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Chapter 5387

PM, Willow Estates.

At this hour, the Evans family had just finished their dinner and they summoned Jack Lee to join themin the living room. They were eager to analyze the clues they had gathered over the past few days.

Samuel Evans, the Lord of the Evans family, had dutifully guarded the villa without straying for a singlemoment. His health had remarkably improved and his memory hadn’t deteriorated further. In fact, hehad gradually regained the forgotten parts. Furthermore, as his condition steadily improved, his thinkingand logic had sharpened, resurrecting his former style and commanding presence.

During this family gathering, Desmond began by updating them on his collaboration with the MooreGroup.

Desmond declared, “Our partnership with the Moore family has officially entered the negotiation phase.Today, the legal teams from both sides commenced discussions to finalize the terms of ourcooperation. Due to the Evans family’s earnest commitment of twelve percent this time, theatmosphere in the negotiations is exceptionally cordial. Once the terms are settled and the agreementsigned, we can start the collaboration immediately.”

The old man nodded approvingly and spoke, “Considering the current circumstances, the Moore Groupholds great significance for our Evans family. The benefactor deliberately left a clue about the MooreGroup, indicating a desire to reveal information about his identity through them and perhaps manipulatetheir strings as well.”

The old man then turned his gaze to his second son, Marcus and said, “Although Marcus is typically incharge of all the Evans family’s external business ventures, this time is an exception. The collaborationwith the Moore family is more than just a business project, it serves as a gateway for the Evans family.Desmond will oversee it until the end!”

Samuel had always emphasized harmony and unity within his family, assigning different responsibilitiesto his children, ensuring clarity and purpose for each one. This approach aimed to enable the childrento support and assist one another when united, while also serving as a means of monitoring andrestraining each other when conflicts arose.

Even though he knew that Desmond was responsible for driving the collaboration with the MooreGroup, Samuel felt the need to justify his decision to Marcus, despite being aware that Marcus had noobjections.

Marcus, understanding his father’s intentions, didn’t harbor any resentment towards his elder brothertaking charge of the project. The Evans siblings had always remained united, thanks to the influence oftheir eldest sister, Lily. Although they had grown distant due to their individual families, Lily’s passingand the near-destruction of the Evans family by the Warriors Den had brought them closer than ever.

At this moment, Marcus cleared his throat and stated, “Dad, over the past few days, I’ve meticulouslycombed through Aurous Hill, exploring every aspect of life here, particularly focusing on the publictransportation department, the social welfare department and the household registration department ofthat time. Regrettably, I haven’t uncovered any information about Astor.”

The old man let out a soft sigh, an outcome he had anticipated.

Mrs. Evans interjected, trying to console him, “Marcus, you mustn’t be disheartened. After all, Nori hasbeen missing for twenty years. It’s unrealistic to expect us to find him within a few days. As I mentionedbefore, the search for Nori may take another twenty years.”

Marcus nodded resolutely and replied, “Mom, don’t worry. In my heart, the search for Nori remains atop priority.”

Suddenly, Tece recalled something and exclaimed, “Oh, Mom! I stumbled upon something ratherpeculiar today. It feels quite abnormal. Could you, Dad and brothers help me analyze it?”

The Lady responded, “Of course, tell me about it.”

Tece proceeded, “I investigated the Aurous Hill orphanage today, hoping to find any information aboutNori among the rescued orphans throughout the years. It struck me as strange. Personnel changes inwelfare institutions are not uncommon, but a complete turnover of staff is hardly believable. What areyour thoughts?”

Samuel furrowed his brow and commented, “An orphanage, even with its management and executivestaff, should have a dozen or even two dozen employees. Even if the entire management wasreplaced, it’s unlikely that all the executive staff would be replaced as well. After all, the orphanageneeds to continue its operations. Such a scenario is clearly unreasonable.”

Tece nodded and agreed, “I feel the same way. This sudden and drastic change goes against commonsense. It appears that the previous staff members must have departed en masse for some specialreason.”

