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Chapter 5417

As Fiona gestured in a specific direction with his hand, Maria didn’t bother to glance at it. Instead, sheswiftly adjusted the helicopter’s joystick, guiding it precisely towards the destination indicated byFiona’s finger.

Meanwhile, Zeba, concealed within the gaps between boulders, remained unaware that she hadbecome the target of their pursuit. Her sole objective was to stay as still as possible, refraining frommaking even the slightest sound. Once the individuals aboard the helicopter completed their inspectionrounds, she believed she could depart from this place unnoticed. She possessed absolute certaintythat she wouldn’t be discovered.

The helicopter circled the valley multiple times, yet its occupants never descended to search the area.The massive boulder obstructing Zeba’s view was thick enough to defy any attempt at detection, evenwith advanced equipment like thermal imaging. No one could see beyond it to discover herwhereabouts.

However, unease began to creep into Zeba’s heart when the helicopter suddenly veered towards her.As it grew closer, her heart raced with anxiety.

Eventually, the helicopter arrived at the summit of the boulder, situated at the foot of the mountain.

Fiona suddenly announced, “This is it! I can already sense her presence. She is gravely injured!”

With those words, he swung open the helicopter door, preparing to jump straight down from the aircraft.

In a reflexive moment, Maria instinctively clutched the hem of his clothes and blurted out, “My Lord,since Zeba is in such a dire state, why don’t you wait for me to join you? I wish to meet her alongsideyou for a brief moment.”

Observing her plea, Fiona relented. Instead of jumping down, he decided they should land thehelicopter in an area affected by the explosion. From there, they could proceed on foot together. Marianodded in agreement, deftly manipulating the controls to spin the helicopter around on the spot.novelbin

Underneath the boulder, Zeba couldn’t help but exhale a long sigh of relief as she witnessed thehelicopter turn around and depart, its presence no longer looming above her head. Little did she know,Maria had already positioned the helicopter at the edge of the blast zone.

After bringing it to a halt, she turned to Fiona and disclosed, “Young Master, my family has informationabout her. Although Zeba, one of the four esteemed Marshals of the Warriors Den, suffered severeinjuries, she has always devoted herself to the path and seldom acted against principles and morality.Today, Gideon’s self-explosion raises suspicions and it seems there may be more to it. If you exploitthis opportunity, you might be able to persuade Zeba to join our cause.”

Fiona offered a slight nod and replied, “If there is indeed something amiss with Gideon’s self-explosion,no one knows better than Zeba, aside from Morgana.”

Immediately, both of them leaped off the helicopter and proceeded toward the boulder where Zeba hid.

At that moment, Zeba had finally relaxed and planned to take a brief respite before devising an escapestrategy. However, she was caught off guard when the sound of rustling footsteps reached her ears.Her heart skipped a beat and inwardly, she exclaimed, “Could it be that the individuals from thehelicopter have arrived on foot?”

This thought instantly rekindled her anxieties. She was well aware of her grave injuries and her inabilityto resist anyone, regardless of their identity. All she could do now was silently pray that theapproaching footsteps wouldn’t lead them to her and that the person responsible for those footstepswouldn’t discover her presence. Unfortunately, her prayers seemed to be in vain. The footsteps drewcloser and closer until they eventually halted just a mere ten meters away from her hiding spot.

Zeba’s nervousness reached its peak. She understood that if she was discovered, her chances ofsurvival were practically nonexistent. The captors would resort to any means necessary, includingtorture, to extract information about the Warriors Den and the Lord from her.

Furthermore, the Warriors Den had repeatedly attempted to eliminate the Evan’s family. Falling intotheir clutches would likely result in a dire fate, even if she cooperated obediently. Thus, her last flickerof hope rested upon the prospect of remaining undiscovered.

Just as she held onto that final strand of delusion, Fiona’s voice boomed, breaking the silence. Hedeclared loudly, “Zeba, you were watching me and Gideon fight in the darkness earlier and now you’rehiding in the shadows. Isn’t that unreasonable?”

Zeba’s mind was jolted by Fiona’s words, much like a thunderclap in her brain.

At that moment, a multitude of thoughts flooded her mind, “This person actually found me? Thisperson… he’s Fiona Wade, the one who fought Gideon just now? But… How is this possible? I sawhim sustain severe injuries during the explosion. He vanished at an incredible speed. How could hehave survived? Moreover, his voice suggests that he isn’t injured at all!”

Countless questions swirled in Zeba’s mind, causing her anxiety to escalate even further.

Although she possessed reiki and was an accomplished martial artist, the foreboding sensation ofdeath filled her entire body, rendering her both helpless and afraid.

Outside the boulder, Fiona noticed her lack of response. He smiled faintly and remarked, “Zeba, you’velost your cultivation and sustained severe injuries. Without assistance, you may not be able to escapethis valley. Your mighty and wise Lord won’t be able to rush to your aid in such a short time. Instead ofresigning yourself to die in despair, why don’t we sit down and have a conversation? What do yousay?”

Fiona’s question caused Zeba to shudder involuntarily. Recalling the tragic demise of Gideon, she felt amixture of shock and resentment in her heart. Moreover, the powerful self-destruction formation withinher Soul Palace intensified her unease. For her, she’d rather meet her end in this serene valley thanreturn to her Master and continue being a living weapon.

Furthermore, she had no knowledge of how many activation methods existed for the formationembedded in the Soul Palace of the Four Marshals. It remained unclear whether the Lord coulddetonate the formation with a mere thought. Based on Zeba’s understanding of the Lord, she wouldundoubtedly leave behind such a contingency plan. As long as she remained within her detectionrange, she could obliterate her at any moment.

After contemplating for a moment, Zeba gritted her teeth and weakly replied, “Since Mr. Wade wishesto converse, I have no objections.”

Her words stemmed from the depths of her heart. Having witnessed Fiona’s superiority during his battlewith Gideon, she knew he surpassed her in strength. Furthermore, his survival of the recent explosionled her to believe his capabilities were unfathomable. Subconsciously, she considered herself inferior.

Having expressed her consent, Zeba mustered her strength to stand up. Although she had chosen tosubmit to Rowan, as a martial artist, she didn’t want him to witness her crawling out from the gap in theboulder.

However, her body had been ravaged by severe injuries. Climbing from the blast zone to her currentlocation had depleted her energy reserves, leaving her legs trembling like fragile reeds. As sheclenched her teeth and attempted to take a step forward, a sharp pain coursed through her right leg,causing her to collapse uncontrollably.

Observing Zeba falling face-first onto the gravel, perilously close to striking the rough and jaggedsurface, Fiona reacted swiftly and thrust his hand forward, redirecting her trajectory and averting the


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