Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 967 Quite Enjoy It
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Chapter 967 Quite Enjoy It

Bailey stared at his bloodshot eyes, feeling a lump in her throat.

“I-I think I should give you a couple of acupuncture treatments to counteract the effects of themedicine.”

He was like a real-life wolf, capable of consuming her entirely. Even though she missed him and longedfor his affection, there was also a hint of fear. In ordinary circumstances, this man could exhaust her. Ifhe transformed into a wolf, would he not drain her completely?

Artemis peered down at her, raising an eyebrow as he inquired, “Do you truly believe I would consent?You can attempt to administer the needles to me, as I won't retaliate.”

Bailey resigned herself, wrapping her arms around his neck, her voice trembling as she spoke. “Thenplease be gentle with me.”

Artemis lowered his head and planted a kiss on her forehead. “When have I not been gentle? It seemsyou quite enjoy it, or else you wouldn't be so intrigued by this.”

Bailey's face turned several shades redder as she retorted with a quivering voice, “W-What are youtalking about?”

“Is that so? You're not intrigued, huh? Very well, administer a few treatments to return me to normal,and I'll drive you home.” novelbin

Bailey glared at him, mustering the courage to say, “The needles, they're all used up. There are noneleft.”

The man chuckled softly. “You're a woman who says one thing but means another, aren't you? I seeyou're quite engrossed in this matter, even more so than I am.”

“Artemis Luther!”

In response, the man unceremoniously deposited her onto the back of the chair, and the car sped offinto the depths of the dense forest.

The following day, within the study of the Rogers castle's main house, Catherine leaned against thefloor-to-ceiling window, squinting at the morning sun outside.

Joseph stood behind her, his voice deep as he inquired, “Cath, what exactly happened? Why do youlook so serious?”

Catherine turned to face him, responding with a question of her own, “Dad, what have you been up tothese past few days?”

Joseph was taken aback, a hint of evasion flickering in his eyes. He casually remarked, “Didn't I informyou? My old illness has resurfaced. I've summoned the Divine Doctor to treat me. Do you doubt myword? Would you like me to call the Divine Doctor here to discuss my health with you?”

After casting him a meaningful glance, she shifted her gaze back to the morning sun outside and slowlystated, word by word, “During these past few days while you were recovering, Uncle Broderick hasgained control of all the senior executives who supported you.”

Joseph's eyes registered surprise as he looked at her incredulously, saying, “No, it can't be. How is thatpossible? I've been in contact with the senior executives over the phone these past few days... Idetected nothing unusual in their tone, Cath. They are all my former subordinates; they couldn'tpossibly betray me.”

Catherine emitted a cold laugh and spoke in a hushed voice, “In this era where self-interest reignssupreme, who remains loyal to someone for a lifetime? Your thinking is overly idealistic. UncleBroderick has leverage over them, forcing their submission with evidence of their guilt. What you see ismerely a facade. They had already betrayed us three days ago.”

Joseph staggered back, unable to bear the weight of the revelation.

How could this happen? What on earth should I do now?

Observing her daughter before him, a sudden realization struck him. He moved forward and firmlygripped her arm.

“Cath, I know you've been secretly building a power base. Help your father, assist me in eliminating thefirst branch of the family and all its followers. Once they are eradicated, I will entrust you with the familyseal, allowing you to assume control. The Rogers family must not fall into the hands of an illegitimatechild.”

Catherine nodded, bowing her head as she replied, “Rest assured, Dad. I am deeply grateful for all thecare and protection you have provided me and Luna over the years. For this reason alone, I willconfront my uncle to the bitter end.”

Joseph breathed a sigh of relief, a calculating gleam appearing in his eyes.

When Catherine and Broderick exhausted each other in their struggle, he would seize the opportunityto establish Harvey as the heir, commanding the other branches of the family to attack Broderick andCatherine, completely eliminating them.

“Thank you, Cath. Be assured that the position of family head will undoubtedly be yours.”

Catherine laughed nonchalantly, all the while scheming in her heart to seek Bailey's medical help forHarvey once she had eliminated the influence of the first branch of the family.

That young boy had become mentally challenged due to an accident, and Bailey likely possessed themeans to cure him.

Once he recovered, Catherine would depart from the Rogers family and disengage from the family'spower struggle, leaving Harvey to bear the weighty responsibilities.

“Dad, I didn't get to see Harvey during this visit. How is he doing?”

Joseph felt a sense of unease creep into his heart. He secretly wondered if Catherine had caught windof something.

Before he could respond, Catherine continued, “I have some connections with Bailey. I'll ask her totreat Harvey. She should be able to heal him.”

However, Joseph interpreted her words differently, assuming that she intended harm to Harvey.

He replied, “The child has been falling ill too frequently lately. I'm concerned he might harm someone,so I've sent him elsewhere. Currently, our top priority should be dismantling the first branch. If theyseize power, treating your brother's illness is the least of our concerns; whether our family can surviveis the real question.”

“Very well, you should rest at home. I'll take care of the matters concerning the first branch,” Catherineassured.

“Off you go. You need not worry about me; your mother is here to care for me.”

At that very moment, in the countryside manor, Artemis and Bailey had ventured into the forest late atnight. They spent several hours there, followed by a few hours of rest. Consequently, when theyreturned to the manor, the day had already dawned.

The car made its way directly to the main house. Just as Bailey was about to open the car door, asarcastic voice belonging to Zayron suddenly echoed in her ear, “Wild beasts roam that forest year-round. You two stayed there overnight and actually came back unharmed. It's truly a miracle. I supposethere are advantages to being wicked.”

Bailey narrowed her eyes slightly, a hint of danger flickering in her gaze. “You've been following me.”

Zayron rolled his eyes nonchalantly. “Why would I track you? To witness you two... Never mind, I won'tsay it. It's beneath me.”

Meanwhile, Susan peeked out from behind her older brother, grinning mischievously. “He installed atracking system on your phones. By the way, Mommy, you've become even more beautiful since Daddystarted pampering you. Remember to keep it up, okay?”

Bailey sighed, rubbing her forehead with her hand, and turned to Artemis, who leaned against thedriver's seat. “What did we do in our past lives to deserve these little devils tormenting us in this one?”

“I'm not a devil,” Maxton chimed in as he burst out from inside the house, hugging his mother tightly. Hegrinned and added, “I won't torment you guys. All I care about is when I can be a big brother again.”

A hint of disappointment crossed Luna's face as she responded, “Are you not satisfied with me? I maybe your cousin, but I'm younger than you. Doesn't that count as being your younger sister?”

Maxton found himself momentarily at a loss for words.

At that very moment, Simon emerged from inside the house, wearing a serious expression on his face.

Bailey gently patted Maxton on the back of his head and softly said, “Take your younger siblings tohave breakfast.”

Zayron scoffed dismissively. “I certainly don't want that idiot to boss me around. Being with him wouldlower my IQ.”

Once the four children had returned to the living room, Bailey finally spoke up, addressing Simon,“Simon, what happened?”

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