At that moment, Jack Lee, who had been somewhat absentminded due to his nervousness suddenlybrightened up and slapped his thigh in surprise. “Tece’s clue is incredibly significant!”

The old man smiled and inquired, “Jack, please provide a detailed analysis.”

Jack Lee met the old man’s expectant gaze but found himself caught in a moment of struggle andhesitation. He couldn’t help but ponder, “Mr. Wade warned that the Evans family is in danger today. Ifthere is indeed a threat, I believe Mr. Wade won’t idly sit by and await destruction. Must we endure anindefinite wait? Tece has clearly grasped the crucial point this time, she just needs a little helpconnecting the dots. If I follow her lead and provide a gentle nudge, even if Mr. Wade doesn’t appeartonight or continues to conceal his identity, it will be much easier to track him by following theorphanage trail! I’m merely assisting with a few words based on Tece’s insights. Surely, Mr. Wadewouldn’t blame me, right?”

Having made up his mind, Jack Lee resolved to offer the Evans family some hints. With a serious tone,he began his analysis, “All of you possess more business management experience than me and I’mcertain you’re aware that such a complete overhaul from top to bottom is impossible in any business ororganization. Even if a team has remarkable cohesion, achieving complete unity among all members,from the top brass to the lowest ranks, is an unattainable ideal. Even in a well-trained army, there willalways be deserters and traitors. But as Tece mentioned, this team left en masse without a singleperson remaining last year. Upon deeper reflection, you’ll realize that this team possessed exceptionalorganizational discipline, perhaps even resembling a paramilitary unit. However, such a team couldn’thave appeared in an ordinary orphanage without years of intense cultivation. It simply defies logic,doesn’t it?”

Upon hearing this revelation, the Evans family exchanged knowing glances, their agreement evident inthe subtle nods that followed.

Jack Lee, the astute observer, voiced his thoughts confidently, “It appears to me that there’s a hiddenpuppeteer orchestrating these events. If I’m correct, this team must have been meticulously arrangedand subsequently withdrawn as a whole by this powerful individual. Their synchronized movementssuggest they are on a significant mission.”

The Lady, overcome with excitement, couldn’t contain her question, “Jack, are you implying that thisorphanage might be connected to Nori?”

Jack Lee affirmed her suspicion with a nod, “Yes, Auntie, that’s precisely the suspicion I have.”

Desmond, unable to contain his anticipation, interjected, “It would be ideal if we could determine whenthese individuals arrived in Aurous Hill. We know they left together, but there’s no concrete evidence ofthem arriving together.”

Tece chimed in, brimming with excitement, “That’s easy! Let’s check the social security files of theprevious team. Since the orphanage operates as a social welfare organization with government fundingand private donations, their personnel information should be meticulously documented. Especially ifthey’re embarking on a major mission, as Jack suggested.”

Impressed by Tece’s sharp thinking, Jack Lee praised her, “Tece, your thinking is crystal clear. We mustfind a way to access the previous personnel files of the Aurous Hill orphanage. I believe we’ll uncoversome valuable clues.”

Marcus, filled with enthusiasm, exclaimed, “I’ll make arrangements to dig into it immediately!”

He swiftly retrieved his mobile phone and dialed a number.novelbin

Having been retired for many years, the old man, Samuel, had seen his contacts fade away with time.But Marcus, as the head of the Evans family’s external business, possessed an extensive network andwielded substantial influence within the family.

After a brief conversation over the phone, Marcus addressed the crowd, a spark of excitement in hiseyes, “We’ve already initiated an investigation and we can expect the results soon.”

The crowd erupted with uncontrollable enthusiasm.

Ten minutes passed and Marcus’s phone rang. He answered it promptly, activating the speakerfunction and asked, “Terrance, what have you found out regarding the matter I assigned you?”

Terrance Willis, a middle-aged man, responded respectfully, “Mr. Evans, I’ve just completed a review ofthe personnel files from the Aurous Hill City Welfare Institute and the previous staff did indeed departtogether last year.”

