Strings of Fate

Chapter 291
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Chapter 291

Strings of Fate

Cam 48- Guilt and goals+10%



| try to think of the right thing to say to fix this. Should | just tell him that | love him? Would that even fix anything or just make itworse. | don’t think loving someone is a magical band aid that will make up for treating them poorly. | have seriously screwed thisup. Harry is just so easy to get along with and so accepting, it’s hard to see sometimes that there are actually things that hurt hisfeelings. He might be a demonstrative person, and he’s been honest about his own feelings from day one, but for the most part,he hides how things bother him. He walks around pretending not to care about the assumptions people make about him or thethings people say and sometimes | bet he convinces even himself that he doesn’t mind it. But he DOES have feelings and | havejust trampled all over them.

“Harry... What you heard us saying... | didn’t mean it the way it sounded. | didn’t mean it at all.” | awkwardly force out. Harryscoffs angrily.

“You mean you weren't using me to drive Simon away?” he demands.

“Well... | was, but it wasn’t JUST that. You knew about my problem with Simon. You even. went along with it at first!” | point out,referring to when he initially told Simon that he and | are together.

“That was fake and we BOTH knew it. This... You let me think it was real. Think that | had something real for the first time in mylife. But | guess | was the only one who thought that.” He scoffs the words and turns to leave again..

“It WAS real. | didn’t mean to lie.” | call after him desperately. Harry pauses and without turning back to me, sighs.

“So either it was all fake and you never cared, or it was real and you were so ashamed of it that you couldn’t even admit it to yourfriend. Is that supposed to make me feel better?” He asks bitterly. He’s on a roll now and keeps talking, whirling back to face meagain.

“You know, | was trying so hard. | didn’t want to be dishonest about my feelings or cause any confusion. | didn’t want to make thesame mistake that Ryann did and be so scared of my future that | hurt someone. But now | see I’m far more like Simon. | gotcarried away with my own feelings and didn’t stop to actually confirm that the girl likes me before forcing my affection andcompany on her. You've implied many times that I’m someone who uses women

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for my own purposes. | didn’t realise you really believed that. But you know what, you are such a hypocrite. At least the women |slept with knew what to expect from me. Meanwhile

you cruelly led me along and used me. I’ve been honest from the start, I've NEVER manipulated you.” He snarls the final words.Even now, | can feel a wave of his magic rolling through me. It makes my blood boil and my temper rise.

“Are you JOKING? You manipulate me all the time! You're doing it right now! Your magic is as constant as you are. | wanted todismiss it, but how can | trust that? With your magic, you could have ANYONE so why would | believe you would want to wasteyour time with me?” I’m crying. When did | start crying? Why am | yelling? | wanted to make up with Harry, not yell at him. | didn’trealise | was so angry about his magic, | thought that | had accepted it. It seems like | haven't really. Still, | immediately regret mywords. I’m about to say something, take it back. Apologise. | don’t know. But before | get the chance, Harry responds, his voice

quiet.“Clearly you think nothing of me and you have no idea how my magic even works, not thatyou would know. You never asked. That should have clued me in earlier to how little you care.

I'm the only one who ever asked questions. I’m done wasting my time with this. You claim I'm all about manipulation and physicalrelationships. But who would know the difference

between lust and actual emotion better than an Incubus? But it doesn’t matter. You don’ttrust me and you never will. I’m done.” Without another word, he turns and walks away into

the dark streets. | stare after him. | want to stop him, but | feel like anything | : will make it worse. He’s partially right. | didn’t trusthim completely. With my safety yes, but with my heart? My happiness? I’ve been waiting for this to end from day one and yetnow

that it has I’m struggling to believe it.

I stand in the carpark staring after him and shivering in the cool night air until Cora approaches me and gently drops a hand onmy shoulder.

“Cam? Maybe you should head home. | don’t think you can work like this. | can close up tonight.” She says gently, her voice fullof sympathy. | nod mindlessly. | don’t want to work right now anyway. I’m not sure | want to go home either, but | have to doSOMETHING.

“Okay, thanks.” | tell her in a monotone. I’m about to leave but Cora catches my hand, squeezing my fingers tightly.

“I'm sorry | said what | said. | should have thought it through.” She apologies. | shake my head and sigh.





“I’m the one who said it in the firstplace. Do you... UU Yan & oyéit |wie | agk not Gul What | want herto Say. Cora shakes her head. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!


“No, he was good to you...And... forhat it’s worth... | haven't felt a hint ofHarry's magic in months. Not sincehe first became interested in you.”She admits softly. My eyes widen. |assumed that everyone was gettinghit with his magic. | thought | wasgetting it worse purely because of theamount of time we've been s endingtogether But Cera hasnt beenfaeling itatall? | really need to learnmore about how Incubus magicworks. I’m an idiot for not askingsomeone sooner. That, at very least,is something | can do. | can learnmore about Incubi. | don’t know ifHarry will give me another chance,but if he does, | won't make the samemistake again. Determined to find away to fix things, | head home. Thewalk feels longer than usual and |know why. | spend the walk thinkingabout exactly what it is | did wrongso that | can try to make it right. |never REALLY gave Harry a chance. |told myself | was, and | was datinghim, but it was under the assumptionthat it would end and that it wouldnever really go anywhere. | had onefoot out the door from the start. Heisn’t wrong, | WAS kind of using him,even though | told myself he wouldbe okay with it | knew it wasn’t rightor fair to The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

to see him. Harry was also right that |haven't put in the work to get to knowhim. He comes to me, my home, mywork, he chose dates and activitiesbased on what | would enjoy doing.We discussed my family issues, mymagic and my se fenthe fature |complajed abdut Hi magic, but he’snever done a single thing without myexpress consent. Never kissed me,pushed anything on me. Even when itcame to my relationship with myfamily he has never came to myrelationship with my family he hasnever pressured me or tried to forcehis opinion on me. Sure, he teasesme a lot, but it’s basically a game atthis point and | don’t think | want himto stop. | had a very seriouschildhood and just being aroundHarry has shown me more ways |can enjoy life and not take myself tooseriously. | make a list of what | needto do. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

4- Learn about Harry's magic.

2- Apologise to Harry properly.

3- Confess my feelings properly.

4- Put more effort into getting to know Harry.

5- Stop thinking about our relationship as temporary.

Now if only | had any idea how to accomplish any of these things.


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