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Chapter 5388

The villa’s courtyard had transformed into a nightmarish battlefield! It was a purgatory, engulfed inchaos and terror.

Gideon tightly gripped a seemingly ordinary wooden sword, barely thirty centimeters in length.However, its invisible blade extended to an impressive two meters! This mystical weapon had beentemporarily bestowed upon him by The British Lord.

Though the wooden sword appeared small and unassuming, it possessed a power reminiscent of thelightsabers from Star Wars. Its killing range was extraordinary, surpassing the logical setup of thecinematic lightsaber. Gideon’s wooden sword, infused with an ethereal aura, could manifest its deadlyblade, under his precise control.

Several bodyguards attempted to confront Gideon, but his swift motion of shaking the sword in the airunleashed an invisible force, a sword chi that pierced through the atmosphere, striking its target withdeadly precision. A mere flick of his wrist caused blood and innards to erupt uncontrollably, instantlyclaiming the life of the unfortunate bodyguard.

The remaining bodyguards were utterly petrified. They had never witnessed such an inexplicable attackbefore. Gideon’s diminutive wooden sword stood at a considerable distance from their comrade, yet iteffortlessly pierced his chest and tore open an invisible wound.

This gruesome spectacle sent shivers down their spines, overwhelming them with terror. Though theirinstinct to survive urged them to retreat, Gideon’s presence made escaping an impossible feat.

Despite Gideon’s speed being slower than the radar-locked close defense guns and the shells theyfired, these ordinary martial artists had no hope of beating him. If the gun symbolized a hunting rifle,then Gideon was akin to a cheetah and these hapless Martial Artists were nothing more than rabbitsincapable of even piercing a leopard’s skin.

As the bodyguards halted and prepared to flee, Gideon took a step forward, his right foot propelling himlike an arrow unleashed from a taut bowstring.

Moments later, a mournful scream resonated through the air.

The slowest bodyguard observed the bleeding wound on his chest and let out an anguished cry.Curiously, despite his severe injury, he sprinted even faster than before. In a bizarre turn of events, helost control of his movement, hurtling uncontrollably towards another comrade. All the while, his chestcontinued to gush blood.

Fear consumed the man as he cried out, “What the… hell is this?”

The two men lost their momentum and the room filled with the cacophony of chaotic sounds. Gideonswiftly advanced, methodically beheading the terrified Evans family bodyguards one by one.

Though some of the bodyguards brandished their pistols and fired upon him, Gideon’s movementswere too swift for their aim and reaction speed. Their bullets failed to inflict the slightest harm.

Unlike the Evans family’s bodyguards, Gideon’s lightning-fast agility rendered their attempts at escapefutile. These seasoned Martial Artists were reduced to mere victims, swiftly meeting their demise.novelbin

Not far away, halfway up the mountain, Zeba observed Gideon’s killing spree at Willow Estates, a frownetching itself onto her face. She had always believed that the old man was solely dedicated to hiscultivation. Yet, today she realized the extent of his bloodlust.

Just as she contemplated Gideon’s ruthlessness, a low-flying helicopter appeared in the sky, headingtowards Willow Estates.

The Evans family’s hearts trembled as they listened to the screams outside.

Unbeknownst to them, their family had barely survived a crisis that nearly wiped them out in New York.Now, their pursuers had tracked them down in China with astonishing speed.

Morine’s third uncle, Martel, nervously suggested, “Father, mother, this time it might be fatal. You twoshould escape through the back door.”

Desmond reacted swiftly, echoing his brother’s sentiment. “Yes, Dad, you and Mom go first. We’llremain here and keep watch.”

The old man, Samuel, snorted coldly. “Go? Where do you think you can go? Whoever is coming, theirtarget is our family. None of us can escape.”

Samuel then turned to Jack and spoke with conviction, “Jack, this is the Evans Family’s affair. Wealready dragged you into it once before. This time, we cannot let you become entangled again. Youshould go first. The adversary is after us, not you.”

Jack helplessly smiled, his tone serious as he replied, “Uncle Evans, last time I followed your adviceand left first. As a result, I was riddled with bullets like a hornet’s nest. In contrast, you and the others inthe box were safe. Today, you want me to leave again? It doesn’t seem appropriate, does it?”

Samuel exclaimed, “Jack! I’m not joking! The circumstances are different this time. Get out of herebefore they kill you! Leaving Willow Estates is your safest option.”

Jack shook his head, his smile unyielding. “Uncle Evans, you are the fortunate one. It’s safest for me toremain by your side.”

Growing anxious, Samuel scolded, “Why are you so stubborn? If anything happens to you because ofmy Evans Family, how can I face your family?”

Suddenly, the room’s door was kicked open and a cold voice pierced the air. “Leave? Hmph, none ofyou will leave here today!”

The occupants turned their gaze towards the intruder, an old man in a flowing robe, exuding an air ofslim elegance. They were momentarily taken aback by his presence.

Samuel confronted Gideon, his voice firm with a tinge of suspicion. “Who are you?”

Gideon’s lips curled into a cold smile as he surveyed the room arrogantly. “My name is Gideon Alastair,you can address me as Master Alastair or just Gideon.”

