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Chapter 5354

In regular circumstances, even if others hurriedly scrambled to buy shares with their money, it wasdifficult for them to secure an opportunity. Moreover, not everyone could obtain a share even if some ofthe Evans family’s projects were open for investment.

The Evans family had always been meticulous when selecting partners. If their assets didn’t meet thethreshold requirements, no matter how much money they possessed, they wouldn’t be able to invest.

What’s more, investing in the Evans family’s projects from the outside world was akin to investing in awealth management fund. If individuals had the chance to invest alongside the Evans family or a trader,they had to pay a significant percentage as management fees. These fees alone had to amount to atleast 25% of the invested sum.

Consider this, if a project cost $10 billion and the Evans family offered a 40% stake to outsiders, eachpercentage point was equivalent to $100 million. It was a substantial sum that could potentially benefitnumerous investors. However, to obtain a percentage of it, they had to pay at least $12.5 billion or evenmore. However, Desmond’s condition for Jasmine was to give the Moore Group 10% shares for free.And if the Moore Group wished to avail the rest of 39%, there would be no management fee.

Witnessing such a high level of collaboration in the Evans family project was exceedingly rare.

Jasmine couldn’t help but feel a bit apprehensive. The Evans family’s generous offer overwhelmed herand she didn’t dare to accept it outright.

Upon hearing Desmond’s requirement for completing the two projects, Jasmine was taken aback.

Even though Jagoan had advised her to accept any conditions Desmond might give, she hesitated fora moment and said to Desmond, “Mr. Evans, thank you for recognizing the value of the Moore Group.The idea of giving away so many benefits all at once…”novelbin

Desmond, concerned that Jasmine might hesitate in accepting, reassured her by saying, “Please don’tfeel pressured, Miss Moore. The Evans family is new to Aurous Hill, so it’s completely understandable.If we can collaborate with a local company like Moore Group, the Evans family can save a lot of time infamiliarizing themselves with the local market and establishing local connections. Furthermore, MissMoore, you don’t have to give me an answer right away. What I said today will remain valid for aconsiderable time.”

Desmond understood that Jasmine’s benefactor played a significant role. If he were to offer her asubstantial gift at this moment, she would likely consult with her benefactor before making anydecisions.

Although Jasmine had Jagoan’s guidance, accepting all these benefits at once made her hesitate.

Upon hearing Desmond’s words, she felt a sense of relief and said, “In that case, Mr. Evans, allow mesome time to think about it.”

“No problem!” Desmond replied with a smile. “After I leave, Miss Moore, you can carefully consider it. Ifyou find my proposal acceptable, we can arrange another meeting. Alternatively, if it’s convenient forMs. Moore, you can designate someone to make an appointment with me and we can discuss thespecifics.”

“Okay!” Jasmine nodded gently and said, “I will provide Mr. Evans with an answer after carefulconsideration.”

Desmond smiled and said, “In that case, I won’t take up any more of Miss Moore’s time. Get back towork, Miss Moore. I’ll take my leave.”

Jasmine offered to escort Desmond to the office’s door and then instructed her assistant to accompanyhim downstairs. Once she returned to her office, she dialed Jagoan’s number.

Over the phone, Jasmine provided a detailed account of her recent conversation with Desmond,causing Jagoan to let out a chuckle. It appeared that his uncle’s intentions were indeed genuine.

“If the cooperation between Moore and Evans is realized, the market value of the Moore Group maydouble or even more in the next year,” Jagoan remarked “Moreover, my uncle’s development ideasalign closely with my previous plans. To enhance Aurous Hill’s global impact and attract moreinvestments, the optimal strategy is to improve its healthcare services. This move would positionAurous Hill as one of the most desirable first-tier cities in China. I believe my current skills are well-suited for this initiative. With careful implementation, we can achieve remarkable outcomes within a fewyears, positioning Aurous Hill as a top competitor in the country’s healthcare sector.”

Jagoan let out a soft sigh, acknowledging that the plan might encounter obstacles and rushing into itwouldn’t be feasible without addressing certain risks. Nevertheless, he recognized it as an excellentplan.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance our standing. The Evans family’s capital operations are of ahigh level and their plans are grand. Jasmine, you will reap significant benefits from collaborating withthem. Don’t let such a remarkable opportunity slip away.”

Nervously, Jasmine responded, “Master Wade… The conditions offered by your uncle are exceedinglygenerous. To put it simply, these two collaboration schemes seem to solely benefit the Moore Group.They not only receive financial assistance but also gain visibility and influence through the associationwith the influential Evans family. I can’t help but feel undeserving…”

Jagoan smiled and reassured her, saying, “Jasmine, you don’t need to burden yourself with suchthoughts. The two conditions that the Evans family presented are not merely giving you money. In orderto foster the growth of Aurous Hill and establish it as a prime location for its Asian headquarters,

significant construction projects are essential. It’s also unrealistic to expect them to bring an entire teamfrom the United States to undertake such massive projects…”

“They need to cooperate with local companies. They provide the funds and you work hard to earn thatmoney. Isn’t that justified? As for the healthcare project, don’t burden yourself with guilt. The reasonthey want to collaborate with the Moore Group is to reach me through you. To put it bluntly, if I don’tprovide the Rejuvenation Pill, this project will only exist on paper. If this project wants to generatesubstantial profits, it must have my cooperation. So, it’s only natural for them to offer additionalbenefits.”

Jasmine fell silent for a moment, still entangled in her thoughts. Finally, she spoke without hesitation,“Okay, Master Wade, I will convey your message to your uncle.”

Jagoan’s smile remained tranquil and reassuring “Don’t worry about anything. My uncle is a shrewdman. He intentionally didn’t ask for an immediate reply because he knew you would seek my guidance.If you were to respond right away, he would assume that you’re available to follow my lead anytime,anywhere. It would give him the impression that we are very close and even suggest that I’m in thesame time zone as you. It’s better to let him wait for two days before you reply to him.”

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