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Chapter 5355

Jasmine snapped back to reality, her voice quick and determined. “Alright, Master Wade, I’ve got it!”

During the journey back to Willow Estates, Desmond anxiously awaited Jasmine’s assistant’s call.

He knew he had presented Jasmine with an honest and transparent proposition. He was confident thatshe would seek advice from her patron before making a decision. Despite this, he remained hopefulthat she would accept his offer. However, he had no idea where the benefactor was at the momentwhether they were in Aurous Hill or somewhere else in China.

Desmond had a strong intuition that if the benefactor were located in China or even in Aurous Hill,Jasmine would have instantly reached out to him to update him on the situation. He believed thatJasmine would readily agree to the terms he had proposed.

“If I receive a swift reply, then perhaps the benefactor is in Aurous Hill,” he pondered.

Yet, when Desmond reached Willow Estates, Jasmine still hadn’t responded. As soon as he arrivedhome, the Evans family abandoned their tasks and gathered eagerly, craving the latest news.

Anxiously, Lady Evans asked, “Desmond, how did it go? Did you discover anything valuable?”

Desmond nodded and replied, “I have personally confirmed with Ms. Moore that the person who savedour family is the actual owner of the Rejuvenation Pill!”

“What?” the Evans family exclaimed in astonishment.

The Lady asked, her voice tinged with excitement, “Desmond, can we be absolutely certain? Is thebenefactor truly the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill?”

“Yes!” Desmond replied in a serious tone “I didn’t reveal anything to Ms. Moore. She took the initiativeto inform me. I merely mentioned that I wanted to get in touch with the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill to

confirm his identity. Ms. Moore directly revealed to me that we were attacked in New York.Furthermore, she mentioned that the benefactor instructed her to inform me two days ago.”

The Lady uttered in horror, “This means… The benefactor is aware of our arrival in Aurous Hill andknows that once we arrive, he will find a way to prove his identity…”

“Yes,” Desmond continued, “The benefactor is well aware of my intentions when visiting the MooreGroup this time. He knows I wanted to inquire about his identity. He also understands that we don’texpect Ms. Moore to directly reveal his identity to us. However, I hoped that Ms. Moore could assist uswith a single sentence, so the benefactor had already arranged with her in advance…”

The Lady’s excitement grew and she spoke with trembling hands, “This is fantastic! This is wonderfulnews! We had no leads on the benefactor before, but now we do. What we can confirm now is that ifwe want to contact the benefactor or convey any information to him, we can do it through Ms. Moore!Though it may not be a direct connection, it’s already a significant breakthrough!”

Then, the Lady added, “The fact that the benefactor is holding the Rejuvenation Pill Auction in AurousHill instead of any other city in China proves that there’s a high chance he is a local of Aurous Hill.Even if he isn’t, he undoubtedly has a strong connection to this place. Our visit to Aurous Hill this timeis like stepping onto his home turf!”

At that moment, Marcus chimed in, “Brother, I have a question. Did you disclose our conditions to Ms.Moore?”novelbin

“Yes!” Desmond affirmed, “I increased our investment by 8 billion US dollars and promised tocollaborate with the Moore Group on healthcare projects. We even offered the Moore Group a 10%share unconditionally.”

Marcus hurriedly asked, “What did Miss Moore say?”

Desmond replied, “Miss Moore didn’t provide a definite answer. She said she would consider it. Ibelieve she must consult with the benefactor and see what he has to say.”

Marcus slapped his thigh and exclaimed, “Oh! Brother, you spent over half an hour driving back. DidMiss Moore reply to your message?”

Desmond sighed, “Not yet…”

Marcus felt a tinge of disappointment and mumbled, “Then it seems likely that the benefactor is not inAurous Hill…”

Desmond nodded, “I share the same thought. If the reply takes too long, then I suspect there’s a highprobability that the benefactor is not in Aurous Hill. Moreover while talking to Ms. Moore, shementioned that the benefactor has left Aurous Hill and has been staying overseas. I wonder if thebenefactor was in New York.”

Marcus clicked his tongue and speculated, “It’s hard to say. Maybe he hasn’t returned yet.”

Jack, who had been observing the conversation, noticed the two brothers drifting away from the righttrack.

He cleared his throat and interjected, “Ahem… You two shouldn’t base your judgment on whether theperson you’re seeking is present or not solely on the timing of someone’s reply. People with even alittle bit of criminal knowledge know to manipulate the body’s temperature and environment after amurder to disrupt the police and forensic experts in determining the time of death. Why do you assumethat someone must reply only if they’re already in Aurous Hill? Just because they reply late doesn’tnecessarily mean they aren’t here.”

Desmond explained, “Jack, I’m not being overly absolute. I’m merely considering that if Miss Mooreknows someone is in Aurous Hill, based on our habits, we tend to think of calling them directly when weneed something. However, if we know the person is elsewhere, we consider our own situation first. Wecontemplate whether our matter is urgent, whether the other person is occupied and if calling rashlywould disrupt them. If the matter isn’t time-sensitive, we might choose to contact them in the eveningwhen most people are less busy. If the person is overseas, we have to take time differences intoaccount. Even though it’s afternoon here, it might still be nighttime on the other side of the world…”

Jack chuckled, “So your judgment is heavily influenced by these factors. You can only be certain if MissMoore promptly returns a call to you, indicating a high likelihood that the benefactor is in Aurous Hill.However, since she hasn’t responded quickly, you can’t relax and conclude that the person isn’t here.Consider that the other party might have factored this in as well, instructing Miss Moore to delay herreply to disrupt your judgment.”

As he spoke, Jack couldn’t help but speak inwardly, “You two brothers, don’t be deceived by yourcleverness… Although I promised Jagoan not to reveal his identity, now that you’re in Aurous Hill, don’tlet this opportunity slip away. Follow this lead and I’m certain you’ll be in for some surprises…”

Upon hearing this, Desmond couldn’t resist asking, “Jack, what are you trying to say?”

Jack replied, “It means that if we want to find this benefactor, there’s a chance he might still be inAurous Hill. Let’s not immediately assume he’s not here. We should work together, approach the casewith a clear mind and avoid jumping to conclusions. We need to avoid prematurely dismissing possiblesolutions, as it can hold back our progress. We need to keep our options open and not hinder oursearch for the truth. When investigating a missing person case, it’s important not to overlook anysuspicions we may have, even if it involves people who are close to the missing individual, includingtheir own parents. It’s crucial to keep an open mind and follow all leads until we uncover the truth. Untilthe evidence has been thoroughly examined and proven, we cannot naively deny the possibility that

anyone, even those closest to us, may be involved. It’s a crucial mindset required for uncovering thetruth.”

Jack stopped and thought for a moment before speaking up, “Considering that we’re currently inAurous Hill, we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that Jagoan might be here and potentially, thebenefactor as well.”

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