Strings of Fate

Chapter 221
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Chapter 221

Strings of Fate221- Endings and everything

Bellamy k*sses me, then k*sses me again until my knees go weak. When they start to buckle he slips his arms around my waist,lifts me up and steps backwards until he reaches the bed where he sits down pulling me into his lap. Then he k*sses me again.We stay like that, k*ssing and holding each other for who knows how long until we pause to breathe. I’m panting collapsedagainst him with my head on his shoulder when | realise that despite everything, Bellamy is definitely holding back. His handsare both still respectfully above my clothing and haven't moved from my waist and back. I’m sitting sideways over his lap but ourhips have enough space between them that | can tell he is working to keep things relatively tame. Damnit. | shouldn’t have boltedearlier when he sat next to me. He might have understood why | was freaking out but he didn’t understand my actual answer. Hedoesn’t notice my distraction and turns his head to run his lips gently over my n*ck, then up my jaw until they meet mine again.No, wait. | need to actually tell him what | want, | need him to understand, and in order to do that... | NEED to stop k*ssing him. |pull away with a groan and Bellamy loosens his grip on my waist so that | can lean away. He sighs but smiles at me, acceptingthat, once again, I’m putting a stop to things. Yeah, he really didn’t get the point | was trying to make.

“Wait a second.” | tell him. He nods and adjusts his hands, clearly about to move me off his lap to give us more space. | throw myhands around his n*ck and hold on tight.

“| said wait, not move. Just give me a second, please?” | say quietly, still a little breathless.

“Whatever you need.” He answers, just as softly. | can feel his breath on my n*ck. We stay like. that as | wait for my heart rate toslow. It’s really hard to stay anxious when | can feel his arms around me and feel his heart beating next to mine. His heart isgoing fast too, I’m not the only one who is affected by the contact. But like mine, his heart begins to slow down as he relaxes. |wait until we both reach a reasonable point of calm, then | pull away so that I can see his eyes. | feel a lot more confident now, |don’t know what it is. Maybe just that he gave me time to calm down. He helps me be calm, even if he is half of what works meup


“| need to tell you something.” | say slowly. He nods.

“Is this about the note | wrote you? You read it... didn’t you?” He actually sounds nervous. |nod.


221- Endings and everything

“Yes. Sort of. | haven't had time to think through what | want to say, so I’ll probably screw this up. But I’m going to try. So here itgoes. My whole life, | wanted a family. Having people. who care about when | get home and how my day went has always beenmy personal crazy, impossible dream. Then | got one. You gave me one and this whole time I’ve been anxious and stressed outwhich is stupid because | have everything I’ve ever wanted and | couldn't bring myself to believe | would get to keep it. | wastalking with Aaron about my magic and I’ve realised that I’ve been able to change my threads this whole time and now that I canit on purpose... I’ve still never even considered changing ours. Because | want it. | don’t just want a family. | want this family and| don’t just want a partner, | want you.” Bellamy is staring at me in a combination of what looks like disbelief and awe.

“Ryann... I-1...” He seems stumped for words. Huh, is this what it feels like for him when I’m stammering things out all of thetime? | decide to push forward. | don’t want to have to have this conversation a second time because he doesn’t know what |want. I’m here, I’m doing it, I’m already bright red and completely embarrassed. Might as well follow through with it.

“About Kiara.” | start. Bellamy blinks in confusion.

“What about her?” he asks.

“| don’t want her to ever feel like she doesn’t have a family. | want us to take care of herproperly.” | tell him. He nods.

“Of course, that was always the plan.” he agrees.

“No, | mean | want us to be a proper family.” | tell him, ugh | don’t know how to say this. Henods.

“Yes, of course.” he agrees easily again. Ugh why is this so HARD? | groan in frustration.“No, | mean | don’t want us to be a secret family. | don’t want anyone to be confused or

unsure when they look at us. | want everyone to know that... I’m a part of this family too. That | belong here... With you.” | forcethe words out. Bellamy studies me a moment then it’s like my words sink in and he realises what I’m trying to say. He straightensup and his mouth.

lifts into a smile.novelbin

“You mean... You want to tell everyone, the Shifters, the other Alphas? | don’t want to talk2/4

221- Endings and everything

you out of it or anything but | need to be sure. You can’t take it back once you’ve told them.” He points out. The hope in his eyesmakes my answer easy.

| won't want to take it back. I've decided. This is my family, you are mine and | want everyone to know it.” | declare proudly. Inaheartbeat I’m plastered against him as he pulls. me in tight and k*sses me hard. There is no hesitation in this k*ss and | can’thelp but laugh. as he collapses backwards onto the mattress with me sprawled on top of him.

“You have no idea how happy you've just made me.” He says. | can hear that deep purring sound vibrating from his ch*st and hehas a grin plastered to his face.

“Should we go tell people now?” He asks. | shrug. | don’t really want to move. I’m comfortable and happy where | am. | stroke ahand over his ch*st as | relax on top of him.

“| don’t know. People are probably sleeping and | was kind of looking forward to spending some time with you.” | say pointedly.Bellamy tenses for half a second, then relaxes again. | squeal and giggle as he rolls us over so that he is leaning over me.

“Is that right?” he murmurs, k*ssing me softly. | nod against him.

“Uhuh. | want everything


With you.” | tell him awkwardly. He sits up a little and checks my

“Everything?” He asks, an eyebrow raised. | am probably as red as a stop sign, but for oncethat’s not the signal | want to give.

“Yes.” | squeak out. He leans down and k*sses me until | can’t see straight.

“You're mine.” He practically growls out the words.

“Yes.” | answer breathlessly.

“My mate.” He says, k*ssing his way down my n*ck.

“Yes.” | answer again.

“We will announce it properly, tell everyone in the morning.” He states and | just nod


221- Endings and everything



I'm a little confused when he backs up, just enough to give me space and see my face clearly.

“You're being so agreeable. Does thismean you will conti ) sayyés}

dnotiusd vir y if | were to askyou to marry me?” My eyes widen.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“Y-yes.” | stammer out. This time his eyes are as wide as mine.“Marry me, please marry me!” He says immediately. It sounds like a demand but | know it’s not. This time I’m smiling as | answer.

“Yes.” Bellamy is as thrilled as | feelright now and as he pulls me 6legeagain | kagy treds! Yet to prove itirkevary way. This is my life now andthere is nowhere else | would ratherThe content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

1. be.

This is the end of Ryann’s POVhowever stay tuned for bonuschapters from Bell ‘) Peas WellMegat anW Garrisn's not to

ention chapters about how Aaronspends his free time and of course,Harrison's attempts to woo a certainbartender!** The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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