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Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Rosalie’s face turned red. She bit her lip and said to Amelia, “He is my boyfriend.”

“Your boyfriend?” Amelia’s eyes suddenly widened. From the conversation just now, she could feel thatthere was a little ambiguity between them.

However, he was actually her boyfriend. Amelia could not believe that Rosalie had a boyfriend, and itwas someone unpredictable.

Jonathan was unfathomable.

This was how Amelia felt. Just like now, even if the man looked harmless with a smile on his face, shewould never think that the man was really harmless. On the contrary, her intuition told her that the manwas dangerous.

There was a vague air of superiority emitted from this man’s body.

“Yes, my boyfriend,” Rosalie replied.

“H-Hello, I’m Amelia, the owner of this place,” Amelia introduced herself.

“Hello, I’m Jonathan,” Jonathan said.

Amelia was stunned again, and then the surprise in her eye’s became more prevalent.

“Is this Jonathan the same one I’m thinking of?” Amelia thought and felt dizzy.

Calvin and Jonathan came to her diner, and both men were there for Rosalie.

“Who is Rosalie exactly? Is she really like what she wrote on her resume?” Amelia was still wondering.

Calvin stood up and walked over, but he only told Jonathan. “I think I really don’t want to be yourenemy.”

After that, Calvin looked at Rosalie and said, “Someone in the film crew of my company was rude toyou yesterday, so I came here today just to apologize to you in their stead. If you have any losses, Ican compensate you.”

“There is no loss, so I don’t need compensation. Thank you for yesterday,” Rosalie hurriedly replied.

“Really? Okay, I’ll leave now.” Calvin looked at Jonathan meaningfully and then left the store.

After all, Rosalie’s weight in his heart did not reach the point where he would offend Jonathan for her.Calvin gently lowered. his eyes and smiled with self-mockery.

He would not make an enemy out of Jonathan for Rosalie, but Jonathan would fight with him for her.This showed that Rosalie’s importance to Jonathan outweighed her importance to Calvin.

Besides, the person Calvin really wanted to find was the little girl whom he didn’t even know the name.

His fingers toughed his heart again. Through the clothes, he could feel the little silver bracelet hangingfrom his necklace.

It was like a token, held close to his chest and pulsed with his heart.

When exactly would he find her? He had so many things to tell her. Calvin wanted to let her know howmuch he missed her.

Amelia looked at Jonathan, who was sitting at the table again. He was still drinking coffee elegantly andreading a German book. It was as if he would do as he claimed and wait for Rosalie to get off work.

This was Jonathan Youngblood, the influential man in Strico.

Amelia remembered that when she pulled Rosalie aside and asked, the latter gave her an affirmativeanswer.

“Yes, Ms. Haab. He’s that Jonathan from the Youngblood Group.” That was Rosalie’s answer.

Amelia only felt that her head seemed to be struck by a bolt of lightning, and she could not regain hersenses.

She thought, “My diner’s delivery person is Jonathan’s girlfriend? Who would believe this?”

When Rosalie said there was still takeout to be delivered, Jonathan replied, “I’ll wait for you here sinceit’s an off day for me today.”

Thus, Rosalie went to deliver takeouts, and Jonathan stayed back to read.

Amelia felt that she had experienced a lot, but now she was kind of confused.

She wondered, “Rosalie has such a capable boyfriend, but why does she work part-time at my diner?Is Jonathan serious

about her?”

However, their relationship didn’t seem fake. At least, Jonathan’s attitude toward Rosalie was full ofdoting affection, obvious to even outsiders.

Seeing Jonathan finish a cup of coffee, Amelia stepped forward and said, “Mr. Youngblood, do youneed anything else?”

“Just give me a glass of plain water,” Jonathan said.

Therefore, Amelia brought Jonathan a glass of water. When she was about to leave, Jonathan sáid,“Wait a minute.”

“Is there anything else?” Amelia asked.

“Sit down.” Jonathan pointed to the empty chair opposite him and said, “I have something to tell you.”

Amelia suddenly felt uneasy, but she still sat down in the chair.

“Rosie wants to be independent, and I won’t stop her. She has a good impression of you and your son,and she seems to be satisfied with her current job. If she wants to continue working here, I will let herdo it. Only her happiness matters.” Jonathan looked at Amelia with a sharp gaze.

Amelia was shocked. The fear in her heart became more obvious. “My son and I… like Rosalie toonovelbin

“If so, it’s good. I don’t mind helping you if you have any trouble, but I hope that you can treat hersincerely and not scheme to manipulate her. If you do that, then don’t blame me for hurting you at thattime,” Jonathan said indifferently.

Amelia explained, “How could I-”

Before Amelia could finish her words, Jonathan interjected, “Warren has been looking for you in recentyears, but you are smart enough to bribe the people from the prison before going incognito and tryingto change your household registration information. I’m afraid he won’t find you if he doesn’t make someeffort.”

Amelia almost jumped up from the chair.

“H-He knows! He wouldn’t know these if he didn’t run a background check on me!” Amelia thought withwide eyes and asked, “You… investigated me?”

“Yes. Since Rosie still wants to work for you, I naturally have to investigate everyone at this dinerbefore I can feel at ease.” Jonathan said, “But Rosie doesn’t know about this, and I don’t want her to.”

Amelia understood that Jonathan was warning her. She wondered if Rosalie knew that Jonathan wasprotecting her from the dark.

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