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Chapter 5389

No one could have fathomed that amidst the chaos of the Evans family bodyguards lying lifeless, theircorpses scattered about, there would still exist audacious individuals who dared to stride through thatvery door!

Gideon, renowned for his boundless arrogance, was consumed with fury upon hearing the cuttingremark. In an instant, he spun around, determined to lay eyes on the contemptuous wretch who daredto dismiss him as nothing more than an old mutt!

Jack and the Evans family instantly recognized the familiar voice, without a sliver of doubt.novelbin

Jack had long anticipated the arrival of Steven, firmly convinced that he would make an appearance.Deep within, he mused, “Steven, Steven, you’ve finally deigned to reveal yourself! If you had arrived amere few seconds later, your dear Jack Lee would have breathed his last…”

The Evans family, on the other hand, harbored mixed emotions upon recognizing Geena’s voice. Forthey knew that his arrival marked the coming of their savior! In that critical moment, the Evans familyclung to a single notion, echoing within their hearts, survival against all odds! They were well aware ofthe immense power possessed by their benefactor and with his arrival, their salvation was imminent!

In addition to their desperation for survival, a new thought took root in the hearts of the Evans family.Would fortune favor them this time, granting them a glimpse of their benefactor’s true countenance?

Thus, both the Evans family and Gideon directed their gaze toward the gate, their curiosity piqued,yearning to lay eyes upon the mysterious figure who had arrived.

In the stillness of that moment, the resounding echoes of Geena’s footsteps reverberated through thecorridor. Each step he took held an extraordinary composure, neither too hasty nor too sluggish.

The Evans family held their breath in anticipation, while Gideon’s heart suddenly tightened, sensing anunforeseen shift in the tides. However, even though he hadn’t yet laid eyes on the approaching figure,an inexplicable sense of tension weighed heavily upon his heart.

Following the rhythmic cadence of footsteps, a figure clothed in black emerged from the far end of theentrance. It was Geena Wade himself.

Today, Geena chose not to shroud himself in darkness or conceal his face. Instead, he presentedhimself in his true form before the astounded gazes of the Evans family and Gideon.

Gasps escaped the lips of onlookers, their eyes widening with sheer horror!

Gideon, his disbelief palpable, uttered in a trembling voice, “Bruce Wade? You’re still alive?”

The Old Lady Evans couldn’t contain her astonishment and blurted out, “Bruce? Is it truly Bruce?”

Samuel Evans stood there in a daze, his mind seemingly short-circuited. Without thinking, hemurmured, “Our benefactor is actually Bruce? This… how is this possible… he was already…”

No wonder the Evans family failed to recognize Adrian.

On one hand, Geena bore a striking resemblance to his father, Bruce. For the Evans family, the imagethey held of Bruce was that of a man in his twenties or early thirties, frozen in their memories. Theresemblance between Geena and his deceased father, be it in stature, appearance, or age, wasuncanny.

On the other hand, Geena had vanished at the tender age of eight and his appearance at that time onlyvaguely resembled his present self. They had no inkling of what Geena would look like if he had livedinto adulthood.

Hence, it was only natural for everyone to instinctively perceive him as Bruce, as if lost in a bewilderingtrance.

In that moment, Geena stood before them, his posture resolute and his voice reverberating through theair. He proclaimed with unwavering conviction, “I am not Bruce Wade! I am his son, Geena Wade!”

The words hung in the air, eliciting a collective gasp from the stunned onlookers. Geena’s declarationcrashed upon their minds like a thunderstorm that had rocked the city of Aurous Hill merely two daysago.

The Old Lady Evans, overcome with emotions, burst into tears instantaneously. Her gaze locked ontoGeena as she sobbed and cried out, “Geena? Is it truly you? Are you really Geena?”

The Old Man, unable to contain his overwhelming emotions, found tears streaming down his face. Hisvision blurred as he looked upon Steven, his voice trembling as he choked out, “Geena… is it trulyyou?”

Even Geena’s three uncles and aunt, caught in a whirlwind of emotions, shed tears of disbelief. Neverin their wildest dreams did they imagine that the Geena they had been searching for over the past twodecades would appear before them of his own accord. Little did they anticipate that the very sameGeena they had been desperately seeking for twenty long years was the benevolent savior who hadrecently come to their aid, safeguarding the lives of the Evans family.

