Strings of Fate

Chapter 290
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Chapter 290

Strings of Fate

Cam 47- Plans and pleas+1


The shrill sound of my alarm wakes me up in the morning. Although it’s only just morning. since | set the alarm pretty late due tomy late night at the police station. | drag myself out of bed and stumble out to the kitchen. |. NEED. COFFEE. | have the machineheating up when Harry's voice calls out sleepily from the living room

“Are you making coffee? Can | get in on that too please?” His voice is hoarse and a little lower than usual. Shocked, | dart intothe living room to find Harry sprawled out on my couch. He sits up with a groan, rubbing at his back which I’m betting is sorefrom his fall last night.

“When did you get here?” | ask, my mind not processing the scene in front of me. Harry runs a hand through his sleep ruffled hairand stares at me like I’m crazy.

“All night? You INSISTED that it was too late for me to drive home and that | should stay over. Then you went to change into yourpyjamas and never came back. | checked in on your and you were totally out so | just made myself comfortable on your couch. |did go through. your cupboards to find a blanket, | hope you don’t mind.” He smiles at me tiredly and | try to remember gettinghome last night. | do vaguely remember telling Harry that he would fall asleep at the wheel if he tried to drive any further. I’mfairly sure at the time | meant to invite him to share my bed but apparently | didn’t make it

“Sorry, I’m a terrible host. | didn’t mean to fall asle at far. Oops. | flush red.I'll get us both some coffee.” | excuse

myself to the kitchen so that | can hide my embarrassment a little. When | return two minutes later, I’m armed with two large cupsof coffee and a smile that is only a little bit forced. Harry downs his coffee so fast you would think he is dying of thirst and it is theonly thing available to keep him from literally dying. That or he’s just half as tired as | am. drink our coffee in silence. When weboth place our empty mugs on the table, | break the

silence.06“Thankyou for last night. I’m sorry | got you dragged into the drama with Simon. |

| really didn’t realise he was THAT crazy. If | knew, | would have called the police way sooner.” | sigh and Harry nudges me withhis elbow before draping his arm over me and tipping me against

his side.

“Don't be silly. None of that was your fault. And if some crazy guy is after you, | would much1/4

Cam 47- Plans and pleas

rather be there so | can try to keep you safe. | know you can take care of yourself, | definitely don’t intend to imply otherwise.ut... I’m not the type of person that people rely on. I’m finding | quite en

it and | hope this incident won’t change that.” He speaks casually but | know he’s just trying to hide how serious he really is. | feelthe constant warm feeling of Harry’s magic flowing through me and | relax further into his side.

“I'm not sure | could stop, even if | wanted to.”+10Bon06:

Harry offers to drive me to work, but | need a little time to myself so | encourage him to head home, take a nap, have a shower,get some work done, whatever. I’ll see him later tonight when he comes into the bar. | take some time to shower, wash my hairand generally get myself cleaned up. | drink two more coffees, and by the time | leave for work | feel far more like myself. I’m notearly for once, I’m just right on time. Cora is already here setting up and | can hear voices in the kitchen. The lanterns areflickering with their magical flames and the place looks great. | feel energised and more optimistic than | have in a long time. Mybusiness is going to be a success, Simon won't be a problem anymore and not only do | love Harry, but I’m fairly sure I'm readyto tell him. Part of me wants to just call him and blurt it out, but he’s been waiting for me to admit it to myself and him for monthsnow. Surely | can think of something a little more special. | decide that it's time to figure out Harry's perfect drink. I’ve given himhundreds of drinks and he always claims to enjoy them, even the awful ones because apparently he sees my messing with himas a sign of affection. I’m a little offended that he turned out to be right. Wait, does that mean | should try to make a drink het willlove or one that he will hate because he will know it means | care? Maybe this whole. thing is a terrible idea. Still, | want to gothrough with it. Maybe | can combine the ideas. Layered drinks are a thing. Maybe | can make one that has one of the awfuldrinks, or a spelled drink to start with then changes to a good drink? That would be kind of poetic. I’m scribbling drink ideas downon a napkin as Cora serves the first few customers of the evening. Once they have their drinks and they're happy, Coraapproaches me, a suspicious look on her


“Okay, spill. Something is up with you. You're all daydreamy and you're barely even noticing. the customers. She points out.“Oh, sorry. | didn’t mean to leave all the work to you.” | apologise. Cora waves her hand


“| don’t care about that. You work plenty hard enough. | want to know what's got you so distracted. Usually you’re a totalworkaholic.” She raises an eyebrow and | shrug.

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“| had a long night and it made me realise a few things. | can’t say it was a good evening, but it was eye opening.” | tell hervaguely.

+1“Oh?” She waits for me to elaborate. | COULD tell her about my feelings for Harry, but | reallywant to tell him first. | decide to tell her my other news.

“Simon, that creep who was harassing me, he attacked me last night. He’s been arrested and he shouldn’t be a problemanymore.” | give in way of explanation. Cora throws herself at me. in an unexpected hug.

“I'm so happy for you! | was so worried.” She pauses before continuing in a lower voice,sounding a little hesitant.

“Does that mean you won't be dating Harry anymore?” She asks.

“Huh?” | answer dumbly. Cora shrugs.novelbin

“Well, you told me that you were onlydating him to get rid of the creep. IfSimon is in jail, you don't really needto keep dating him. Do ouz’ Senpoints th frown yee or ‘tevencbnSidered ending things with Harry.The relationship hasn't been fake in along time, if it ever was. | need to tellher | care for him after all. Althoughbased on the sad expression she’sgiving me, | suspect that she won't bebothered or surprised by theadmission. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“| did say that, but 1-" | cut myself offmid sentence when | realise Harry isstanding frozen in the middle of theroom. He looks... betrayed.Devastated d evep. shithesd to"e&iain Wy self That sounded reallyterrible. It WAS really terrible. | nevershould have told Cora therelationship is fake. That was the reallie. Wordlessly, Harry spins on thespot and begins to make his way tothe door. In a panic, | chase after him,delayed slightly by having to makemy The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

around the bar first. | catch up to him in the carpark.way

“Wait, please. | need to talk to you.”My words are a plea. For a second,don't think Harry is going to listen.Then with a a si che turds to!emeand théid kon Ox facehurts more than any biting commentmy mother has ever made. | feellower than dirt. | have not treatedHarry the way he deserves andunless | can find the words to make itright, then it is about to come backand bite me on the ass. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!Bo



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