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Chapter 5415

As Maria took off in the lightweight helicopter once again, thousands of miles away, Morgana anxiouslypaced back and forth in the headquarters of the Warriors Den.

Despite being four hundred years old, Morgana appeared as if she were in her thirties, radiating bothcharm and a formidable aura. At this moment, her restlessness was evident on her face, making herquite intimidating.

The last time Morgana experienced such restlessness was when she and Lucius Clark were firstchased into Shiwan Mountain by the invading army. Although she had never found Maria over theyears, the cat-and-mouse game lasting for three hundred years had never caused her such anxiety.

What troubled her the most at this moment was the disappearance of the two marshals under hercommand, who had been out of contact for over an hour. She had no idea what they had encountered.

Morgana’s greatest concern was the fate of the two marshals. Jarvis’s death and the destruction of theentire Cyprus slain garrison had already caused great panic within the Warriors Den. If these twomarshals also encountered unforeseen circumstances, the Warriors Den would undoubtedly plungeinto unprecedented turmoil after more than three hundred years.

Just as she grew increasingly anxious, a knock sounded at the door, and an old man’s respectful voicecame from outside, “My Lord, subordinate Aemon seeks an audience.”

Morgana coldly replied, “Enter!”

With a wave, the heavy iron door opened automatically.

An old man in a long robe quickly walked inside. This person was Aemon Mirren.

Aemon Mirren, a direct descendant of the Mirren family and the bloodline of Morgana’s elder brotherCedric Mirren’s son, was now 110 years old. Highly regarded by Morgana, he served as her most

trusted confidant and the think tank of the entire Warriors Den.

As he entered the room, Aemon respectfully said, “My Lord, I have obtained some rumors regardingAurous Hill…”

Morgana impatiently interrupted, “Get to the point!”

Aemon reported, “I found some information on the local network and short video accounts. Tonight,there were continuous thunderous sounds near the Willow Estates where the Evans family resides.Moreover, an extremely powerful explosion occurred in that area, its sound reaching across AurousHill. I could hear it clearly…”

Morgana’s expression turned cold as she anxiously inquired, “An explosion? What kind of explosion?Was it similar to the thunder from before or more like a bomb blast?”

Aemon responded, “My Lord, it was indeed an explosion!”

Frowning, Morgana asked, “If it truly was an explosion, perhaps Gideon died while trying to break theWarriors Den…”

Aemon exclaimed, “My Lord… What kind of enemy could be so strong that it caused Gideon’s death?”

Aemon had been practicing martial arts under Morgana’s guidance since childhood. Additionally, hewas her confidant, so he understood the actions Morgana had taken against the Four Marshals with theSoul Palace.

At this moment, even Morgana felt a twinge of worry. She muttered to herself, “Gideon was alreadyformidable and with the magical artifact I gave him, he became even stronger. If he truly perished, itmeans the one who caused his death must be even more powerful than him…”

As she spoke, Morgana couldn’t help but marvel, “I never expected there to be such Masters in AurousHill. Based on my knowledge of the Evans family, it is highly unlikely that they would have anyconnection with such powerful individuals. So, what is the background of this person?”

Aemon couldn’t help but ask, “My Lord, it seems that this person must be acquainted with the Evansfamily. Otherwise, why would they save the Evans family in a critical moment?”

With a gloomy expression, Morgana shook her head, “I don’t know. If Gideon truly perished, hisopponent must be a stronger cultivator. However, I’ve had people secretly monitoring the Evans familyfor many years and I haven’t found any connections between the Evans family and any cultivators.”

Aemon inquired further, “Could it be that Gideon accidentally offended a local expert in Aurous Hill?”

Morgana pondered for a moment and said, “That possibility cannot be ruled out. I stumbled upon themagical artifact by chance. If there is a magical artifact, it’s highly likely that there are cultivatorsnearby. Moreover, I’m beginning to doubt whether the magical artifact Gideon discovered in Aurous Hillwas actually a trap set by the other party long ago. The so-called magical artifact might just be bait tolure Gideon into their clutches!”

Aemon exclaimed, “If that’s the case, then the other party anticipated Gideon’s journey to Aurous Hill?”

“It’s possible,” Morgana replied, her expression complicated. She suddenly thought of something andblurted out, “Tonight, I had Zeba secretly tailing Gideon. If something were to happen to Gideon, thenshe would be in danger!”novelbin

Aemon widened his eyes and said, “If Zeba also encounters an accident, it would be a major blow toour efforts to break the Warriors Den! You’ve spent so many years nurturing these four marshals. Ifthree of them meet with misfortune, the people below will undoubtedly become disorganized…”

In a cold tone, Morgana declared, “Disorganized? Remember this, if anything untoward happens toGideon and Zeba, anyone in the Five Armies Commander’s Mansion who exhibits disorder will havetheir feet severed. One! And if severing one isn’t enough, then sever two!”

Respectfully, Aemon said, “Your subordinate obeys!”

Morgana added, “If something happens to both of them, we must strictly control information in the FifthArmy Commander’s Mansion. Anyone who dares to leak information will be killed!”

Aemon cupped his hands and replied, “Rest assured, My Lord. Your subordinate will deliver themessage without fail!”

Afterward, Aemon knelt on one knee and respectfully said, “Lord, I have one more question to ask!”

Morgana coldly uttered, “Speak!”

Aemon said, “My Lord, if both Gideon and Zeba truly perish in Aurous Hill, I dare to suggest that we callupon the three elders from the Presbyterian Council. We should send them to Aurous Hill, as theircombined efforts would surely be able to eliminate the Master lurking in the shadows!”

Morgana’s brow instantly furrowed as she replied, “The three elders have been in seclusion for ahundred years and are in the critical stage of opening their Soul Palaces. In another ten or twentyyears, all three of them will open their Soul Palaces one after another, further breaking the WarriorsDen. Their strength will reach new heights. If we were to call upon them now, it would undoubtedlydisrupt their progress in cultivation. It might even delay their Soul Palace openings by another twentyyears. This decision cannot be made lightly…”

Continuing, Morgana said, “You must understand that the three elders are my hidden trump card. Onlyfive people have known of their existence for over a hundred years. Besides you, the other four are the

Marshals. I can’t deploy this card unless it is absolutely necessary!”

Aemon hurriedly responded, “My Lord! If Gideon and Zeba truly perish today, I can conclude that theperson who killed them is the same as the one who killed Jarvis, rescued the Evans family in New Yorkand saved Maria in Northern Europe. They are undoubtedly part of the same faction!”

“In that case,” he continued, “It proves that the other party is not just an individual, but rather a colossalorganization like the Warriors Den. They possess traditional cultivators as well as expertise in modernweapons, such as close-in defense guns. Their capabilities are vast. If allowed to continue growing,they will undoubtedly pose a significant threat to the future of the Warriors Den!”

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