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Chapter 654

Chapter 654 A Day Out With Stanleynovelbin

Alex brought Stanley out with him early in the morning. Carmen was about to pick on her son-in-law,but Heather stopped her.

Staring at the departing father-son duo, Heather wondered if they would truly leave her someday.

Alex was in a great mood with Stanley was next to him in the car. Whenever his son was around, hethought nothing else mattered.

Thrilled by the upcoming agenda, the little boy asked, “Daddy, where are we going?”

“We’ll go to the amusement park! I’ll take you to try the rides you’ve always wanted to try!”

He finally had time to accompany his son over the weekend. Therefore, he thought of spending somequality time with his son.

The amusement park was crowded with people from all over the city. Alex held Stanley’s hand andshowed him around the park, fulfilling his wishes.

Alex was contented when he saw Stanley smiling throughout his time with him at the park.

When Stanley was riding the merry-go-round, a woman ruined the peaceful atmosphere by exclaiming.“Hey, isn’t this the good-for-nothing neighbor of ours? What’s your name again? Alex? Are you herewith

your son?”

Alex turned around and noticed a family of three, including a man and a woman in their mid-thirties aswell as a little girl, had shown up behind him.

Who are they? Oh! They’re the so-called neighbors. If my memory serves me right, they’re Joseph andWendy. What do they want from me? We’re not really acquainted with one another, are we?

Confused by the reason the woman with an ostentatious outfit had struck up a conversation with him,he asked, “What do you want from me?”

“What do you think? I can’t possibly ask for something from a loser like you, can I?” Wendy remarkedwith a scowl.

After she finished her sentence, Alex turned around, indicating he had no intention to carry on with theconversation.

Unable to stand the man she deemed a loser ignoring her, she added, “It must be our unlucky day torun into you here! I bet you can’t mooch off the stony-broke Jenningses anymore, right?”

She took the chance to insult the Jenningses, since her family wasn’t a match for the Jenningses interms of wealth a few years ago.

Meanwhile, Joseph remained silent throughout the conversation of his wife with Alex. It seemed as ifhe was afraid of defying her as well.

On the other hand, Alex had no intention to let others ruin his day just yet. He asked nonchalantly inreturn, “What does the Jenningses’ situation have to do with you?”

Wendy got increasingly enraged because of Alex’s question. She yelled, “What? Are you angry whenI’m not even done yet? Haven’t you enjoyed living off a woman throughout the years? Why are youhere when you can’t even make ends meet?”

Alex answered with a smile, “Thank you so much for expressing your concerns over the family, butwe’re doing just fine. At the very least, I can still afford the ticket to an amusement park.”

The enraged woman thought it was one of Alex’s lies to defend the family. Subsequently, she yelled,The family is a shame to the neighborhood, but it’s fine. It’s only a matter of time before the family hasto liquidate the house for cash!”

“Actually, it’s really none of your business.” Alex tried to wrap up the conversation with Wendy becauseStanley was finally done with the merry-go-round.

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