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Chapter 5353

Jagoan harbored grand ambitions for Aurous Hill, envisioning a remarkable healthcare real estateventure that would allure affluent individuals seeking top notch medical services.

Rumors were that he had devised an innovative plan to lure these sophisticated individuals to AurousHill, where they could access top notch medical care for a portion of the year. Little did Jasmine know,however, that Jagoan had previously made a significant decision to suspend the auctions of hiscoveted Rejuvenation Pill.

Yet, Jagoan’s suspension of the Rejuvenation Pill auction was merely a temporary measure, kept low-key to mitigate the looming threat of the notorious Warriors Den. Once the danger from that quarterwas eradicated, Jagoan could unleash a more extravagant Rejuvenation Auction, designed exclusivelyfor a select few through invitation only.

The potential for the auction to expand and flourish under Jagoan’s guidance was immense. Thus, thefuture of Aurous Hill held immense promise, destined for swift development through the power of theRejuvenation Pill.

Just as the Evans Family entered the market, injecting increased investment into Aurous Hill, theprospects for their future wealth grew exponentially. Jasmine couldn’t help but admire the EvansFamily’s remarkable foresight and visionary approach.

At this very moment, a staggering sum of eight billion U.S. Dollars seemed like an astronomical figure,as if they had granted Jasmine a monumental favor. However, the true beneficiary behind this incidentwas none other than the Evans Family itself.

Desmond turned to Jasmine once again, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. “Miss Moore, if you’reinterested, we should take our collaboration to the next level. What exactly does Mr. Evans mean bycooperation?”

With a confident smile, Desmond explained, “The two of us could join forces and establish aspecialized real estate company focusing on healthcare projects, we can acquire more land in theoutskirts of Aurous Hill and gradually develop high-end healthcare facilities. Once Rejuvenation Pillsgain widespread recognition, the popularity of Aurous Hill will skyrocket. Even if people realize that theRejuvenation Pill may not be meant for them, they will still associate Aurous Hill with health andwellness. The affluent and middle-class will flock to the city, without a doubt.”novelbin

Desmond leaned closer, his tone becoming more conspiratorial. “Moreover, I recently came acrosssome information about Oracle Pharmaceutical, a reputable company located in Aurous Hill. Althoughthey may not have a wide range of products, every single one of them is a game-changer withremarkable medicinal properties. Having such a pharmaceutical company in Aurous Hill willundoubtedly bolster our reputation in the medical and healthcare fields. Our influence will soar.”

Jasmine couldn’t help but be taken aback by Desmond’s knowledge of Oracle Pharmaceutical.

She looked at him, her curiosity piqued “Mr. Evans, you’re familiar with Oracle Pharmaceutical too?They supplied the FDA with a batch of drugs for clinical trials and rumor has it that their remarkableefficacy earned them a spot in the White House’s strategic reserves.”

Desmond locked eyes with Jasmine and with a meaningful gaze, shared his thoughts “Miss Moore, letme be honest with you. I personally speculate that this pharmaceutical company has some connectionto our benefactor. Perhaps their formula is a gift from our mysterious benefactor.”

Jasmine found herself even more taken aback in that very moment.

She was determined to keep any further information about Jagoan under wraps, so she cautiouslyresponded, “The situation regarding Oracle Pharmaceutical isn’t exactly crystal clear.”

Despite Jasmine’s best efforts to maintain a composed expression and avoid any giveaway signs whenshe spoke to Desmond he managed to detect a trace of unease on her face. He astutely captured her

subtle, unnatural behavior, leading him to conclude that Oracle Pharmaceutical must have someconnection to the mysterious benefactor.

Having obtained the answer he sought, Desmond chose not to delve further into the matter of OraclePharmaceutical.

Instead, he spoke with a gleaming smile, “Miss Moore, considering the Evans family’s reputation, theirinvolvement alone would resolve most of the issues at hand. If the Moore Group were to join forces, wewould undoubtedly seize the lead in Aurous Hill’s healthcare industry. Not only would the future profitsbe substantial, but the benefits would extend far and wide. Healthcare initiatives have flourished inEurope and the United States whereas China has only just started exploring this sphere. Despite thevast market potential, it’s still not given the attention it deserves…”

“Many profit-driven companies shy away from long-term endeavors that demand significant investment,substantial responsibility and prolonged timelines. Such ventures simply don’t entice those accustomedto quick gains. However, if we manage this business effectively, monetary gains are just one aspect. Italso allows for heightened social recognition and greatly contributes to the enterprise’s societal impact,truly a multipurpose endeavor.”

Jasmine wholeheartedly agreed with Desmond’s judgment.

As the one behind the Rejuvenation Pill Auction, she possessed keen insight into the insatiable desireof the wealthiest individuals for the miraculous pill. With every passing moment of the ongoing auction,Desmond’s predictions and assertions were gradually being confirmed. Once Aurous Hill claimed itsrightful place as the leading global powerhouse in the healthcare industry, the commercial interests atstake would be colossal. Undoubtedly, a monumental opportunity would arise and those with the capitalto seize it would reap immense rewards.

In that very moment, Desmond interjected once more, his voice filled with excitement “By the way, theEvans Family has an abundant reserve of capital. We can secure as much land as possible right fromthe outset. In the future, when Aurous Hill truly transforms into a first-class city by leveraging itshealthcare prowess, the value of these land reserves will skyrocket…”

“Now, regarding our collaboration, if Ms. Moore is willing to join forces with the Evans Family, we willgladly offer 10% shares of this project to the Moore Group as a gesture of goodwill. It’s a gift from theEvans Family. Should Ms. Moore desire a larger stake, anything beyond the initial 10% shares can beacquired through standard procedures and the Evans Family is prepared to sell up to 49% shares tothe Moore Group!”

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