Strings of Fate

Chapter 293
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Chapter 293


Strings of Fate

Cam 50- Requests and research+10%



| make it to the bar in under thirty minutes and spend the next half hour anxiously cleaning the already immaculate bar. Cora dida great job closing last night, the place is exactly how | like it. I’m going to have to make it up to her. Honestly I think | need tohire another bartender, we're getting more and more busy. | should really give her a raise or a promotion or something. She’smore than earned it. | end up sitting on the customer side of the bar and | basically stare at the front door while | swing and kickmy legs anxiously. Finally, Ryann arrives, but she’s not alone. She has three people with her. Megan, Darrien and Aaron. Shit,how am | going to have a proper private conversation with her in front of all of them? | left the front door open so they letthemselves in. Darrien greets me with a small smile and Aaron nods. The two women are a little less friendly. Megan raises aneyebrow at me and

Ryann crosses her arms over her chest.“Well?” She says expectantly and | sigh.

“| suppose you want an explanation for why | would call Harry’s best friend over the day after he essentially dumped me.” |answer flatly.

“Pretty much, yeah.” Megan chimes in. My eyes dart to the guys nervously. Darrien is nice but Aaron intimidates me a little, he’sso big and quiet. It makes him kind of unapproachable.

“Uh... is there any chance we can have this talk in private?” | ask weakly. Ryann shrugs and Megan laughs.

“There’s no point. They'll know everything we talk about sooner or later. Besides, Harry sent a LONG and detailed message tothe group chat last night and pretty much every hour since then so | doubt there’s much you can say that we haven't all heardalready.” Ryann says, a little sympathetically. | take a deep breath and let it out again.

“Fine. In that case, I’m an idiot. | screwed up and | need your help to get Harry back.” | tell them boldly. | honestly expect them tosay no, | mean why would they want to help the girl who screwed over their friend?

“Sure. What can we do?” Ryann asks happily. Huh, what? Why is she being so cooperative? | narrow my eyes at hersuspiciously. Is this a set up of some kind? | don’t get it. | was expecting to have to beg and plead for their help. Or that at veryleast | would have to get

1/4Cam 50- Requests and researchthem drunk first. My thoughts must be clear on my face because Ryann finally drops her arms to her side and Megan relaxes.

“| know, you thought you would have to grovel. But honestly, | am in no position to be lecturing you about your relationshipdecisions. | screwed things up with Bellamy in my own way and it took me months to pull myself together enough to fix it. I’m notgoing to leave you to do the sanfe thing, for you and for Harry’s sake.” Ryann says kindly and | want to throw myself at her in ahug. Megan nods her agreement.

“Yeah... And | almost married someone who wanted to kill me because | was so oblivious that | didn’t even consider Darrien asan option. So I'd say neither of us are exactly the poster girls for good relationship decisions.” Megan says, shooting an adoringlook at Darrien who takes her hand and tugs her close to his side.

“So... What you're basically saying is that you’re just as terrible at this as | am and asking you for advice is probably not thesmartest plan I’ve ever had?” | joke. Darrien laughs.

“You're not wrong.” Megan elbows him in the ribs and me makes a big deal out of pretending to be in pain.

“Actually, that’s why we bought Aaron, he gives weirdly good relationship advice assuming you can actually get him to answeryou.” She winks at me. | suspect that she is making things up because she just wants someone else to join her in her mission ofpestering Aaron into trying to talk.


“Well as much as | appreciate you bringing the apparent relationship guru, it was actually you | wanted to talk to.” | admit. Ryannnods.

“Go on.” She prompts. | delay a little bit longer by suggesting everyone gets settled at a table. and | fetch drinks for everyone.

“No spelled booze for us please, we’re still working.” Darrien chimes in, gesturing to himself and Aaron. | make sure to just servethem regular alcohol. We're all sitting at a booth and | finally ask my question.

“So, | need to know about Incubi, especially about their magic and how it works. I’ve been running off a whole bunch ofassumptions and stereotypes and I’m starting to think that




Te all wing and that | really should mave guleu ulls out soUTICIdenial.” | explain. Ryann nods enthusiastically.



“| can help with that. | grew

most do. Do you have any specific questions?” She asks. | flounder.

un around Incubi so | learned a lot more about their magic than

“| don’t think | know enough to even ask what it is | need to know.” | sigh.

“Okay, so Incubi for beginners. Forstarters all that rubbish about beingdemons and stuff is completely fake.They just happen to have magic thataffects emotions. But deep emotionsare harder to affect, it works easieston shallow emotions, like lust. Partlybecause they're the ones you don'tusually think about too hard or try toexplain away but also because Incubiinfluence ene by ag)reflecting thet Gwh’emotions backonto someone. So if they're happythey can make you feel happy, orhorny they might make you feel...lustful. Basically you feel what theyfeel, but if it's not something youwould actually feel then it won't stickfor long. Lust is the one mostcommonly felt because, well to behonest most Incubi are hot and theyare still guys after all and due to theirappearance and reputation not a lotof people try to resist their magic.”Ryann starts. Okay, so | kind ofalready knew that Harry couldinfluence other emotions, but | didn'trealise it was only ones he wasalready feeling himself. It's goodinformation, although mostly it justtells me that since his magic usuallymakes me hot or relaxed that hetends to feel that way around me. Agood start, but hardly new since he’sbeen pretty honest about that fromthe start. | latch onto the commentabout resisting Incubi magic. Harryaccused me of not even feeling it.Could | actually be resistant? | ask formore information about that. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Oh, well it is possible to learn toresist Incubi magic, but really thebest way is just to avoid interactingwith them too much if you don’t wantto deal with their magic. Buildinresistance takepypxes and years ofkadtiod Lise on being able to focuson the emotions you're feeling thatare definitely your own. I'm prettygood at it since I've been doing itsince | was at kid. There were a lot ofteenage Incubi around where | grewup and their self control is less thanamazing.” Ryann shudders. Okay, soit's super unlikely that | have any kindof resistance to Harry's magic, I’mjust better at hiding my reactionsthan | thought.. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“What do you mean about control? Do Incubi control their magic or not? If it’s linked to their feelings it seems like it would be veryhard to control.” | follow up.novelbin

“It is pretty difficult for them to control. Their magic is very instinctual. They tend to share a lot of magic when they’re feelingemotional. It's kind of like a defensive thing? Harry has


Cam 50- Requests and research

+10% Bonus


better control than most and | knowhe’s been actively working on it for

the last few since RGE usent hayes wt rendships orrelationships left.” Ryann Sayaproudly. | frown. If Harry is controlledthen what are other Incubi like? | feelhis magic The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!


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