Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 965 Wish I Could Be With You Everyday
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Chapter 965 Wish I Could Be With You Everyday

Ever since she caught a fleeting glimpse of him three days ago, that mature and charming man hadoccupied all her thoughts, lingering in her mind incessantly.

She was the daughter of the White family, and countless young talents wished to marry her, but shedidn't find any of them attractive.

Only this formidable figure from Aploth stormed into her world, making her heart flutter. She knew thenhe was the one for her.

She had never met him before, but his fame was so great that it struck one's ears like the roar ofthunder.

This man, who had been a dominant figure on the international stage for years, held significant power.He was handsome, wealthy, and possessed a mature charm unique to successful men, which deeplycaptivated her.

Upon hearing this, Wilfred paused slightly, the pen in his hand momentarily still. A frown crept onto hisface, and a sharp glint flashed in his eyes.

It seemed he was calculating the odds of his daughter marrying into the Luther family.

“Oh, Cersei, it's not that I disapprove of it. It's just that Mr. Luther sets his sights too high. Numerousprincesses have sought to marry him, but they've all been turned down by him. Also, he is deeply inlove with Bailey at the moment. Unless you can be better than Bailey, there's no way he will even giveyou a second glance.”

Moreover, being better than Bailey was pretty impossible.

All the women in the world combined probably couldn't compare to Bailey, who excelled in every field.

Cersei saw a flicker of emotion in her father's eyes and quickly instigated, “Dad, isn't surpassing theYablon family and becoming the world's foremost poison-crafting family your lifelong dream? If I alignmyself with the Luther family, you can leverage their power to achieve your goals. I know that Mr.Luther will come to discuss our future cooperation with you tonight. So, could you please help me?Please? All I need is to spend one night with him. Given his character, he will surely take responsibilityfor me. I refuse to believe that a man of his stature and power has only ever been enamored with onewoman in his entire life. Once I share a romantic night with him, he will surely accept me. Dad, I begyou. Please grant me this favor. It will also benefit you.” novelbin

Upon hearing her analysis, he had to admit that he was indeed moved.

“Even if you get to be with him, he might only see you as a lover, as a mistress. Are you willing toaccept that?”

Cersei nodded solemnly. “Yes, I am willing.”

“All right, I'll help you fulfill this dream. Go back to your room and wait for news. Once everything issettled, I'll have the butler inform you.”

“Mm-hmm, thank you, Dad.”

As Cersei spoke, she stepped back to leave, a blush blooming on her cheeks.

The thought of that towering man, majestic as a grey wolf, loving her to bits later on filled her heart withsweetness.

Outside the White residence, a black sedan was concealed in the darkness of the night.

The car door swung open, and Artemis stepped out from the driver's seat.

No sooner had he stepped out of the car than Bailey emerged from the passenger seat.

Artemis looked at her somewhat helplessly and sighed. “Why would you follow me here in the middle ofthe night instead of enjoying a good sleep at home? Why insist on suffering by coming here with me?”

Bailey got around the front of the car, walked up to him, and wrapped her arms around his neck,grinning as she said, “The night you came back, you smelled of perfume, a woman's. I came to see ifyou're fooling around with some woman behind my back. Artemis, you're always denying it. Could it bethat you're feeling guilty?”

Artemis scanned his surroundings, his gaze finally landing on the car. “Are you looking to do somevigorous outdoor activities?” he asked.

Bailey shuddered slightly, shot him an annoyed glance, and huffed, “It was just a joke—no need to takeit so seriously. Besides, I don't mind doing some outdoor activities. Did you think I'd be scared of you?”

Artemis began to sneer, his laughter carrying the dangerous undertone of a predator.

He reached out and gently patted her cheek, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “If you dare, don't sneak

off on your own later. Once I'm out, I'll drive the car deep into the mountains. Let's see how I deal withyou then.”

Bailey absolutely adored his roguishly handsome look and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Then you'dbetter hurry up and come back, I'll be waiting for you in the car.”

Artemis lowered his head to look at her, his gaze deep, subtly radiating a mysterious light.

“I suddenly don't want to go in. Let's head into the woods first.”

“You unprincipled leader.” Bailey punched him in the chest, admonishing, “Focus on the importantmatters. Don't let women cloud your judgment.”

Artemis sighed helplessly. “I truly wish I could be with you every day, inseparably entwined. But alas,there are too many troubles, and it seems the heavens are determined not to let me be an unprincipledruler.”

“All right, enough with the chatter. Get on with your work.”

He said nothing else in response.

After watching Artemis enter the White residence, Bailey didn't return to the car. Instead, she swiftlymoved to the eastern side of the surrounding wall, and with a flip, she got on top of the wall.

After spending these days with him, she felt much better physically. The depleted vitality also graduallyreturned.

Could being intimate with a man nourish the body? If that's the case, then doing it more would be betterfor me in the future.

Upon realizing this naughty thought in her heart, Bailey couldn't help but chuckle.

When did she become so corrupted?

Artemis, guided by a bodyguard, walked through the corridor and arrived at the reception room.

As he entered, he said with a smile, “Congratulations, Old Mr. White, on achieving your wish andregaining control. Originally, I had planned to let you settle in for a few more days before dealing withyour rebellious son, but the situation has changed. From today onward, I'm afraid you'll have to starttaking action. I've found out that there are quite a few old followers of the White family still supportingKurt behind the scenes. I won't make things difficult for you, Old Mr. White, nor will I force you tocommit the act of killing your own son. All you need to do is eliminate those forces that support him.”

Wilfred didn't try to negotiate and agreed readily.

“All right, Mr. Luther. Since you neutralized the poison in me and saved me from a difficult situation, Inaturally have to fulfill what I promised you. Now that we've discussed business, let's sit down andhave a cup of coffee. It would be my honor to share a drink with you.”

“No, thanks. I have some things to take care of. I'll be leaving first.”

Seeing that he was about to leave, Wilfred didn't insist on him staying. He merely smiled and said,“Then the next time you're free, please come and have a drink with me.”

“Sure thing.”

Artemis turned around and left the reception room, retracing his original path.

As he passed by a small garden on the east side, a burst of fresh fragrance greeted him.

Subconsciously, he furrowed his brows, intending to step back, only to bump into something soft.

Without thinking, he moved aside, maintaining a distance of a few steps from the other person.

“M-Mr. Luther, we meet again. Our fleeting encounter last time left an unforgettable impression on me.”

Artemis furrowed his brows and narrowed his eyes, asking, “Ms. White, are you implying that you'vetaken a liking to me and fallen in love with me?”

Cersei was taken aback, probably not expecting him to be so straightforward. With a hint of shyness,she said, “Y-Yes. I've fallen in love with you.”

Artemis gave a light laugh. His gaze, however, was icy cold. “I belong to Bailey. If you want to love me,you'll have to ask for her permission first.”

A flicker of surprise flashed in Cersei's eyes. “Mr. Luther, you must be joking. You are the most powerfulman in the world. How could Bailey possibly have authority over you?”

Artemis' smile deepened. “Since you do know that I am the most powerful man in the world, then youshould understand that you are not worthy to speak to me. I'm giving you a bit of dignity here. Handover the antidote, or else... not even your father will be able to save you today.”

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