Strings of Fate

Chapter 227
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Chapter 227

Bellamy 6- Flustered and flushed

| have no idea how the hell this happened but | am furious. Five minutes ago | was sitting peacefully watching Ryann as she fallsasleep in the passenger seat beside me then all of a sudden we’re attacked by Vampires. | was forced to shift and chase themoff. | desperately want to go after them but | can’t leave Ryann here alone. She is sitting on the bottom stair of her building and isshaking like a leaf. | approach her hesitantly. She is clearly terrified, | don’t want to make it worse, | know that shifting scares a lotof people, even Magics. Most magic can be interpreted away as weird science or just extra abilities, but changing yourselfcompletely into another creature that is in no way a similar sized weight or anatomy to your own? That tends to cross a line formost people, not to mention that in my case that creature is a particularly large and deadly predator. So | approach hercautiously. | need to be sure that she is uninjured. When she fought back against the Vampire holding her | swear my heartnearly stopped. | freeze as she bursts into tears. Oh shit, | am not prepared for this. | don’t know how to help someone who iscrying! It’s all | can do to just stay where | am. In a jerky motion she lunges forward, For a second | think she’s about to run awayor even hit me. Not an unheard of reaction even if it is kind of foolish but people do crazy things when their fight or flightresponses kick in. But no, instead she buries her face against my shoulder, wraps her arm around me and sobs into my fur. Sheshivers against me and we stay that way for a long moment. But | need to talk to her, to find out if she is okay So | quickly shiftback into my two legged self. To my astonishment she barely even reacts, Just clings to me tightly with her arms around mynéck.

“Ryann?” | ask, I’m almost nervous. | know it isn’t reasonable to pursue a friendship or anything else without ever showing myfeline form, but | can’t say | wanted the introduction

to go

go like this! She cries harder and | immediately wrap my own arms around her and pull her into my lap. | adjust so that I’m sittingon the stair and cradling her in my arms. It takes several minutes for Ryann to calm down. | don’t love that we're sitting exposedto attackers out here, but I’m confident in my abilities and honestly, despite her tears, | enjoy the feeling of Ryann in my arms. It’svery relaxing. All at once she pulls away from me and scrambles. back, pushing me away. Her face is pale but her cheeks areflushed and she makes a strangled sound as she moves onto the stair and wraps her arms tightly around herself in a poorimitation of the hug she just avoided. She appears to be staring at the gravel on the ground.

“I'm going inside.” Her words come out so softly that anyone with average hearing would struggle to hear. | nod my agreementbut | don’t think she sees anything.

1/3Bellamy 6- Flustered and flushed“Wait just a moment, I'll grab my spare clothes from the car. I’d rather if you can stay here

where | can see you.” | think she is avoiding looking at me. The ground can't be that interesting and she usually looks at mewhen she speaks, something | didn’t realise | appreciated until right now.

| quickly dress in some spare clothes | keep in my car for emergencies exactly like this, then. return to her side. Ryann shakilygets to her feet and | instinctively reach out to steady her but before | make contact her whole b*dy jerks away from mine. Sheturns away from me and begins climbing the stairs. | follow wordlessly, feeling lower than dirt. | watch as she collapses at herlittle dining room table and | can see how exhausted she is. | want to give her privacy but | can’t leave her alone. That attackmight have been intended for me, but they used her and that is completely unacceptable. | struggle to find the right words toreassure her.

“| will call someone to come and guard your door. I'll leave as soon as they arrive. Just put up with me being here for a few moreminutes, okay?” | don’t want to leave. | would prefer to keep an eye on her myself. I’m still amped up from the fight and myprotective instincts are

running the show. But | want her to feel safe, even if that isn’t with me.Unless she

“Leave? No, please don’t leave me.” She answers so fast that I’m not sure she expected to say what she did. The red in hercheeks deepens, probably thinking that her knee jerk reaction to not be left alone was the worse alternative. | have no idea whatto do to help her...

really does want me to stay? | step closer to her, | can’t help it, | need to see her face. Her sweet scent is marred by fear andadrenaline and before | can get more than a glimpse of her eyes she drops her face to the floor again. Right, she doesn’t wantme here, she still won’t even look at me. | let out a deep sigh.

“Ryann, when | offered to protect you, that means from everything that frightens you. Myself included.” I’m reluctant to say thewords, but | do mean them. Finally, her eyes dart up to meet mine and she launches herself to her feet.

“You? Why would | be scared of you?” She demands, she‘ seems almost...Annoyed? | am at a total loss for words. Am | missingsomething?

“|... it’s just... You won’t look at me. And you flinched when | tried to help. | just assumed...” | trail off not wanting to say thewords.

“Bellamy, don’t be stupid.” Ryan says bluntly and | just stare.2/3Bellamy 6- Flustered and flushed

“We were just attacked by a group of Vampires, did you even consider that they might be the reason I’m freaked out?” She saysit like it’s the only possible answer but it doesn’t make

sense to me. I’m missing something here.“But...

words’re clearly avoiding me, you won't even look at me!” | try to put my confusion into

Of course I’m avoiding you! | cried allover you! I'm embarrassed! And youwere n*ked! What \did (ou &pect?”Shells gl ring at me and I'm juststaring in shock as | reinterpret heractions The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


with this new information. Nudityisn't usually a big deal to Shifters.

Sure we don't ae) Lads itssomethigginatihappe . It's why wealt keep a lot of spare clothing aroundwhenever possible. Still, to hear thatshe isn't afraid of me, just...embarrassed? | can't help the smallsmile that escapes me. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“If you really want me to stay then I'llstay.” | promise, and canichéip'thethoughtr6in The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

running through my head that | would stay as long as she will have me.Chapter Comments.6


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