Strings of Fate

Chapter 228
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Chapter 228

Bellamy 7- Fallen and funny

Seeing Ryann’s room for the first time is very telling. For all that she appears to live a very solitary lifestyle, her room is one ofcomfort. Somewhere to relax and forget her worries. Oddly it reminds me a lot of Megan’s room, and a little of mine. She glaresat me thinking my smile is mocking and | rush to assure her that it’s not. This is the room of someone who wants warmth andcomfort but doesn’t know where to get it. No wonder she was so eager to become friends with Megan.

“| spoke to my sister. If you don’t object. I'll stay here tonight and in the morning we can head to the compound together. | believeyou made plans to meet up with my sister?” | confirm and Ryann nods, she tilts her head curiously.

“She didn’t think it was weird that you were only dropping me home now?” She asks. I’m actually surprised that she didn’t. Mysister isn’t stupid, but she didn’t say a word about it. Her concern probably outweighed her curiosity.

“As far as she knows, the whole point of you being around is to find a mate for me. It makes sense that we would spend sometime together. Besides, | started with, Ryann and | have been attacked by Vampires. | don’t think she had much time to processanything else. Hopefully it won’t occur to her later.” | have no idea what Ryann’s plans are but she’s tired, | should let her rest.

“If you'll loan me a blanket and let me steal a couple of those pillows, I'll make myself comfortable on the floor. You're exhausted,you should get some sleep.” She refuses and to my surprise, invites me to join her on the bed to watch a movie. She insists and| don’t have it in me to argue. The show we watch is dull and my mind wanders.

“What is it?” Ryann asks and | realise that i have been staring at her. | quickly search for a response and my eyes call on hermarking.

“| was just looking at your mark. | really haven’t seen anything like it before.” | tell her. So that’s not exactly what | was thinking,but it’s not a lie and | am curious about it.

“| haven’t seen anyone with a mark like mine either. I’m an unknown Magic, life would certainly be easier if | could find someoneelse who is the same as me.” She sighs like this is something she has considered many times before and accepted reluctantly.

1/4Bellamy 7- Fallen and funny“Can | look at it properly?” | ask. Ryann holds out her arm, seemingly comfortable beside me.

“Go for it.” | move in closer to examine the weaving threads that have been magically tattooed onto her skin. It is very unique asfar as markings go, and colourful. My own marking

is just straight black.

“It's quite pretty.” | complement it and Ryann just nods.

“Yep, | appreciate that if nothing else. There was a lot of difficulty deciding what mark |should have since I’m an unknown. | was taken to see an Oracle when | was young. All heended up doing was drawing this pattern so this is what | ended up with.” That is strange.It's not unheard of to take unidentified children to an Oracle for confirmation. But usually

they just tell you what you are and move on. For an Oracle not to know... it wold mean that she is something that the Oracle hasnever heard of. That makes her very rare indeed. I’m caught up in my thoughts and don’t notice that Ryann is sitting awkwardly.

“Okay, this show sucks. Let’s pick something different.” | honestly don’t think | saw even oneminute of the show, but | turn my attention to it now, not wanting to be rude. I’m pleased tosee that she has chosen a mystery show that Megan and | both love to watch.

“Love this show.‘l tell her approvingly. Ryann flicks off her lamp so that we can watch in darkness and with her at my side | can’tremember ever feeling so comfortable as | do right


| wake to what has quickly become my favourite scent. I’m comfortable and warm and Ryann is in my arms, although she ismoving around entirely too much, | tighten my hold on her and cuddle her close, making a sound of discontent that she is tryingto move away from me. | force my eyes open, wanting to see her and blink against the morning light. I’m holding Ryann close tome and her beautiful, pale eyes are wide as she looks into mine. | smile at her, she really is beautiful.

“Hey.” | greet her. Is it wrong that | want to k*ss her right now? | very nearly do but sheanswers me.

“Hey?” Ryann sounds confused and nervous, her own voice little more than a squeak of sound. Wait, what am | doing? | wasn’tmeant to fall asleep in her bed. | wasn’t invited to sleep here or to hold her in my arms the way | am right now. No wonder shewas trying to get

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away. | quickly remove my arms from her and try not to sigh as she backs away from me. We both sit up and it’s strange andquiet as we sit there. | don’t know what to say, so | just state.

the obvious.“We fell asleep?” Ryann answers quickly.

“Apparently. What time is it?” She asks. Now that I’m awake, | can feel the corner of my phone jamming into my side. | pull it outof my pocket.

“Almost seven.” | can’t help but smile.| feel great, very well rested. Which isstrange considering th@ evening WehedanN éan't Kelp but feel thatRyann is the one responsible for myrelaxing night. | could get very usedto this. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Ryann is showering and when thereis a knock at her door | answer it. |am greeted by a friendly lookingelderly woman insane) plate ofPUT amjust intro ucing myselfwhet Ryann pops her head out of herbedroom dorm hair dripping downher exposed shoulder. Ryann’s friendanswers the question she must haveasked which is a relief because |don't know that | can drag my eyesaway from her to formulate acoherent thought. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Good morning sweetie. | woke earlyand made some muffins. | thought |might bring a few up for you. Foryour... gentleman friend too |suppose.” Ryann looks embarrassedand looks to me for help but | haveno idea what to do so | just shrug. Tomy shock, Ryann steps into the livingroom wearing only a towel. What thehell? She Hees realise Ie will naahelp her ituatign ihe ried isntisinte preting this. | force myself tolook up at the ceiling because I’mstarting to feel like a creep with howI'm staring at her. Somehow | survivethe conversation and Ryann retreatsto her bedroom. But when sheemerges | find I’m even morestunned than | was when she cameout in a towel. She is wearing a darkblue shirt that matches her hair witha cartoon cat on the front. A black catwith golden eyes like mine. But whatreally blows my mind is that it hasthe words ‘I’m harmless | swear...’written below it. | raise an eyebrow inamusement. Did she wear that onpurpose? A glance at her expressiontells me that she did and | am elated.She really isn’t scared of me, anydoubts | had about her are chasedfrom my mind. | want Ryann Gale.She is the one for me, | can’t imagineany other future. Now | will just haveto convince her of that. Still, one lookat her expression. when |complement her tells me that | havea long way to go. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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