Strings of Fate

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256

Strings of Fate

Cam 13- Dinner and delight

Not long later, | am invited to a big dinner party at the Alpha’s home with all their friendsand | couldn’t be more thrilled. | don’t think | have ever been invited to a dinner partybefore. | end up a little nervous, so when | ask Cora if she wants to swap shifts with me sothat | can go, | ask for her advice.

“Is there anything special | need to do for the party?” | ask. Cora smiles.

“Most people bring a dish or a desert to share. Or an alcoholic drink so | would advise you to go down that route. Do you knowwhat they like?” She asks. | nod eagerly.

“| think so! And | have a few ideas for special drinks for them too.” | run to my workroom to mix up the special drinks. | createmore of the catnip infused booze | fed to Bellamy last time, but | halve the strength. He should at least be able to finish a fulldrink before becoming so relaxed that he starts groping his girlfriend in front of all their guests. | also include a drink that |designed for Harrison. I’ve noticed that he doesn’t get drunk easily so I’ve designed a stronger drink for him. Actually, | made itweeks ago but | wasn’t willing to

give it to him in my bar since public intoxication is frowned on and kind of dangerous. But in a private home surrounded byfriends? This might be the perfect chance to test out my


The evening is going really well and all the guests seem really nice. Even Harrison has been on his best behaviour. After dinnerthough we notice that some of the Shifters are acting strange and Ryann realises that they must have found the drinks | bought,although | hadn’t intended to give them out until after dinner when | could be sure that no one was drinking. on an emptystomach. Oops. Even more concerning is when we realise that Harrison is nowhere to be seen and neither is the bottle of booze| designed especially for him. Shoot. After a brief search, Ryann finds him and from the raised voices | am fairly certain that he

drank the alcohol | left out. | make my way towards the noise..

“Hey, did the drink work? Is he drunk? | am sorry about it but | still should take notes.” | comment cheerfully. | don’t really feel allthat bad about it. | mean, he’s drunk and having fun at a party with his best friends. He didn’t drink an entire bottle of alcohol withthe intention of staying sober. He might have gotten drunk faster than planned but | doubt he minds. He seems to be enjoyinghimself as he hangs off of Ayann who | can see is doing her

best not to crumble under his weight.


Cam 13- Dinner and delight

“Yep. Seems like he’s a happy drunk.” she agreeS.

“lm NOT drunk!” Harry objects, a slight slur in his voice. | can’t help but laugh at hisresponse.

“Of course you are. Cam made a special drink for you to make sure of it.” Ryann tells him Shoot, he wasn’t meant to know that.I'll never hear the end of it. Harrison's face lights up.

“A special drink? For me? She DOES like the.” He grims, elated. Oh alright. Maybe it isat so bad if he knows since it makes himso happy. In a clumsy motion, very different to his usual calculated approach. Harrison releases Ryann and throws himself at mein a tight hug. | st awkwardly with my hands outstretched and hovering. | can barely see a thing with my face crushed into hischest. | wait a moment but be shows no sign of letting go. | could hex him or something, but it seems unfair when he’s drunk omalcohol | made for him. Plus all he’s doing

is hugging me.“Uh... a little help?” | ask. Bellamy is the one to answer and he sounds entirely too smug

“| don’t know, you're the one who gave him the boose.” He jokes. Ryann bursts out laughing and if | could actually see her | workgure. | try to shove Harrison away.

“Harry, get off.of me!” He doesn’t budge. Is this the first time I’ve ever called him Harry? ! always call him Harrison but all Hisfriends seem to call bin Harry and it’s rubbing off om me

“| don’t wanna! You smelll nice. | be you” He declares loudly, Well this is embarrassing. How is it that HE’S the drunk one and |Membarrassed? | thash red. Hopefully mo one can tell. |

can’t see their faces but | have no idea how much they can see of mine. Okay, I’m over this. need him to let go.. | can feel hismagic stronger than ever and I’m starting to go weak at the knees. My heart is racing and it is talking every bit of will power that |have not to pull hi closer and to have my way with him. I’ve felt his magic before but this is stronger and more

intense than it has been in the past. | want him more than I’ve ever wanted appone. suppose he must usually be bolding back alittle. | focus on the fact that he is drunk and as such even more off limits than the usually is. | should have brought a potion tosober him up

but | didn’t think | would meet me.

