Strings of Fate

Chapter 257
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Chapter 257

Strings of FateCam 14- Rainbows and ringtones

With assistance from Marie, | sort through the recycling and find as many empty transparent containers as | can. Including theempty bottles from the alcohol we find seven which is perfect. | use a bottle of vodka that | find shoved in the back of a cupboardand split it between the containers and instruct Marie to use some food dye to colour all the containers with different colours. Shemanages to use some strategic mixing to make a pretty decent rainbow. | top up the containers with water then carefully focusmy magic to cast a basic lantern spell. It's probably one of the first spells | learned as a kid. A lot of Witches learn it young,usually because they’re scared of the dark and it makes a great night light. The spell wears off in a few hours depending on howmuch magic you shove into it. | set these ones to last maybe four hours if we’re lucky. | don’t want to waste the energy onmaking them last longer than that, particularly since I’m making so many of them. The spell can be cast

outright, but without a base to attach it to the light disperses very quickly unless you

constantly feed magic into it. The alcohol in the containers should be an adequate base. The water might work, but I’m morefamiliar working with alcohol so I'd rather use it. Marie. watches in fascination as | recite the simple spell. | don’t make superbright lights, just a soft glow which looks really pretty with the food colouring in it. Again, | could change the colours

something that will do it for me? | cast the spells one by one and Marie puts the lids on the bottles tightly. Our work completed,we load up

our arms and take them to the living room. The look of delight and wonder on Kiara,

and honestly all of the adults‘ faces makes it absolutely worth the effort. | even help out by using the same glue spell that | usedwhen Harry was delivering the potion to stick the bottles up on the fort ceiling. A few drops of alcohol and they'll come down soit's an easy enough clean up, but this way there’s not much chance of anyone knocking them over. It’s mor

likely one of the guys will hit their head and smash a bottle, but most people notice a glowing light and can stay away from it...right? The overall effect leaves the entire fort bathed in a soft, rainbow light which is just as beautiful as | was hoping. If | hadmore time and planned ahead | would have added glitter, or maybe designs on the bottles to cast some decorative shadows orsomething. But for a fifteen minute, whatever we could find in the kitchen at someone else’s house project? It turned out fairlywell.novelbin

with magic, but why waste the energy when we have

We all hang out in the giant, rainbow fort for a while. Harry is still drunk and seems to be having the time of his life, although atrandom intervals he seems to remember that | exist. and tries to plaster himself to my side. I’ve been avoiding him by stickingclose to other people. A few times he’s called out that he needs to tell me something, but | don’t think that he should beattempting any kind of proper conversation in this state so | don’t give him the

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chance. At one point while he’s distracted by a movie, | decide that it’s time for me to take my leave. | sneak out, doing my bestnot to draw attention to myself. The only person who acknowledges my leaving is Ryann who gets up to walk me out. This mightbe the first time | have ever been alone with her. | contemplate taking the chance to ask her about her own magic. | can see hermark and it is definitely unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, but that doesn’t mean she is capable of doing what Harry claimsshe can do. It also doesn’t mean that she told him what he said she told him. That he and | are ‘fated’ and so on. The idea justseems too outrageous. | doubt most Incubi ever settle down with a single partner, and if they were going to, wouldn't it makemore sense that they end up with Humans or Succubi. There aren’t exactly a lot of half Incubus children running around so itcan’t be that common. No, the entire idea is just silly. | don’t want to embarrass myself by asking Ryann about what is probablysome crazy story that Harry made up as a way to hit on me. | take a taxi home and as | brush my teeth and get ready for bed |find I'm very contemplative. | ignored it all night, but my phone was ringing for most of the evening because my grandmother hasbeen trying to get ahold of me. Based on her texts it’s just for another attempt at matchmaking that | will

happily ignore. | feel very melancholy when | go to bed. | had a wonderful evening, but seeing how loving and happy the Shifterpack is, my own family seems so cold and distant in comparison. My home seems cold and empty too. It takes me a while to fallasleep and the last thing | remember thinking is that | wish | was part of a Coven that was like their pack.

I sleep late the next morning, probably due to my late night. I’m not hungover because | really didn’t drink that much. | like drinks,but | like making them a lot more than | enjoy drinking them. I’m just getting started with my day when | get a call from Ryann. |almost — missed it since I've been ignoring my phone so often lately.

“Morning.” | answer the phone cheerfully.

“Hey Cam. So about that drink you made, the one to get the Shifter’s drunk. Well, the good news is that it definitely worked. Thebad news is that the hangover is killer and none of these guys were prepared for it.” Ryann sounds friendly but there is a hint ofseverity in her tone which tells me a similar incident won't be tolerated. | rush to reassure her while doing my best to appearconfident in my decisions.

“That’s my bad. | really didn’t think it would be that strong. I'll whip up something to help and send it right over.” That will be anice way to start my day. | just got a new shipment of some of my depleted supplies and | organised them all yesterday. It will besatisfying to use

some of them.2/3

Cam 14- Rainbows and ringtones

“Thanks. And maybe no more sneakattack beverages? Just give a littlewarning. They probably wo Id havedrunk NOs but X is all guiltyafid'émn arrassed about getting.drunk in front of his Alpha. | don’twant people feeling bad over thingsthat were clearly not their fault.” | letout a long sigh. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“understand. | really do. | won't let ithappen again. | didn’t expect Harry tobe so... well... you know. He’s a clingydrunk. | should have known better. |will be far more careful in the future.”| meane ery werd Katdht evenmean to UO it this time! | bought thedrinks with. every intention of tellingeveryone what they were. | justthought | would wait until everyonehad finished eating first. It didn’toccur to me when | left the drinks inthe kitchen that someone mightchoose to open them, although it’ssuper obvious now that | think aboutit. For a moment | worry that Ryannwon't believe me. That she will decideI'm too dangerous to The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

have around her family. But thankfully she seems to forgive me.“Alright, as long as you give fair warning in the future. They really did enjoy themselves. | hope you did too.”“| did!” | rush to assure her.

“Good. Now | have a party to go cleanup after, so I'll talk to you later.Thanks for coming last night. It wasgreat getting to know you a littlebetter. Bye!” The call ian with, @alickand | anuley sitting th e with a sillygkin'} go through my phone andchange the ringtone for my familymembers to something different anda little ominous if I’m being honest.Still, now | don’t have to worry aboutignoring calls | might actually want totake. | dress in a hurry and head intowork then straight back to my workroom to get started on a hangovercure. | don’t want to leave my newfriends hanging. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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