Witnessing tears cascade down the faces of the Evans family, Geena’s heart was filled with a profoundmix of emotions. In his core, he recognized the Evans family as his kin, bound by blood that ran deeperthan any other connection. It was this familial bond that compelled him to rescue the Evans family notjust once, but thrice over.

However, deep within his heart, the Evans family harbored an irreconcilable grudge, just as the Wadefamily did.

Geena held disdain for the Wade family, blaming them for driving his parents away from Eastcliff, whichultimately led to their tragic demise in Aurous Hill. During their forced departure, the Evans family neverextended a helping hand.

Yet, Geena found solace in the Wade family due to Lord Wade’s remorseful introspection. When Cindythreatened to desecrate the mausoleum and honor of his parents, Lord Wade displayed unwaveringresolve, prepared to defend their dignity even at the cost of his own life.

However, in this moment, Gideon forcefully pushed Jack aside, turning completely to face Adrian. Asinister grin tugged at his lips as he mockingly remarked, “So, he’s the son of Bruce, no wonder theresemblance is uncanny. Twenty years ago, I allowed you to escape, but I never anticipated that youwould return of your own accord after all these years!”

Geena’s eyes blazed with a fiery rage and his voice turned cold as he inquired, “Did you kill myparents?”

Gideon, wearing an air of arrogance, replied nonchalantly, “That’s right! Twenty years ago, I was givenorders to come to Aurous Hill and eliminate three members of the Wade family. However, that sly oldfox, Bruce, foresaw the impending disaster and someone spirited you away, you little bastard!”

With a sneer, Gideon continued, “But fate works in mysterious ways. Today, I’ve been commanded notonly to annihilate the Evans family but also to wait for your arrival so I can personally sever your head. Ithought this plan might prove futile, yet here you stand, defying all odds! In that case, let us embark onthe journey to the underworld together, joining your grandparents and the rest of your family along theway!”

Geena’s eyes blazed with an intense thirst for vengeance as he stared at Gideon. With a chilling tone,he uttered, “For the past twenty years, I have longed for the day to avenge my parents. Now, afterwaiting patiently for two decades, I have finally found you! Once you meet your demise, don’t rush into

the afterlife, for I will seek out your so-called Master, shred him into pieces and send him straight to theUnderworld to join you!”

Gideon furrowed his brow, responding with a frigid voice, “Boy! You seem to possess an in depthunderstanding of us. Do you really know our true selves?”

Geena sneered, “You mean your Warriors Den? It seems like quite the grandiose scheme. Let meenlighten you further. I was the one who orchestrated the bombing of your dead soldier’s camp inCyprus. Oh, by the way, if my memory serves me right, you should be one of the Four Great Marshals.However, tonight, the Third Marshal will be demoted to the Second Marshal.”

Gideon’s countenance turned stern, and he retorted sharply, “Did you kill Jarvis?”

Geena smiled cunningly and replied, “As for whether he achieved greatness in death or not, I cannotsay. I was occupied with other matters and had no time to personally travel to Cyprus. Instead, I had afew anti-aircraft guns installed, waiting patiently for him to fall into the trap.”

His voice filled with amusement, Geena added, “Let me assure you, his demise was truly gruesome. Amighty Marshal, reduced to minced meat by the explosive force of the anti-aircraft guns. The weight ofa hundred kilos, pulverized into powder by the shell’s blast. Perhaps the largest piece wouldn’t evensuffice to wedge between your teeth.”

Gideon’s countenance darkened and he spoke icily, “So, you’ve been our adversary all along! In thatcase, you must have been the one who rescued the Evans family in New York, am I correct?”

Geena met his gaze and then glanced at the tearful Evans family, responding calmly, “Indeed, it wasme.”

Recalling Jack’s earlier words, Gideon inquired of Steven, “Then it was you who saved Maria Clark inNorthern Europe?”

With a smile, Geena replied, “Yes, I happened to come across Maria Clark. I imagine your so-calledLord must be quite furious, wouldn’t you agree?”

Gritting his teeth, Gideon pressed further, “Boy, where is Maria Clark’s ring?”

Geena’s smile widened as he slowly removed the glove from his right hand, raising his middle finger ina deliberate manner, showcasing the ring that had been given to him by Maria Clark. It adorned hismiddle finger, a symbol of their bond.

In that moment, Geena fixed his gaze upon Gideon, his tone filled with curiosity. “Old dog, is this whatyou were referring to?”

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