“Get off of me vou damn Incubus!” | tell him, raising mice in frustration. Finally

FINALLY Ramm takes pity on me and helps out by distracting Harry

Cam 13- Dinner and delight

“Harry, you're missing out on your show.” She tells him in a tone | would expect to hear from.can she? a mother manipulating a toddler. She can’t seriously think that is going to work,

| stand corrected. Or rather sit. Harry DID let go of me a little so that he could see the television, but when he moved to sit downon the couch he dragged me with him. | object but it’s half-hearted. | need to sit because my knees feel weak and honestly I’mreluctant to let go of him. It’s ridiculous. | don’t WANT to like him or be attracted to b

It's his damn Incubus

magic. This is so unfair. | don’t understand how the other women here aren’t suffering the same way | am. I’m prepared to settlein for a while to watch some kids show but it ends not. long after we find our seats.

“So, we've watched cartoons. You know what that means...” Harry trails off, pure delight on his face. Oh | am not sure | want tohear the answer to this. He makes eye contact with me briefly and | am all but certain he is about to spout out some come on orinnuendo and

embarrass me further.

“What?” | ask warily.

“It's time to build a FORT!” He declares, jumping to his feet and letting go of me at last. | feel suddenly cold without him besideme. Wait, did he say build a fort?

“| don’t know about that Harry...” Ryann starts, but quickly changes her tune when Harryteams up

with Kiara and begs. | have to admitthat | would have trouble denying thepair of them too. The next hour or sois a chaotic mess. Everyone workstogether to build ore. mM

b, nketytorbanidt| really very fun. |help build the sides, but when itcomes time to build the tops | take abreak. I’m too short to reach itproperly anyway, | notice that one ofRyann’s guests, Marie, is looking kindof exhausted. I’m not surprisedconsidering she has a very youngchild with her. She escapes into thekitchen and | follow her. We bothhave a glass. of water and chat, Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“You know, this isn’t really what | expected from such a powerful group of people. There are four Alphas in this room and somevery dominant. Shifters and here they are building at blanket fort and having fun like a group of rowdy children. It’s... more funthan | anticipated.”

| comment. Marie laughs,

“Yes, they are an unusual group aren't they? Not all Shifters are like this, particularly not the dominant ones. But | think thisgathering is a chance for them to let loose a bit. Your drinks


Cam 13- Dinner and delight

are probably helping that along too.My own husband hasn't been able torelax like this in ages, at least notaround anyone other than me. It’sgood for them | think. To have friendsand just simple funy) Ws. suiprisedteregeide {Re’invitation from Ryannas gatherings like this aren't usuallysomething multiple Alphas attend.But | can see what she was trying toaccomplish and | agree with her. It’sgood for them. They're all busy tryingto be in charge and put together allthe time. They need a chance to bechildish occasionally. Your Incubusist also a good friend for them | think.He knows how to bring out the funside of people.” She smiles happily. |flush red. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

“He’s not MY Incubus. | don’t even know why Harry hangs around me so much. He’s a shameless flirt. He has even admitted ithimself.” | object. Marie raises an eyebrow.

“Are you sure? Because I’ve been here all night and while he’s interacted with all the women here, you're the only one he’sshown any interest in.” She insists. | shake my head.

“I’m the only one not here with apartner who would end him for tryinganything. I'm just t gasiest target.T, at's alt odissgre “It’s clear that

arie doesn't agree with myassessment but she drops thematter. She tilts her head slightly, asif listening to something. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Ah, they’re just now realising how dark their fort is going to be. | wonder if we can find a torch or something for them?” Shestarts opening random drawers in the kitchen. | check the pantry and an idea strikes. Maybe it’s time | bring a little magic into thisfort.

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