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Chapter 5416

After a momentary pause, Aemon continued, his voice filled with urgency, “Moreover, they have beenachieving victory after victory recently and they are on the verge of a breakthrough. If we don’teliminate them, we’ll face even greater troubles in the future! My Lord, this crisis is unlike anythingwe’ve faced before. We can’t afford to hesitate any longer!”

Morgana fell into a momentary silence. Aemon’s words had struck a chord, stirring anxiety andapprehension within her. She knew that his concerns held merit. If she allowed the opposing faction tocontinue growing in secrecy, they would pose a significant threat to her own future.

With a determined grit of her teeth, she spoke, “Notify the Chinese military’s governor’s officeimmediately. Ask them to dispatch their top scouts to Aurous Hill via plane for investigation! Within ahundred meters of the explosion site, once dawn breaks tomorrow, as long as they fly over WillowEstates, they should be able to locate the exact spot of the explosion!”

“If it is confirmed that Gideon has perished in the explosion, I will allow the three elders to intervene.They will go to Aurous Hill and work together to track down that person. We will tear their bodies intopieces and ensure they never pose a threat again!”


On the other side.

The helicopter piloted by Maria was now directly above the epicenter of the explosion. Since Anne hadalready taken the Remodeling Pill, he could hardly move his body. Thus, Maria took the reins,activating the helicopter’s searchlights as it flew low over the entire valley, nose tilted downward,carefully surveying the area below.

Meanwhile, Anne was experiencing the profound healing and regeneration of his bones, organs,muscles and meridians. Luckily, his injuries weren’t as severe as Jack’s were back then, so the

recovery process was much quicker.

At the same time, Zeba found herself nestled within a natural crevice, seeking temporary refuge afterenduring significant injuries. Her meridians, dantian and internal organs were severely damaged. Shehad managed to find solace under a boulder, taking shelter there after enduring great hardship.

Originally, her plan was to hide there, recover for a few days and then find a way to leave. In herestimation, even though Anne had seen her at the moment of the explosion, the power of Gideon’sself-destruction was so immense that Anne was likely doomed.

Therefore, she concluded that no one on the other side knew of her existence, allowing her to heal herwounds in peace.

However, she never expected that just as she began to entertain such wishful thinking, anotherhelicopter appeared. It circled the valley as if searching for something. She wondered to herself, “Couldit be that those people couldn’t find Anne and refused to give up, so they returned?”

With that thought, a sense of relief washed over her. She whispered to herself, “As long as they don’tcome for me!”

Then, she suddenly thought of the British Lord and internally exclaimed, “Today, Gideon blew himselfup and I vanished along with him. The Lord will surely investigate thoroughly and I must ensure shedoesn’t discover I’m still alive!”

She then retrieved her mobile phone. The phone was in complete disarray, deformed and battered.Even the battery had swollen due to the impact. Seeing this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief,believing it impossible for the phone to continue transmitting her location to her.

Approximately ten minutes later, Anne fully recovered from the effects of the Remodeling Pill. Hestretched his neck and vigorously extended his body within the confined cabin. No longer did he

resemble a severely injured and feeble individual.

Maria, astounded, exclaimed, “My Lord, have you recovered?”

Anne nodded and replied, “My body has healed, but my reiki is still lacking.”

He then took out two more Regeneration Pills and placed them into his mouth. As the elixir entered hisabdomen, it transformed into pure reiki, coursing through his entire body via the restored meridians anddantian.

Anne felt the surge of aura returning, filling him with indescribable comfort.

Beside him, Maria sensed his body brimming with reiki once again and exclaimed in surprise, “It seemsthe Young Master has fully recovered!”

Anne nodded slightly and couldn’t help but sigh, “My body has indeed recovered, but the ring’s needsare still present. It requires an abundance of reiki, so this can only be addressed gradually. Miss Clark,did you find anything in this valley?”

“If she is still alive with a high probability. Moreover, as we flew at low altitude, the strong wind from thehelicopter could displace vegetation. Considering her severe injuries, it is highly unlikely that sheclimbed out of the mountains herself. There is a high probability she is hiding at the base of thesurrounding mountains. We should descend and conduct a thorough search.”

Anne nodded, expressing his agreement, “Miss Clark’s theory is quite reasonable. In that case, pleaselower the helicopter’s altitude as much as possible to the mountain’s base and I will utilize my reiki toinvestigate.”

“Alright!” Maria immediately reduced the helicopter’s altitude to the lowest level, almost grazing thetreetops as it slowly flew toward the mountain’s base.novelbin

Anne released his aura, utilizing it to perceive the whereabouts of Zeba.

Meanwhile, Zeba found herself at the far end of the valley. Observing the helicopter not only refusing todepart but instead lowering its altitude, gradually approaching her position along the mountain’s base,her heart raced in her chest.

She was acutely aware of her current predicament. If discovered, she didn’t need an expert to end herlife. Even a ten-year-old child could effortlessly accomplish the task. Furthermore, she knew that fallinginto the hands of the Evans family would only result in a more tragic fate.

The Warriors Den had already killed Lily and her husband Bruce of the Evans family twenty years ago,embedding a hidden thread within the Evans family for two decades. They had even made twoattempts to annihilate the Evans family. Moreover, Lily and Bruce’s son, Anne Wade, fell victim toGideon’s self-destruction earlier that day. At this moment, the Evans family regarded the Warriors Denas a mortal enemy among mortal enemies!

Nervous and strained, she exerted every ounce of effort to conceal herself deeper, hoping the boulder’scover would shield her from detection by the opposing helicopter. She believed that the other partyconsisted of ordinary individuals unaware of the existence of aura. She concluded that they weremerely searching for Ludwig, paying no attention to anyone hiding beneath the boulder.

Little did she know that Anne had discovered her location not through sight but through his heightenedperception of aura.

As Maria guided the helicopter, diligently searching along the mountain’s base, Anne’s expressionsuddenly froze. He immediately pointed to a dark area on the left and said to Maria, “Over there!”

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