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Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Calvin’s fingers that were holding the coffee cup clenched slightly. “What if I’ve regretted it?” Back then,he had underestimated the impact Rosalie had on him.

He assumed Rosalie was only important to him because she resembled the person he was looking for.

However, gradually, he realized it was more than that. When he saw someone threatening her andabout to harm her, he felt his heart clenching, and he virtually rushed over to protect her instinctively.

It was as if as long as she got even a little hurt, it would cause him immense pain. When she was aboutto leave, he was reluctant to let her go as well, seemingly hoping that her gaze could linger on him alittle longer.

Even just a few seconds longer would suffice.

Calvin had never cared so deeply for a woman before, other than the little girl who saved him backthen. Rosalie was the only exception.

He would even think that maybe he shouldn’t have given her to Jonathan so easily. He wondered if hewould miss the person he was looking for less and if his pain of longing would be reduced had shestayed with him.

Jonathan’s eyes immediately darkened, and he stared at Calvin coldly. “You won’t have that chance. Iwon’t let you have it


“Really?” Calvin met Jonathan’s gaze head-on. “Then, I’d really like to give it a try. Let’s see why is it Iwon’t have that chance.”novelbin

The two men faced off each other. Even Amelia, who was at the cashier counter, could sense thetension in the air.

Although she couldn’t hear what they were talking about from where she stood, judging from theirexpressions, she knew it was definitely not a merry conversation.

All of a sudden, Jonathan chuckled. His thin lips quirked upward, and an attractive smile appeared.However, all that filled his glistening eyes was mockery. “Why? Weren’t you solely dedicated to theowner of that silver bracelet? Are you telling me you’ve also fallen for Rosalie now? Since when did youhave so much love to give, Mr. Gunner?”

Calvin’s gaze turned frigid, and his face became beyond grim as he fixed his deadly gaze on Jonathan.

Jonathan simply smiled nonchalantly. “If you find the owner of the silver bracelet in the future, what willyou do with Rosalie, then? From the beginning to the end, she’s merely a substitute for you. However,she is different to me

“What… is she to you?” Calvin asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

“To me, she’s my life.” Jonathan’s voice was filled with an unwavering certainty as he said these words,yet his eyes gleamed with a hint of hostility. “Calvin Gunner, if you truly want to snatch Rosalie fromme, you will become my enemy. Are you sure you want to make me an enemy?”

A trace of shock flashed across Calvin’s face. He knew Jonathan cared about Rosalie, but he didn’texpect it to be to this


He thought, Jonathan actually put Rosalie in a position equal to his own life. Could I do the same forher if I were him?”

A negative answer instantaneously appeared in Calvin’s heart.

Even though he had feelings for Rosalie and was interested and concerned about her, only the ownerof the silver bracelet could make him put in a position equal to his own life. There would be no otherwomen besides her.

Based on this point alone, he had already lost to Jonathan.

Calvin also asked himself if he really wanted to become Jonathan’s enemy because of Rosalie. Oncethey became enemies, it wouldn’t just be about them anymore and would involve the Youngbloodfamily and the Gunner family.

Apparently, Calvin was cognizant of this, and so was Jonathan.

Jonathan continued to sip his coffee leisurely as if he were simply chatting with Calvin casually over anafternoon snack. It was as though they weren’t talking about something that could potentially affect thewhole of Strico.

Calvin gradually subdued the sharp glint in his eyes and likewise picked up his coffee, taking anothersip.

The two men, who had previously been engulfed in a tense atmosphere, now appeared more likefriends gathering for a meal.

Amelia was momentarily lost in a bewildered haze.

Other customers in the shop, especially female customers, also glimpsed at the duo from time to time.After all, both of them resembled celebrities. A female customer even wanted to take out her phone toget a picture of them.

Unfortunately, the female customer had just aimed her phone at Jonathan and Calvin when her camerawas blocked by a big hand. She didn’t even get the chance to press the “capture” button.

That big hand belonged to Jonathan’s bodyguard, and he said directly to the female customer, “Myboss doesn’t like being filmed. If you insist on doing so, then I can only ‘invite’ you out.”

The female customer was dumbfounded, thinking, “Is this… considered a threat?” However, when shesaw the bodyguard’s expressionless face and bulky body, she swallowed down her words of protest.

Rationality told her that even if she protested, it would only be her who got humiliated in the end.

The female customer then paid the bill and left dejectedly.

Now, even if the rest of the customers initially wanted to take pictures secretly, they didn’t dare to do soanymore.

Just then, Rosalie came back on her electric scooter and immediately caught sight of Jonathan andCalvin sitting at the same table right after she entered the store. She was stunned.

“This is… uh, what’s going on? Why are they here? Looks like they’re… drinking coffee in the shop.Why would people like them come here for coffee!” she wondered.

For a moment, Rosalie felt utterly taken aback and unable to wrap her head around it.

Amelia hurriedly rushed forward and dragged Rosalie over. “Rosalie, Mr. Gunner is here for you.” As forJonathan, she had no idea why he came to the shop since he hadn’t mentioned it.

In the end, before Calvin even got up, Jonathan had already risen to his feet and walked straighttoward Rosalie.

“Why are you here?” Rosalie asked.

“I’m done with work in the office, so I thought to come and see you,” Jonathan answered.

Amelia looked at the couple in surprise. “Rosalie, you… know this gentleman?”

“Mhm. He’s…” Rosalie abruptly trailed off, not knowing how to introduce Jonathan. After all, eventhough she was in a relationship with him, they had never disclosed it to outsiders.

“Hmm? What’s wrong? Are you not going to introduce me to the boss of your diner?” Jonathan gazedat Rosalie with a faint


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