Samuel furrowed his brow, questioning Gideon’s motives. “If you claim to be a true man and dopractice in a Taoist temple, why have you resorted to indiscriminate killing?”

Gideon’s laughter echoed, filled with a sinister edge. “Who says a true man cannot kill? Today, I,Marshal Gideon Alastair, shall unleash a massacre upon this place. None of you shall escape!”

His eyes widened suddenly, as if struck by an electric shock. He exclaimed, “How can there be a faintpresence of reiki here…?”

Unbeknownst to the Evans Family and Jack, Morine’s Rejuvenation Pill had quietly set up a hiddenformation within the villa. It remained active, infusing the air with a subtle reiki and the medicinal effectsof the pill.

Gideon’s sudden interest in the aura left the Evans Family members puzzled. They were oblivious tothe hidden enchantment. Gideon had unwittingly stumbled upon a new realm, his excitement reachingunprecedented heights.

Previously clueless about formations, he now realized the presence of faint reiki within this reinforcedconcrete structure. In an era where finding natural reiki was rare, he never expected such a subtle

energy within this villa! If the reiki remained constant, cultivating here would yield incredible results withminimal effort.

Overwhelmed by his discovery, Gideon pointed his wooden sword at the crowd, his voice cold andcommanding. “No one dares to answer? Since silence is your response, I shall select a victim andbehead them before your very eyes, to serve as an example!”

His gaze fixed upon Tece Evans, dressed in provocative attire. Gideon mockingly inquired, “Is this theEvans Family’s second daughter, Tece Evans?”

Tece warily questioned, “What do you want?”

Gideon sneered, “I want to teach your parents and siblings a lesson called ‘The Consequences ofRefusing to Cooperate’.'”

With a swift wave of his wooden sword, the invisible blade slashed towards Tece Evans. Tece felt agust of wind on her face, becoming frozen in place, unable to move a muscle.

Just in the nick of time, Jack abruptly slammed a delicate teacup onto the floor, shattering it intocountless shards. His voice reverberated through the room, laced with fury and desperation, “Youdamned mutt! If you have even the slightest inkling of curiosity about Maria’s whereabouts and herprecious ring, you better put an end to this charade right now!”

Gideon’s pupils dilated in response to Jack’s unexpected outburst. His hands froze in midair, and hisincredulous gaze fixated on Jack. He couldn’t help but blurt out, “What in the world… How do you knowMaria’s name? And her ring? Speak up! What is your connection to her?”

Jack couldn’t believe that the words he had learned from Morine had actually struck a nerve!

Jack felt a wave of relief as Gideon suddenly stopped, giving him the confidence to assert himself, “Youstill haven’t earned the privilege to learn my name!”

Gideon’s expression turned stormy and his voice grew grave as he cautioned Jack, “I highlyrecommend that you act wisely and reveal all the information about Maria and the ring, otherwise, I canassure you that your life will become a living hell!”

Jack sneered in defiance, “What’s this? Threatening me, are you? Listen to me carefully! If you eventhink about causing harm to anyone who is here today, you will never, ever find out where Maria is forthe rest of your pitiful life!”

Although Gideon was experiencing both anxiety and excitement, he understood that he was very closeto accomplishing the task assigned to him by the British Lord. His Mastery of the sword chi, a techniquecapable of decimating the entire Evans Family with a single strike, had him brimming with anticipation.The fact that he had stumbled upon a clue related to Maria filled him with a newfound vigor! Could it bethat his journey to Aurous Hill this time would yield an astounding treasure trove?

Fuelled by this thought, he strode purposefully towards Jack, wasting no time in snatching him by theneck with one hand. With astonishing speed, Gideon hoisted Jack into the air, his voice dripping withicy disdain, “You possess no aura, nor are you a Martial Artist. So prey, tell me, how did the nameMaria escape your lips? Who fed you this information?”

Jack dangled helplessly in Gideon’s iron grip, his face turning an ugly shade of black and purple. Yet,he mustered every ounce of strength to endure the searing pain, mustering a cold smile as he glancedcontemptuously at Gideon. Through gritted teeth, he managed to utter, “Have… the courage to endme!”

Gideon’s voice turned frigid as he retorted, “Do you believe I lack the guts?”

Jack sneered defiantly, his teeth clenched in defiance, “Then prove it! Let’s see if you dare!”

Gideon’s teeth ground together for a moment before his visage transformed into one of pure malice.With venomous determination, he continued, “Let me enlighten you. My mission here today is toexterminate the Evans family! Now, that mission is on the precipice of success! After annihilating theEvans family, should I stumble upon Maria, it would undoubtedly be the icing on the cake. But even if Ifail to locate her, obliterating the entire Evans family today will still be a monumental accomplishment!So don’t delude yourself into thinking that revealing Maria’s whereabouts will earn you any leniency. Onthe contrary, if you don’t disclose her location within the next three seconds, I will be the first to sendyou to your grave!”

In that very moment, a young man’s voice echoed from the doorway, cutting through the tension like aswift breeze, “You’re just an old dog, barking about annihilating the entire Evans family, old man, yourmouth is far too big for your own good!”

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