Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 966 The Domineering Bailey
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Chapter 966 The Domineering Bailey

Cersei was frightened by the icy gaze of the man standing before her.

However, looking at his resolute and handsome face, she suppressed the fear in her heart.

She moved toward him with graceful steps, feigning confusion. “Mr. Luther, what do you mean by that?I don't understand. Do you feel unwell? I studied some medical knowledge while I had time at home. Ionly know the basics, but perhaps I can give you a checkup?”

The light in Artemis' gaze suddenly dimmed, and his vision blurred. Through the layers of fog, heseemed to see the figure of Bailey.

What on earth is this? It can actually cause people to hallucinate.

More importantly, as she continued to approach, the strength in his body gradually drained away,leaving his legs feeling as if they were filled with lead.


The soft, gentle call of Bailey echoed in his ears, causing the cold glint in his eyes to gradually fade.His pupils contracted sharply, slowly losing focus, becoming empty and lifeless.

Upon seeing him fall for her trap, Cersei curled her enchanting red lips into a wickedly playful smile.

She and Eunice were friends. In the past, Eunice had gifted her many sedative fragrances capable ofbewitching the mind and causing one to lose oneself.

I've carried this stupefying drug for years, never expecting it to come in handy today. Tonight, I musthave this man.

She wanted Artemis, the man who was the object of desire for countless ladies of high society aroundthe world and the man who would appear in the dreams of countless young girls.

She thought she would never have any contact with such a favored son of heaven in her lifetime.

Unexpectedly, fate had arranged for their paths to cross.

Since this was a gift from fate, she must firmly grasp it.

“Artemis, I am Bailey. Don't you love me? Then prove it to me. Can you love me deeply just once? Isthat okay? Please?”

She lured him in with her enchanting voice, all the while closing in on him.

After she reached him, she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, stood on her tiptoes, and leanedin toward his thin lips. Their distance went from twenty centimeters to ten centimeters, then finally tofive centimeters.

Just as her lips were about to touch the corner of Artemis' mouth, a sudden pain in the back of Artemis'neck snapped him back from his abnormal state.

Looking at the woman who made him feel nauseous in his arms, he instinctively wanted to push heraway.

At that moment, a teasing voice suddenly rang in his ears. “Artemis, you're holding her so tightly. Hownice it must be to have such a romantic moment. Just now, I asked you if you were meeting a womanhere, and you denied it. Now that you've been caught red-handed, what excuses do you have left?”

Artemis suddenly snapped back to reality.

The intense pain that had just shot through the back of his neck must have been from the silver needlethe woman on top of the wall had fired. It had hit him right in his acupoint, temporarily restoring hisconsciousness.

After realizing what had happened, the slight nervousness in his heart immediately disappeared.

Since his wife had been watching the whole time, she must have known that he was being set up.

“I've already given you a warning, but you chose not to listen and continued to use those underhandedtactics on me. So don't blame me for not having compassion for a lady.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't be bothered to push her away with his hands, deeming ittoo dirty. Instead, he directly kicked her, landing a blow on her lower leg.

No one knew how much force he put into that kick, but Cersei was sent flying by it, and she landed witha thud on the floor several meters away.

In his entire life, Artemis had only ever cherished one woman, and that was Bailey. As for the others, tohim, they were no different from men.

Anyone who provoked him, regardless of gender, would be dealt with his most brutal and ruthlessmethods.

Cersei, lying on the ground, was struck so hard that she suffered internal injuries, and she spat out amouthful of fresh blood.

She stared blankly at the man who had just kicked her. Her voice tinged with a sob as she asked, “Am Inot beautiful? Is my family background not good enough? How can you still remain calm even afterbeing drugged with a stupefying drug?”

“Allow me to answer that for you.” Bailey leaped down from the wall, advancing toward Cersei step bystep.

“It's simple—you just don't catch his eye. If a man is truly interested in a woman, he doesn't need toresort to such messy tactics and would still approach her.”

“Y-You... Are you B-Bailey?”

With a faint smile, Bailey swept her gaze over her face, a look of disdain showing. “This skin of yours ispassable, I suppose. Other than that, you have nothing! You, of all people, dare to fantasize abouthaving a fleeting romance with him?”

Cersei was furious, her charming face twisted in rage. “Bailey, you who were abandoned by your ownfamily—”

Before she could finish her sentence, Bailey immediately slapped her across the face twice. novelbin

“Do you know what you remind me of? A vixen that couldn't steal what she wants, a true disgrace toher family.”

“You... You...” Cersei, overwhelmed with rage, spat out a few fragmented words. Her eyes then rolled tothe back of her head, and she passed out immediately.

With a cold smile, Bailey slowly straightened up and sarcastically said toward the end of the corridor,“Old Mr. White, the one who is cooperating with you is Artemis, not me. If the White family doesn't wantto be annihilated by the Saviors, make sure your daughter disappears from my sight forever. I've heardthat many churches are looking for nuns. Ms. White's soul isn't pure, so you should send her there for agood cleansing.”

A deathly silence ensued.

A full minute had passed when a slightly hoarse voice echoed from the end of the corridor. “It is I whofailed to guide her properly, leading her to commit such a shameful act. Your suggestion is excellent,Ms. Jefferson. Her becoming a nun and remaining unmarried for life is indeed the best outcome. I willcertainly take your advice, so please calm down.”

With a cold huff, Bailey ignored him and walked over to Artemis. With a serious face, she asked, “Areyou coming with me or staying the night here? Ms. White hasn't—”

Before she could finish speaking, Artemis scooped her up in his arms and strode toward the door.

The effects of the drug within him flared up again.

Initially, he wanted to force the White family's head to hand over the antidote. But seeing Bailey'sdomineering and overbearing demeanor, he changed his mind.

The leader of the Saviors was an entity that could strike fear into countless people upon the meremention of the title.

Even with all his capabilities, Wilfred had no choice but to agree to send his daughter to a church tobecome a nun in order to quell her anger.

That was why just the thought of being able to dominate and tease such a strong and proud womangave Artemis a unique sense of accomplishment.

At the end of the corridor, the figure of Wilfred gradually came into view.

He stared at the doorway for quite some time before finally shifting his gaze to his daughter, who hadfainted in the courtyard.

“Escort her to a church immediately, Arnold. From this day onward, Cersei is no longer a part of theWhite family. She is a nun, dedicated to serving the divine.”

“B-But once she becomes a nun, her life will be ruined. Are you really—”

“What else can we do, go against Artemis and Bailey? Don't be naive. They hold the power of Tarragonand the Saviors. Never mind the White family; not even ten or twenty prestigious families can withstandtheir joint attack and retaliation. We were truly reckless tonight. I should never have agreed to such anabsurd request. Everyone knows that Artemis is deeply in love with Bailey. How could I have done sucha foolish thing?”

The butler, Arnold, said nothing to that.

After leaving the courtyard with Bailey in his arms, Artemis headed straight for the woods.

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