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Chapter 119

Chapter 119

The mention of the familiar name caused every ligament in Sheridan to shrink. She forcefully freedherself from the sweet entangled position she was in before, causing Alpha Nick’s brow to crease.

He was disturbed until he heard the name. “Charlotte, how shameful of you to escape the death thepack carefully planned out for you?” Sheridan taunted, but Alpha Nick was surprised to hear thecursed name.

He signaled Sheridan to put the phone on speaker, and she complied. Charlotte’s voice camethrough.

“You are the one destined to die.” Anger laced her voice like she wanted to eat Sheridan raw.“What? I would take back everything you took from me before.”

Alpha Nick’s fingers balled tightly, his knuckles turning white. How he wished that Charlotte wasfacing them before spouting nonsense.

Warmth surged through his soul when Sheridan responded rather unfazed. “It’s not the first time I’veheard those words, but why don’t you show your face for us to end it all?”

After failing to kill Sheridan after multiple attempts, Charlotte decided to trust Goliath’s strategy tosucceed this time. so how could she show her face when the time was not right?

“Hahaha, Sheridan. I would not make that mistake.”

For a moment, Sheridan was tempted to expose Charlotte’s location, but that would only make thelatter change her


It was better for Charlotte to think they were not ready for her and be met with a pleasant surprise.

“Then why did you call me? I doubt it’s because you want to hear my sweet voice.” Sheridanbragged, proud of the fact that her voice was indeed melodious.

Charlotte was so mad. It was a sin for one woman to have all that other women coveted.

“I just want you to be aware that being forced to reject him does not count. Nick is still mine, and Iwill come back for him.”

Alpha Nick would have responded to point out her madness, but Sheridan pressed her forefinger toher lips with the silent message that it was fine.

“You said the same about all those men I had no interest in, so what else do you have to say?”Sheridan responded in a mocking tone, causing Charlotte’s defenses to crumble.

Then she remembered her biggest bargaining chip. He was all she needed now, regret heavy onher heart for not marking him before when she was the only one he saw back then.

If only her evil wolf could take her into her past to make the correction, Sheridan would not evenstand a chance of having or standing by Alpha Nick.

“Sheridan, I know that Nick doesn’t love you. Everything he did or is still doing is just to get back atme. In other words, to make me jealous.”

“Pfft.” Sheridan chuckled. “You are wrong about that. We fell in love with each other even beforeknowing we were mates. Isn’t that magical?” Her eyes lit up as she stared into Nick’s eyes

On the other side of the line, Charlotte still could not believe it but was certain that her little trickwould work very well.


Chapter 119

“We shall see who Nick truly loves. Whether it’s me or you.”

Sheridan scoffed. “You must be dumb to even think about the probability of him loving you.”

The call ended instantly, and she could tell that Charlotte was upset. “I know I don’t deserve it, butI’m proud that you are mine.”

Nick’s lips locked with hers in kisses so deep that she was left breathless. “Didn’t you talk aboutgoing to shower?” Sheridan asked through pants when he finally pulled away.

His desirous gaze still lingered on her, as her question rather skyrocketed his desire for her. Hewanted to much to bury himself inside of her, as the mark was not enough for him.

With a darkened gaze, Nick pushed her onto the bed. “I changed my


By the time he was done with her, Sheridan could not feel her legs. “Nick, you are such a monster.What have you done to me?” Her body ached and her wolf would not heal for from the pleasurepains novelbin

Nick sucked her already sore nipples. “That is for running away and making me miss you for solong,” he smirked. Kissing her breast again, he finally rose from the bed and lifted her into hisarms and into the bathroom.

Sheridan was happy. Nick made her happy, but she could not help thinking about what schemesCharlotte had up her sleeves.

“Nick, if you even make a mistake or allow a charm to blindfold you into choosing Charlotte over meever again, I swear by the moon goddess that you would never see me or Daisy ever again.”

Nick was g

gently massaging Sheridan’s aching muscles with lather from the Jacuzzi when she suddenly spokeup.

His hand around her body stiffened. “You don’t trust me?” He was almost in tears. It was his fault ifshe did not trust him but he was still desperate for it

“I trust you, but I want to trust you even more, Nick. My heart is not made of stone, and I won’t beable to take another heartbreak.

Alpha Nick could feel her pain through the mate bond, and it saddened his soul. “Sherry, I might notbe perfect, but I promise that yours and Daisy’s happiness would be paramount to everything in mylife.”

Sheridan pursed her lips and wrapped her arms around him, their naked, soapy bodies pressedtogether.

“I believe you,” Sheridan said softly. Alpha Nick was instantly hard, as if he hadn’t done it for a longtime.

“Oh, Sherry, I’m afraid I would have to take you right here, in this Jacuzzi.”

Sheridan’s eyes widened. Was he trying to kill her with sex? “What did you say?”

Pleasurably, Sheridan’s pleas turned into needs as Alpha Nick made love to her in the Jacuzzi.

Strangely, she felt better after it, and just as her body touched the bed, her phone rang again.

Thinking it was Charlotte, she was about to switch it off when she saw Bree’s name and answeredit.

Bree sounded teary. “Sherry, please, I need your help.”


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