Strings of Fate

Chapter 258
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Chapter 258

Strings of FateCam 15- Warnings and wondering

| didn’t expect that Harry would come into the bar tonight, as hungover as | expect he is. But like clockwork, he appears midafternoon at the time | generally start my shift and stumbles his way to his usual seat. I’m the only one working tonight since |traded shifts with Cora and my other bartender called off sick. | don’t mind. It’s a Monday so | doubt it'll be TOO busy.

“You look terrible.” | greet him with a smile. I’m also lying. He might look a little tired, his hair is messier than usual and he’s alittle less put together, but in no way does he look bad. If anything he looks more approachable. | am clearly not the only one whothinks so because a group of women out for after work drinks or a late lunch or something have been eying him since he came inand they giggle every time | glance their way. Harry groans and runs a hand. through his hair.

“| feel like | was hit with a truck. What did you put in that drink of yours? It was fun but | feel like shit. I'm not sure | should beaccepting drinks from you anymore.” He grumbles.”

“Oh, well that’s a shame. | made up a hangover remedy for Ryann to give the Shifters this morning. When | delivered it you hadalready gone, but | have some left over. But if you’re not accepting drinks from me | might as well just tip it out. It won’t be anygood by tomorrow.” | say casually. I’m telling plenty of lies tonight. | made this batch up especially for him. Shifters have a verydifferent metabolism. The remedy for them is completely different. Harry flashes me a pained smile.

“| take it back. As always | will drink anything as long as it’s made by you.” He winks at me

and | roll my eyes.

“| don’t know. If you don’t want to risk it | would totally understand.” | tease.

“I'll beg. Take pity on me. Pleeeease?” He bats his eyelashes at me and | snort out a laugh.

“Okay, okay. Just stop that. You look ridiculous.” | dash into the back and return with the bottle of hangovertion. | pour it into a glass then stop when | realise that one of the

woment from earlier has apparently gotten up the nerve to approach Harry.

“Hi, I'm Erin. | noticed you don’t have a drink yet so | thought | would come over and buy


Cam 15- Warnings and wondering

you one.” She bats her eyelashes even more dramatically than he did and leans in close giving him and everyone else in theroom a great view of her cleavage. Harry doesn’t seem to notice, | suppose he is used to women throwing themselves at him. Heglances up and sees met approaching with his drink.

“Actually, | think my drink has just arrived. Thanks anyway.” He answers politely, angling himself away from her and towards me.

| place the drink in front of him. It doesn’t look very good, a weird greenish colour, but it actually does taste better than it appears.Kind of like a mint smoothie. He takes a sip and | can see the tension leaving him as it alleviates his headache. Erin doesn’t giveup so easily.

“Oh, thethat’s a strange looking drink. Is it any good?” She persists.“It's alright, it’s not alcoholic.” He answers, again staying perfectly polite.

“Huh, okay. Are you here alone? Or are you waiting for someone? If you're free, you can come sit with us.” She suggests,flipping her hair behind her shoulders. | narrow my eyes, waiting to see how he reacts.

“Sorry, | am actually here with someone.” He informs her. She glances around, clearly confused.“What? Who?” She asks.

“Her.” Harry points at me with a grin. Erin seems a little surprised. Probably because she didn’t even notice me standing here.People often forget the bartender is standing next to them listening, at least until they want a drink. | hear all sorts of things.

“If you don’t mind, | want to continue my conversation with my friend.” Harry says pointedly. Erin blushes, looking a littleembarrassed.

“Oh, sorry...” She trails off. Her words are aimed at me.

“It's no big deal. Can | get you another drink? On the house.” | offer. She accepts gratefullyand orders drinks for her whole table. | give her the whole lot free because | feel bad for her.Rejection is never fun.


Cam 15- Warnings and wondering

“Sorry about that.” Harry apologises. | tilt my head in confusion.

“For what?” | ask. He sighs.

“You really don’t seem to get it. I’m here for YOU. | don’t want you to think otherwise. Besides, | get jealous and worried whenother guys flirt with you. | don’t want you to feel that way.” He explains. | shrug like | don’t care, although | have to admit he is alittle on the mark with that one.

“| don't, so it’s fine.” | answer bluntly.“Besides, I’m sure you take women home all the time. | don’t have any expectations.” | point out. Harry frowns as if offended.

“Is that really what you think of me? | told you that I’m interested in you. Why would | be taking other women home? When would| even find the time? | spend every night sitting here with you.” He reminds me. He sighs deeply then straightens up.

guess my friends are right. | need to make myself more clear. Will you go out with me?” He asks. Huh? Is he asking if he cantake ME home?novelbin

“I've told you before, I’m not sleeping with you.” | remind him. Harry rolls his eyes.

“| didn’t ask you to sleep with me, | asked if you would go on a date with me. Nothing physical. | just want to spend time with you,when you're not working, and not with all of our friends watching.” He explains. | shake my head stubbornly.

“| don’t think that’s a very good idea. It would never end well. | don’t want a relationship that won't last. I’m used to being alone.”Another lie. | hate being alone. Harry sighs.

“Fine, | understand that you're not ready. I'll just have to wait and ask again later. | just want to make it clear to you. I’m alreadycommitted to this relationship, even if I’m the only one in it right now.” His words sound good, they sound like everything | couldever want to hear. But | just don’t believe them. He’s an Incubus, pretty smiles and flattering words are what he’s good at.Besides, why would he care so much about me? And how can | stop myself from caring about him because it’s starting tobecome a proble

3/5Cam 15- Warnings and wonderingThe next evening Harry tries again..

“Would you like to get lunch with me tomorrow?” He asks with a charming smile. | shake my head in refusal.

“No.” He sighs and proceeds to orderanother dirty drink that he is definitelynot going to Kgshg 4 Cle than Urice

| faye tOv4ehihc him that I'm working,usually when making drinks for menbecause he keeps trying to chasethem away. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

‘Harry, I’m the BARTENDER. They have to talk to me to get their drinks,” | tell him, completely exasperated. He glares at someblonde guy who turns tail and walks away without- a drink.

“Maybe, but they don’t have to flirt with you.” He retorts. | roll my eyes.

“You flirt with me. If | was going toban customers who hit on me youwould be the meres I@ So backfo) of you won'tGe owed to hangaround here anymore.” | warn him.Harry pouts but doesn't argue, evenwhen the blonde guy decides to riskanother attempt to get a drink. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“You never get offended when | flirt with you. You don’t seem to care when other guys hit on you either.” He observes. | laugh.

“Most of them don't mean it. Theyjust want cheap drinks. And even ifthey do, | don’t mind as long a5 11)they're cespectfal There's no harm inaékitlg, as long as they can take nofor an answer. Because if they don’t |will hex them or put something nastyin their drinks.” | tell him pleasantly.He narrows his eyes. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“You already put nasty things in my drinks.” He points out. | laugh.

“No, | put strange or mildly unpleasant things in your drink. If | was being really nasty you wouldn't be coming back.” | promisedarkly. He seems fascinated. His eyes light up.

“Does this “no harm in asking’ rule only apply to flirting or can it apply to other questions too?” He asks. | shrug.“| don’t know. | just don’t answer questions | don’t want to answer.” | conclude.


Cam 15- Warnings and wondering

“Perfect, In that case, what is your favourite colour?” He asks politely.

“Huh?” | respond dumbly.

“Your favourite colour. What is it?” He repeats..

“Purple?” | respond. He nods seriously.

“A good choice. | like green

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