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Chapter 907

Chapter 907 A Tiny Favor

After settling back into his office, Alex delved into reading the reports on Four Seas Corporation’songoing collaborations and the progress of the tech dome construction. As he perused the documents,he found that everything was progressing smoothly.

“Your recent performance has been great. Keep up the good work!” Alex praised his secretary.

Jessica had been managing the company’s affairs during Alex’s absence, and she performedadmirably in her responsibilities. Seeing how well she had handled things brought a sense of ease andconfidence tonovelbin


Jessica blushed at the man’s praises and said shyly. This is all within my duty, Mr. Jefferson.”

Nodding with satisfaction, Alex turned his attention to another document, and as he started reading it,he came across an intriguing piece of information. A company called Regenerateur Enterprises hadmana to establish a firm foothold in Nebula City in just a matter of days.

Furthermore, the mysterious company seemed to be up to something recently, and Alex failed t moreinformation from the document that only provided him with a simple introduction to the e

Despite that, Alex’s instincts kicked in, telling him that Regenerateur Enterprises was no ordinarycompany. After all, the sheer speed at which they had established themselves in Nebula City wasTemarkable, and Alex hadn’t heard of anybody who possessed such capabilities.

Achieving such a feat required not only a business mind but also substantial cash flow.

Setting the document aside, Alex shifted his gaze toward Jessica and queried, “Do you know anythingabout the owner of Regenerateur Enterprises?”

Jessica gave it some thought before saying. “I don’t know much about them. After all, RegenerateurEnterprises appeared out of nowhere, and their owner rarely revealed himself. I tasked someone tolook into it two days ago. Apparently, the owner of Regenerateur Enterprises is in close contact with thechairman of Ivy Media Group.”

With that information, Alex closed the document, and a sure guess formed in his mind. It seems thatsomebody is planning to work with Regenerateur Enterprises to target Four Seas Corporation. If that’sthe case, I’m looking forward to seeing just how capable my new opponent is. They’d better not let medown!

After he was done with work, Alex decided to swing by Jack’s office since he had entrusted the latterwith. overseeing the preparations for the secret hanging garden castle.

Alex was curious as to where Jack had chosen to build the castle, and he was rather looking forward toseeing it in real life.

Just as he was about to leave the office, Jessica called out to him.

“Are you leaving already, Mr. Jefferson?” Jessica nervously clasped her fingers together, her headlowered in a shy and uncertain manner. She seemed unsure of what to say at that moment.

Puzzled, Alex turned around to ask, “What’s wrong? Is there any work left undiscussed?”

Jessica sighed, feeling a little dejected. Is the company the most important thing to him? I’ll never havea special place in his heart. But why would he give me such an expensive necklace, then? Isn’t itbecause he has feelings for me?

“Didn’t you say I did well recently? Can I ask you for a tiny favor?” asked Jessica.

Alex froze as realization dawned upon him. Jessica had indeed been performing well in herresponsibilities, but he had been too busy with the preparations for his wedding with Maggie that heforgot all about rewarding Jessica for her efforts.

“What is it? I’ll do my best to satisfy your request.” Alex promised.

“Can I ask for anything?” queried Jessica, her voice laced with a hint of doubt.

“I’ll do my best to give it to you as long as it’s within my capabilities and not something illegal.”

15 Bonus

Alex had no idea why Jessica would ask such a question. Nonetheless, he did not think it would do anyharm to satisfy her request since she had already voiced her thoughts.

However, Alex never expected to hear the words that came out of Jessica’s mouth next.

Taking in a deep breath, Jessica made up her mind and gritted her teeth as she uttered, “Now thatyou’ve divorced Heather, will you be my boyfriend? I like you.”

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