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Chapter 1494

Chapter 1494

That night, Jean was holding Neera in bed as he kissed her forehead and said, “Thank you.”

Neera blinked at him, puzzled. “What? Why the sudden appreciation?”

Jean held her close, his fingers threading through her soft, thick hair, gently stroking it. When he spoke,

his voice was warm and tender.

“Thank you for opening your heart to my mother and accepting her.” novelbin


Neera was first taken aback, then she laughed. “What difference does it make whether I accept her or

not? She is, after all, your mother. That’s not something that can be changed, and your relationship

can’t be severed. Besides, it’s not like she has committed some unforgivable crime. Why should I hold

onto it?”

Jean raised an eyebrow. “In any case, I want to say thank you. Because of what you said today, my

mother has clearly relaxed a lot. I could tell she was genuinely happy tonight, not just trying to please


Neera let out a “hmm” and said, “I’m not a fool. I can tell whether someone is trying to curry favor or

treating me sincerely. At first, she was indeed trying to win my forgiveness, deliberately trying to please

me. But everything she did afterward, I understood. As for the matter of my adoptive parents, she could

have easily turned them away, but she didn’t. From that, I know she truly has my best interests at


At this point, she paused, then continued, “As for me, I always remember those who treat me well, and

I repay their kindness tenfold, even a hundredfold. As for past issues, we had different perspectives

and misunderstandings, but let’s leave it at that. She’s been through a lot. As long as she understands,

that’s enough.”

She finished speaking, then it was as if she remembered something. Pulling away from his embrace,

she blinked her large eyes repeatedly.

“You used to always tell me not to be so formal with you, that there’s no need to say thank you. But why

are you being formal with me today? I don’t like hearing this, you know.”

Jean’s eyes darkened slightly. “All right, I won’t speak. I’ll just act.”

After he finished speaking, he suddenly rolled over, pinning her beneath him…

The next day, when Neera woke up, still groggy from sleep, the sun was already high in the sky.

The warmth had already left the bedding next to her, nor was Jean anywhere in sight. Evidently, he had

been up for quite some time.

Neera glanced at her phone in a daze, only to realize it was already past ten.

Just as she was about to put it down, she suddenly noticed that Isabella had sent over a dozen

messages, and there were several missed calls. She was taken aback.

Rubbing her eyes, she opened the messages with curiosity to read them. As she scrolled down, her

expression grew increasingly serious.

Isabella: Holy cr*p, I’m really done. How can your adoptive parents be so shameless?

They have the audacity to release audio clips: they must have deliberately edited them!

10:26 Sat, 9 De


Why won’t you answer my calls? Are you still sleeping? If you don’t wake up soon, the public discourse

is only going to get more heated!

Oh, my heart is about to explode, all because of their vexing behavior! Does Mr. Beauvort know about

this? Please find a way to suppress things. This can’t go on…

In addition to those messages, Isabella had also sent some screenshots.

They were all of various discussions on the internet.

It turned out that after being driven out of Beauvort Manor yesterday, Maggie and Nigel, unwilling to

accept their fate, actually sought out the media and started accusing Neera and the Beauvort family


The accusations were the same old ones – ungrateful wretch, heartless, the Beauvort family bullying

others by flaunting their power, and so on.

The most crucial part was that they even allowed the media to release the recording of the previous

phone call where they had asked Neera for money under the guise of medical expenses.

Suddenly, the internet exploded with all sorts of comments.

I remember there were rumors before saying that Neera was at odds with her adoptive parents. So, it’s

true? I didn’t expect Neera to be such a person behind the scenes. I see so many people praising her,

saying how good she is, but she’s so unfilial, even neglecting her own gracious adoptive parents.

Indeed, she’s one person in public and another in private.

Neera sounds so heartless in that recording. There’s no room for negotiation at all. Her adoptive father

is unwell, and she doesn’t even suggest going to see him, let alone offer to pay for his medical

expenses. Doesn’t she have any shame?

What an ungrateful wretch she is, showing her preference for wealth over poverty. Sure, her adoptive

parents may be poor and from the countryside, but they’ve raised her all these years. Without them,

she would probably have starved to death by now. Now that she’s come into great wealth and attached

herself to her aunt, mingling with the likes of the Beauvort and Gordon families, she looks down on the

adoptive parents who painstakingly raised her. What kind of person is she? It’s such a disappointment!

Ah… How could this be? I used to be quite fond of her, but who would have thought she’d be so

heartless? Isn’t filial piety the most fundamental virtue? She should learn how to be a decent human

being first before claiming to be a goddess!

A goddess, really? Do you think someone like her deserves to be called a goddess? If you ask me, her

adoptive parents shouldn’t have taken her in. They should have let her starve to death outside. That

would have been a service to the community. There’s no room for mercy when dealing with such a

disrespectful and disobedient person!

My eyes have truly been opened. I never expected her to have such indifference toward her own

adoptive parents in private. She sure is good at putting on an act! And the Beauvort family, how did

they end up with such a daughter-in-law? Why are they still protecting her? No matter how wealthy or

influential they are, it doesn’t give them the right to bully people like this. It’s truly outrageous!

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