infect them. From a young age, I had developed the ability to read people’s faces, so I eventually

stopped going downstairs for meals and ate in my room instead. Fortunately, although the Garcia

family didn’t particularly like me, they never deprived me of food and even allowed me to attend school.

Gradually, I began to feel more like a human being.”

Pausing to take a breath, she continued, “Later on, I was set up by Roxanne. Deemed useless, I was

once again driven out of the Garcia family. Pregnant and alone with nowhere to turn, the only place I

could think of was that humble dwelling in the countryside that I could hardly call home. Even if it meant

endless chores, even if I couldn’t have a warm meal, even if I couldn’t get enough to eat, at least it was

a place that could shelter me from the wind and rain. Even if it was a dilapidated little wooden hut with

a hard bed, it was enough. But my hopes were dashed. They refused to accept me, thinking I was

carrying an illegitimate child and would become a burden to them. They begrudged even giving me a

meal, let alone supporting a pregnant woman like me. They didn’t even let me in the house; they just

drove me out. I often think if it wasn’t for Wilfrid running out to question me, secretly giving me his

pocket money so I could stay in a small hotel for a night or two, I might not have been able to hold on

until Aunt Adriana came to find me. I still remember when she finally found me, she couldn’t help but

cry when she saw how pitiful I looked. She hugged me without any hint of disgust, continuously

whispering apologies in my ear for being too late, that she should have come back to take me away

sooner. That was the first time I ever felt the warmth of family love. It was as hot as the tears my aunt

shed on my neck.”

She revealed another smile. This time, it was a smile that came from the heart.

10:25 Sat, 9 Dec R


endure. However, due to the long list of chores, I often missed out on hot meals. Even in winter, I had

to make do with leftovers. As I hit a growth spurt, my appetite increased, but I often didn’t get enough to

eat, which made me very thin, like skin and bones.

At this point, she laughed lightly, as if it was nothing.

“I still remember when the Garcia family first brought me back from the countryside. The way they

looked at me was as if I were a beggar. I was dressed in tattered clothes, my face was pale, and I was

thin due to malnutrition. Even the servants of the Garcia family seemed more like the masters of the

house than I did. Besides that, the Garcia family all kept their distance from me, unwilling to share a

meal with me at the same table, as if they were afraid I carried some contagious disease that could

infect them. From a young age, I had developed the ability to read people’s faces, so I eventually

stopped going downstairs for meals and ate in my room instead. Fortunately, although the Garcia

family didn’t particularly like me, they never deprived me of food and even allowed me to attend school.

Gradually, I began to feel more like a human being.”

Pausing to take a breath, she continued, “Later on, I was set up by Roxanne. Deemed useless, I was

once again driven out of the Garcia family. Pregnant and alone with nowhere to turn, the only place I

could think of was that humble dwelling in the countryside that I could hardly call home. Even if it meant

endless chores, even if I couldn’t have a warm meal, even if I couldn’t get enough to eat, at least it was

a place that could shelter me from the wind and rain. Even if it was a dilapidated little wooden hut with

a hard bed, it was enough. But my hopes were dashed. They refused to accept me, thinking I was

carrying an illegitimate child and would become a burden to them. They begrudged even giving me a

meal, let alone supporting a pregnant woman like me. They didn’t even let me in the house; they just

drove me out. I often think if it wasn’t for Wilfrid running out to question me, secretly giving me his

pocket money so I could stay in a small hotel for a night or two, I might not have been able to hold on

until Aunt Adriana came to find me. I still remember when she finally found me, she couldn’t help but

cry when she saw how pitiful I looked. She hugged me without any hint of disgust, continuously

whispering apologies in my ear for being too late, that she should have come back to take me away

sooner. That was the first time I ever felt the warmth of family love. It was as hot as the tears my aunt

shed on my neck.”

She revealed another smile. This time, it was a smile that came from the heart.

“Later, I followed Aunt Adriana abroad and began to live a life of luxury, a drastic change from my past.

My aunt, both materially and spiritually, made me experience true abundance. She treated me almost

like her own daughter, spoiling me with all she had. Under her and my teacher’s careful guidance, I

made rapid progress. In just a few years, I was able to stand on my own. The first sum of money I

earned, I gave it all to Maggie and Nigel. Even though I had suffered greatly at their hands, I knew that

without them, I might not have had the chance to survive. I held no gratitude toward them, but neither

did I harbor much resentment. I consider that money as my way of repaying them for raising me back

then. In truth, that sum of money was enough for them to live comfortably for the rest of their lives.

However, I ended up sending them a few more payments. Not for any other reason but to give myself

some peace of mind. I wanted to sever all ties with them, yet I was afraid they might pester

which is why I did what I did. But in the end, I underestimated their greed and the insatiable. nature of

human desire. They were like a bottomless pit. No matter how much I gave, it was never enough for

them. It felt as though I’d suddenly become their cash machine, someone they could reach out to for

money whenever they wanted, and I had to comply without question. Otherwise, I’d be seen as an

ungrateful, conscienceless ingrate. At first, this upset me. Eventually, I came to understand that I

shouldn’t punish myself for others’ mistakes. Later on, I completely cut off contact with them and

changed my number. It wasn’t until I had a falling out with Jean that they found me again. They

probably saw the news and found out about my current lifestyle, and that’s why they started getting

ideas again.”


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