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Chapter 219

Chapter 219

“I understand. I won’t say anything to her.” Amelia hesitated for a moment and said, “Although I knownow that Rosalie is your girlfriend, I never thought of using her since the start, and it won’t happen inthe future. I hired her because I thought she was the same as me. We were both in prison before. So, Ifelt pity for her and wanted to give her a job opportunity.”

The coldness in Jonathan’s eyes dispersed a little, and he said, “I don’t care about the relationshipbetween you and Warren. All I want is for Rosie to work safely at your place. If anything happens toher, you can call me anytime.”

After saying that, he gave his mobile phone number to Amelia.

Amelia quickly wrote it down. There were not many people in Strico who could get this phone number,and now she got it under this condition.

However, Jonathan said he wouldn’t interfere with the relationship between Warren and her. Thatmeant that he would not tell Warren about her whereabouts.novelbin

This made Amelia breathe a sigh of relief.

Jonathan stayed in the diner and had dinner there with Rosalie.

So, when the work hours were over, all the colleagues in the diner knew that Rosalie had a handsomeboyfriend.

Those colleagues did not know Jonathan’s identity as Rosalie only introduced him as “Jon.”

Her colleagues also joked that Rosalie would be the wife of a rich man in the future because herboyfriend seemed quite


Rosalie smiled at these words.

She thought, “If they knew he’s Jonathan Youngblood, will they make the same joke? Or will they, too,think she has no chance with Jonathan?”

Jonathan said on the way back, “You lady boss is not bad.”

“Well, Ms. Haab is quite nice.” Rosalie suddenly remembered something and said, “By the way, Aidenis going to have an operation tomorrow. Ms. Haab and her mother will go to the hospital to take care ofAiden, so the diner will be closed for a few days. I probably don’t have work for a few days.”

“Does this mean you don’t have to deliver takeouts at lunchtime tomorrow?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Is that what he’s thinking?” Rosalie was a little speechless when she thought of that, but she realizedthat she often had lunch with him recently, so she offered, “How about I bring lunch for you tomorrow?”

When she said this, she suddenly remembered that back in the rental home, she would prepare a mealfor him when she had to work overtime. He could eat it by just reheating the food.

At that time, she cooked for him by herself. Every time she saw him eating diligently, she felt happy.

The person who cooked the dishes liked to see people enjoy their food the most, even if those dishesand her cooking skills were very ordinary.

“Okay,” he replied with a smile. “This is a promise! I will wait for your lunch tomorrow at noon.”

Since she said it, she could not go back on her words, so Rosalie asked, “Do you have anything inparticular you want to eat?”

“I’m not picky about food. As long as you make it, I like it,” he answered.

Jonathan was not picky about food, but in other words, he didn’t have any favorite dishes oringredients. Rosalie thought to herself, “All right. I’ll whip up something simple tomorrow.”

At the Youngblood residence, Rosalie finished washing up and went out of the bathroom to seeJonathan sitting on the bed.

These days, he always stayed in her room with her overnight. Although they didn’t do anything, itseemed that sleeping in the same bed had become a habit before they knew it.

Since she had to keep the lights on when sleeping, Rosalie once persuaded him, “You’ll beuncomfortable sleeping with lights on. Why don’t you go back to your room to sleep?”

However, he countered, “I want to sleep with you. Rosie. Sleeping with you makes me feel good, so itdoesn’t matter even if the light is on.”

Thus, she had to stop herself from responding.

Besides, the way he said sleeping with her made him feel good sounded a little ambiguous. Shewondered if he knew it was easy to mislead minds to something inappropriate.

Jonathan watched Rosalie walk toward the bed and asked, “Do you want to sleep now?”

“Yes.” Rosalie blushed.

Rosalie lifted the quilt and climbed into the bed. Jonathan’s hand naturally went around her waist. Hehugged her tightly and buried his face in her chest, behaving almost like a child to an adult.

The current him looked childish and was different from the usual Jonathan. However, Rosalieinexplicably liked Jonathan’s childishness at the moment.

“By the way, what does Calvin mean by those words he told you today? Do you have a dispute?”Rosalie suddenly thought to ask.

“What words?” Jonathan asked. In his mind, he only thought that hugging her was addicting.

He didn’t want to let go and wanted to keep doing this and be surrounded by her scent.

“He said he didn’t want to be your enemy,” Rosalie said. From what she remembered, Calvin had agood relationship with Jonathan. However, this sentence made it seem as if they had enmity betweenthe two of them.

If the Gunner family and the Youngblood family really became enemies, Rosalie could almost imaginethe big storm that would envelop the financial and entertainment circle in Strico.

“I meant it, literally,” Jonathan replied./

“But there must be a reason why.” She asked curiously, “Are you guys competing for business?”

“No, it’s you,” he said.

Rosalie almost choked on her saliva. She thought, “Why me? Is he serious, or is he kidding me?”

He slowly raised his head and looked straight at her. His dark eyes were like the endless darkness ofthe night. “He is interested in you and wants to steal you from me, so I told him that if he really tries to,then he will be my enemy. I won’t care about falling out, then.”

Rosalie looked at Jonathan in a daze, and her heart seemed to be full of shock. “You really will… havea fallout with Calvin?” She asked because she understood the toll it would take on him if the fallouthappened.

“I said I love you. You are as important as my life. Do you think I’m kidding?” he asked.

She bit her lips, and her watery eyes widened as if she were still immersed in that shock.

However, she didn’t know how attractive she was now. Her current appearance tempted others todesire and take possession of everything about her.

His fingers gently stroked her lips and went between her teeth and lips so that she wouldn’t bite her lipsagain.

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