Strings of Fate

Chapter 222
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Chapter 222

Strings of FateBellamy 1- Scents and stalking

My sister is getting married. She told me over an hour ago, hugging me and bouncing around in excitement. | did my best toappear supportive but | really didn’t see this coming. Marriage? | don’t have a problem with my sister getting married in theorybut | always thought | would at least like the guy. | imagined that we could get drinks sometime or at least have a conversationmore than hello and goodbye. But no. | know this is her choice, but Tristain is so... dull. He’s like a fake person. | never imaginedthem getting married because | assumed she would get bored of him and end it. But maybe he’s different around her? Ugh Ineed a drink. Megan went up to bed, something about needing plenty of beauty sleep to start

this whole wedding is going toplanning her big engagement party. Why do | get the feelin

be a complete nightmare for me? Actually, a drink is not going to cut it. | need to run. | exit. my study and head for the front door.| don’t bother with shoes, I'll shift as soon as I’m outside. I’m reaching for the door handle when something makes me pause.What is that scent? It’s subtle, but whatever it is, it smells AMAZING. A quick look around tells me that the smell is coming fromMegan's handbag. Did she get a new perfume or something? | could

ask her tomorrow but... | don’t think I'll be able to get it out of my mind. | could just check, |know it’s a jerk move to go through a woman’s bag, but I’m sure she would forgive me.Probably.

l ignore the nagging guilty feeling | get while rifling through my sister’s bag. | try to avoid touching or moving anything. Luckily,the source of the smell is right at the top of the bag. A folded scrap of paper. Huh, why would that smell so good? Maybe it’s asample of something? Although | usually dislike perfumes, they’re too strong and tend to smell like chemicals. |

take the paper and after a moment's hesitation, unfold it.

*You don’t know me, and I’m sorry that | can’t explain this properly in a note. You should know that the man who just proposed toyou is not the right man for you and while it may be unpleasant to hear, | thought | should tell you now in an attempt to spare youmore pain in the future. One day | hope to explain myself properly but for now this is all | can do.

lam truly sorry.RG.”

What the hell? Who is R.G? Whoever they are, | need to speak with them, or her | would guess from the scent of the note. Thescent is appealing, and also decidedly feminine, at least

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to me it is. Either way, finally someone else is suspicious of Tristain. More than suspicious, certain that he is not right for mysister. This is the confirmation | needed. Megan should not marry Tristain and | need to tell her. But... she isn’t going to want tohear it. | can’t even tell her WHY | don’t like him. Maybe this R.G. Person knows something or saw something. | mean sheseems pretty positive that he isn’t right, she must have a reason for that. Right? I’m up for the rest of the night trying to work outwho this R.G. Person is. | doubt it’s anyone | know, | would recognise the scent. Maybe one of Megan’s classmates? The scenton the note isn’t strong enough for me to be sure, but I’m pretty sure the person isn’t a Shifter. | examine the note for the tenthtime, hoping some clue to R.G.s identity will magically appear. No such luck, although... Now that | think about it, there issomething | didn’t notice before. The note. smells like dinner. | couldn’t say what exactly, but underneath the amazing smell ishints of food. Roasted meat maybe? Oh I’m an idiot. Whoever wrote the note knows that Megan is engaged, she only gotengaged last night! It had to be someone at the restaurant. A glance at the window tells me that I’ve been staring at this note allnight. No point giving up now. | fetch some shoes and after stealing a look at the receipt hanging from my sister’s bag (she isalways the one who pays I’m sure of it) | make my way to the restaurant.

| don’t even need to go inside. Despite all the other scents and sounds of the busy restaurant, | can smell the same scent aswhat is on the note immediately. It’s almost too easy. | luck out again when | realise that whoever R.G. Is, they did not get inavehicle, they must have walked home. | eagerly follow the scent, trying not to feel weird about the fact that I’m essentiallystalking someone | haven't even met. But I’m doing this for Megan. Besides, R.G. Wrote in the note that they (she?) wants toexplain herself better one day. Doesn't that suggest that she wants to be contacted? | arrive at an apartment building. It's not bigby anyone’s standards. and it is clearly old, but it looks well cared for. No peeling paint or graffiti. There is no lift and | follow thescent up the stairs until | stop at a door. The scent is so strong here and still just as pleasant. Well, here goes nothing. | knock onthe door, then | wait. Aaaaand nothing. Maybe there’s no one home?! could wait, but | really don’t want to have to. | try knockingagain. Much louder this time. Just to be sure. | hear muffled footsteps on the other side of the door and a woman's voicegrumbling.

“lm COMING, chill out already would you.” | stop knocking and wait, admittedly kind of impatiently. The door swings open a fewmoments later and | am bombarded with the woman’s scent. | cross my arms over my ch’st to resist the strange impulse to grabthe woman and pull her close so | can confirm that scent really is coming from her. The woman is average height, so short byShifter standards and has long, dark hair hanging messily down her back. She is wearing pyjamas with unicorns on them andfuzzy bunny slippers? | have to suppress a smile. | don’t want her to think I’m laughing at her but she looks so adorable. |

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catch a glance of her eyes and | am stunned by how unusual they are. They're pale, so pale you can barely see the iris. Odd, butnot unappealing. | am immediately attracted to this woman and | have no idea what to do about it. She’s not a Shifter so sheprobably doesn’t even know who | am. She smells human. Oh shit, how long have | been standing here staring at her? Actually,I'm not the only one staring. The woman is staring at me with wide eyes. You would think she was staring at some strange zooanimal, not an actual person. Great, she’s probably one of those humans who hates Shifters and considers us lesser becausewe occasionally have fur. Well there goes that attraction. Mostly at least. | mean she still smells amazing. | just need to remindmyself that she isn’t a nice person. | will just be Megan’s brother looking for information. | don’t need to be her friend. I’m socaught up in my own thoughts that | almost miss when she speaks.novelbin

“Um, good morning?” She greets me. She looks uncomfortable. Good, | shouldn't be the only one feeling discomfort.

“Are you R.G?” | demand.

“Excuse me?” She asks, she seems alittle dazed. | roll wees. aKink thequestiohWvias fairly The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


“Are you being deliberately stupid orare you really this slow? Are you theR.G who wrote this. note to IY, twinsister Megan gape’ edna again, thistifad Waving the note in front of her. Itstop immediately when | see herflinch back as it comes a little tooclose. Oops. | don’t have to be nice,but | do still need her to talk to me.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“Oh, that. Um... yes? My name isRyann Gale.” She introduces herself.

Ryann. Huh, the kWareke Sher hnthink. | nside dergivitg ef my title,blit hb: I'm not here as an Alpha, I’mhere as Megan’s brother. Besides, ifshe really does hate Shifters | doubttelling her my title will actually helpme learn anything. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“I'm Bellamy Kane. We need to talk.”


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