Strings of Fate

Chapter 292
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Chapter 292

Cam 49- Distressed and determined+10% Bonus06:16

| don��t sleep much. | stay up most of the night trying to figure out how to make things right. with Harry. | don��t get too far but | doat least form the first step of the plan, one that I��m hoping will lead to more plans later on. I��m going to call Ryann and ask tomeet up with her. Hopefully Harry hasn��t told her to ditch me or something. | suspect that if he did she would do as he asked, but| don��t think he would. My tentative friendship with Ryann hasn't really had much to do with him, at least not until now. I��m hopingthat she can fill me in a little on Incubus magic and maybe a little more about Harry in general. If I��m really lucky she will havesome idea on how | can get him to talk to me. Right now I��m just kind of hoping that if | give him a bit of time to cool off, he'll takemy call. Or even better, turn up to talk to me in person. Ryann might be able to give me his address, but turning up at his homeuninvited feels like crossing a line. | practically leap out of bed with far more energy than I��d usually have in the morning and grabmy phone. | want to call Ryann first thing. I'm hoping she might have some free time to see me today. I��m not particularlyshocked to find that | have about five missed calls from my mother and several text messages. She��s probably pissed that | gotSimon arrested. Although realistically he got himself arrested. | was the victim. With a sigh, | open the text conversation.

Mum- Cam, | just heard what happened with Simon. Can you call me please?

Mum- | know you're unhappy with me but | would really like to talk to you. Please call meback.

Mum- | didn��t know that Simon would go so far. Please let me talk to you.

The messages continue along the same line. They are a little different to usual though. My mother doesn��t say anything to implythe issue was my fault and she doesn��t say anything to insult me or make me feel guilty. | know the definition of insanity isrepeating the same action and expecting different results, but her messages seem a little different, and since the other option isto cut her off entirely I��m willing to risk listening to some more lectures and insults if there��s even the slightest chance that shemight have changed her mind. | make myself a coffee for emotional support, then | call my mother back.

��Hello? Cam?�� She sounds a little desperate.

..-Hi mum.�� | greet her quietly. She is silent for a moment, seemingly searching for the right4/4

Cam 49- Distressed and determined

thing to say. Suddenly she bursts into tears.

��I'm so sorry darling!�� She says between gasping breaths. | sit, completely stunned. | thought she might be willing to have anactual mature conversation, | didn��t expect an apology. I��m scared to hope so I��m cautious when | respond.

��What exactly are you sorry for?�� | ask for clarification. She deep breaths and

takes a fo manages to get her sobs under control, although she still sounds a little choked up when sheanswers.


��I'm sorry for trying to force Simon on you. | should have listened when you said he wasn��t a good man. The police contacted usabout our interactions with him. He was claiming that we asked him to save you from the Incubus and that he hadn��t doneanything wrong. The police told us that he��s been stalking you, that he attacked you and... your friend. | swear we never thoughthe would do anything like that. We encouraged him to pursue a relationship with you and not to give up so easily. But we neverwould have wanted him to hurt you. Are you really okay? The police assured me that you were, but | just needed to know forsure, and then you didn��t answer the phone...�� My mum sounds absolutely devastated and genuinely apologetic. It��s pretty mucheverything | wanted to hear from her. I��m still cautious, but my heart is racing with excitement. She still has a long way to go ifshe wants me to completely forgive her, | mean she tried to use a love potion on me and has basically trashed all my life choices.for a few years now. But this is a start. She��s willing to acknowledge that she made

le mistakes.

��Wh... what about grandma? What does she think of all this?�� | ask. Mum takes a coupleminutes to answer.



��She thinks that your Incubus did something to you and that Simon was trying to protect you. She doesn��t know I��m calling. I'll tryto talk to her about it though. | promise.�� She

assures me.��And you don��t think Harry is manipulating me?�� | ask. My mum laughs..

��Honey, you're many things, but you��re no idiot. | raised you to be independent, and that��s what you are. | doubt any Incubuswould be capable of manipulating you without your knowledge. You are MY daughter and a very talented Witch. I��ve taught youbetter than to allow yourself to be controlled by some Incubus. | can��t say that | particularly approve of your choice, but | knowthat being with the Incubus is absolutely your choice.�� She says firmly.

2/4Cam 49- Distressed and determinedThat's it, I��m done for. | burst into tears.

��Honey? What��s wrong?�� My mum asks, very alarmed. She sounds exactly like she always has when I��ve been upset and |answer without thinking.

��Harry and | had a fight last night and we broke up.�� | admit. My mum immediately starts inon a rant.

��| knew that boy was no good, too pretty he is. What happened? Did he cheat on you? He is an Incubus so | wouldn��t besurprised | bet he-�� | cut her off.

��Mum no! I��m the one who screwed up. He didn��t do anything wrong. It��s hard to explain but | messed up and it was entirely, onehundred percent my fault.�� | say, leaving no room for

argument.��Right... but you regret it. You want him back?�� Mum asks Slow��Definitely.�� | respond quickly with no hesitation.

��Then you'll go get him back. You know what you want so go figure out how to get it. | can��t say | understand or that | think this isa good idea, but as this whole debacle with Simon proved, I��m not as good a judge of character as | thought | was. Personally |worry that this is a mistake... But | know it��s your mistake to make and | will do what | should have done from

the beginning and I'll support you. | suppose | forgot for a while that as your mother my job is to teach you to run your life, not totry to run it for you. So go get your Incubus back and... Maybe we could talk again soon?�� She asks warily..

��You know everything isn��t all great between us, but I��m willing to work on it. Maybe you could call me tomorrow?�� | offer. Mumjumps on the offer and we arrange a time to talknovelbin

before my shift at work tomorrow.I'm cautiously excited. Mum'sacceptance means a lot to me. Felove it if she cold derhee aid See mybar So tithe. | don't think | couldever be part of my family��s covenagain. My trust is too broken for that.But I��m not ruling out having anactual relationship with my mother atthe very least. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| make my call to Ryann and I��m bothsurprised and pleased when sheanswers right away. Ps offers to)et unraninsut nd we agree to

�et at my bar. It won't be open forages yet, but that just means we canhave a little privacy. | frantically skullmy coffee and shower The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!





Cam 49- Distressed and determined.



as fast as | can so | can get to the barto meet them. After talking to mymum I��m feeling more eterminedthan ever. Lknow Mov arry, he��saligh) right now but I��m pretty sure hestill loves me. | just have to figure outa way to earn his forgiveness andmeeting Ryann is the first stage inthat plan. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


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