Strings of Fate

Chapter 229
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Chapter 229

Megan 1- Dancing and drama

| know | am not the most patient person, but | can’t help but wonder how long my idiot brother is going to take before he asksRyann to dance. He thinks he’s been playing it cool but even a blind man could see that he’s gotten attached to her, and |suspect that she likes him too. Although she is much better at hiding it. She is a strange person, Ryann. An unusual combinationof reserved and bold. She fights and resists my brother like it's easy, but then struggles to talk back or look someone in the eyewhen she’s uncomfortable. Still, they're sweet together even if they have been sneaking around to spend time together since themoment we met. Bellamy courting my new friend has been entertaining to watch, although | do wonder if he’s ever going toactually admit it to her. | suspect that he thinks she already knows, but | think her confidence is so low that it won’t occur to heruntil he does something

really obvious. Which brings me back to my original thought, why isn’t he asking her to dance? | picked the most perfect dressfor her and she looks perfect, if a little uncomfortable

in the clothing she isn’t used to. | watch as some of the Shifter women approach my brother and he sends them away without acare. | can’t stop an eye roll. He really can’t think he is

being subtle... Can he? Either way, I’m done watching. Moving quickly to avoid being caught. by well-wishers, | dash throughthe crowd and make a beeline straight to my brother and my friend, greeting them brightly.

“Hey! What are you both doing hiding over here? You should be dancing! Someone needs to get things started around here andTristan is a terrible dancer.” | don’t actually care about his dancing skills, | would happily dance right now if only he would actuallyASK me. But he is busy socialising and | don’t want to interrupt. Ryann laughs and blushes.

“We aren’t hiding Megs, just sitting, and I’m perfectly happy right here.” | roll my eyes and wave as Kelly calls out to me. Clearlyworking on Ryann will get me nowhere, I’ll have better luck pestering Bels. | turn to face him.

“Ask the girl to dance Bellamy Kane.” | rush away before either of them can object. | chat with Kelly but | keep an eye on the twoof them. | see my brother hold out a hand to Ryann and her shaking her head. | watch them bicker for a minute, then to myamusement, Bellamy steals one of her shoes and holds it in the air. The two of them are so cute together. Ryann looks annoyed,but not really upset. | think she secretly enjoys his teasing. I’m proven right when she finally lets him lead her onto the dancefloor, a reluctant smile on her face. The two of them make a cute couple. | hear some of the other women grumbling about it, buteven they seem reluctantly charmed by the pair and their antics. | suppose Bellamy usually hidesnovelbin

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that more playful side of himself from them. They can’t deny that Ryann is good for him, even if they don’t quite understand theirrelationship yet. | don’t think anyone does, although to be honest, Ryann SHOULD. She would know if they’re meant to betogether. Then again, based on the questions she asked me while we were dress shopping, she might just be biding

her time.

Finally, Tristan appears and asks me to dance. | let him stumble around the dance floor clumsily for an entire song before | lethim go.

“It's alright, | won’t torture you anymore. | know dancing isn’t really your thing.” | tell him graciously. | love to dance, but this is myparty, | can find other partners. He shouldn't have to be miserable to make me happy.

“Thank you darling. | love you.” He k*sses me on the cheek chastely then returns to his corner of the room where he is jokingwith a group of men | only vaguely know. | glance around for my live action drama of the night and it doesn’t take me long tolocate my Bellamy and Ryann. Bel has led her off of the dance floor but he is still holding her awfully close. | watch as he leans inand | have to repress a squeal as he k*sses her. | watch Ryann run outside and Bellamy follows her. | was right, they areguaranteed entertainment. Although I’m not sure about seeing my brother k*ss a girl, | am a little jealous of how besotted theyclearly are with each other. How they can’t seem to stay away from each other. | sigh. | want that. Wait.... What am | eventhinking? | HAVE that. This is MY engagement party. | have no reason to be jealous. The only reason Tristain isn’t with me rightnow is that he doesn’t like to dance. That’s all. | move through the room socialising and the whole time | feel oddly alone. Maybe

because I’m used to having Darrien shadow me everywhere. Actually, he should still be nearby. He’s working tonight after all,even if he is also a guest. Sure enough, | find him sitting not too far from where I’ve been standing. I’m about to approach himwhen | realise that something is off. He’s always so pleasant but right now he looks upset. Irritable, honestly he looks pissed off.Maybe he is upset that he has to work during a party? But that doesn’t mean he can’t still enjoy himself. There is plenty of foodand drink and he could always socialise or ask someone to dance if he really wanted to.. | wonder if he would be a good danceror not. | suspect he probably would be. He is always very controlled in his actions in a way that | think would lead itself well tocoordinating dance steps. But why isn’t he dancing? And why is he so unhappy? Maybe there’s someone specific he wanted todance with and she’s taken? Maybe he just hates parties? Either way | can’t stand to watch it anymore. If he isn’t going to asksomeone to dance I'll just ask him myself. My heart is racing as | approach him. Probably just because I’m excited to danceagain, to solve the mystery of his skills. | stop when Ryann appears out of nowhere and approaches him. She looks upset andmy brother is


Emergency calls only MuMegan 1- Dancing and drama094%


nowhere in sight. Damnit. | didn’t expect them to fight tonight. Things were going so well! They talk for a minute, Ryann sends atext message and then they leave together. | notice Aaron lingering nearby so | know that Darrien didn’t leave withoutconsidering my safety first. Still, it hurts a little to watch them both leave without saying goodbye.

A few minutes later Bellamyapproaches me and in the mostemotionless voice he can. manage,tells me that Ryann wasn't well andhad to go home. | want to interrogatehim but | know better. Bellamy is a lotmore emotional than he likes to leton and | doubt that emadisplay trattg aweryon in this room.A ddst not right now. He sulks forthe rest of the night and after forcinghimself to dance with me once, heretires early. With no idea what elseto do and all my favourite peopleleaving early, | throw myself into theparty. | have other friends and I’mglad to see them all. This is MY partyand | refuse to let anything ruin it forme. Tonight | celebrate andtomorrow... Tomorrow I'll startplanning my wedding. Still, | can’tseem to erase the image of Bellamyand Ryann dancing together from mybrain, and more than that, | can'tforget how unhappy Darrien was.But... | love Tristan. | want to getmarried and start a family and this ismy chance to do that. There’s noturning back now. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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