The revelation left the group feeling a sense of disappointment, prompting Marcus to inquire further,“Can you provide a summary of their respective entry dates?”

Terrance Willis continued, “Mr. Evans, the organization of this orphanage exhibits remarkable stability.There are a total of sixteen staff members, including the director, teachers, caretakers, cooks andcleaners. Among these sixteen individuals, the one with the shortest tenure has served for almosttwenty years, nearing the completion of their service.”

“Twenty years?” The expressions on the faces of the Evans family members revealed theirastonishment. This particular timeframe held significant sensitivity for them. It was twenty years agothat Lily, Bruce’s wife and Bruce himself had tragically passed away in Aurous Hill. Additionally, theironly son, Ludwig, had mysteriously disappeared during the same period.

Seemingly on the cusp of a breakthrough, Desmond, the eldest son, couldn’t contain his impatience,“Please provide us with the precise dates when these sixteen individuals joined!”

Terrance Willis hastened to respond, “Out of the sixteen, fourteen joined in late winter, specifically inFebruary twenty years ago. The previous director, James Kerley, joined in November of the same year.The fifteenth person joined in December of that year and will complete twenty years of service inanother three months.”

Mrs. Evans looked horrified, tears streaming down her face as she choked out, “Lily and Bruce leftEastcliff in March twenty years ago to come to Aurous Hill. Their tragic accident… happened in lateOctober… Nori also vanished at the end of October…”

Samuel, the old man, rose from his seat, his voice trembling with excitement and incoherence, “Thismust be Bruce’s doing! He always had a knack for preparing for the worst. Those fourteen peoplearrived even earlier than him and Lily, indicating that he had already begun laying the groundwork inAurous Hill before they even moved here!”

His voice quivered even more as he continued, “He must have foreseen that their visit to Aurous Hillwould be fatal, so he preemptively placed his people in the orphanage. After his and Lily’s accident,they must have used a premeditated method to send Nori to this orphanage! Over the years, countlessindividuals have scoured Aurous Hill in search of Ludwig, yet none could have imagined that he wasliving right under the noses of these people, disguised within an ordinary orphanage!”

At that moment, he expressed his emotions with great intensity, “Who would have thought that Ludwig,whom everyone tried to find by digging deep into the earth, had been placed in an orphanage wherenothing out of the ordinary could be seen on the surface? This scheme not only eluded those who weresearching for Ludwig, but even Nori himself, who has likely been hidden for an extensive period!”

Lady Evans, tears of joy and excitement streaming down her face, exclaimed, “So, Nori has alwaysbeen in Aurous Hill and he might still be here!”

However, the old man shook his head, tempering their excitement with a dose of reality, “While I’mcertain Nori has resided in Aurous Hill for a long time, we can’t be certain if he’s still here. After all,when those people left last year, does that mean Nori departed Aurous Hill as well?”

Desmond blurted out, filled with determination, “Mom, Dad! Tomorrow, we’ll delve into the backgroundsof these sixteen individuals and uncover the truth! If they were indeed the ones who cared for Noriduring his upbringing, I refuse to believe we won’t find his whereabouts!”

“Yes! Absolutely!” Desmond’s enthusiasm was infectious as the old man, too, shed tears of joy,muttering, “Twenty years… My eldest grandson we finally found a clue!”

He raised his head to the sky, releasing a long sigh, “Lily, Bruce, you left a backdoor for Nori twentyyears ago, yet you never informed me. How much did you truly distrust me in your hearts?”

Just as Old Samuel basked in this newfound hope, a sudden shout from outside the window shatteredthe tranquility, “An assassin! Protect the Lordship and Madam immediately!”

Before the words could fully sink in, the sound of a sword whistling through the air reverberated aroundthe villa, followed by collective screams and the unmistakable stench of blood, engulfing the premises.

Jack Lee’s heart skipped a beat as a chilling realization gripped him, “Mr. Wade was right… Theformidable enemy is truly here!”

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