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Chapter 573

Chapter 573 Stuart And His Begging

For the next few days, Alex did not go home. Even though Heather had tried calling him several times,the man never picked up.


Alex was still mad at Heather and was even ready to sign the necessary papers to divorce the woman,for he had had enough of her.

After what happened at the bar, Heather was determined to end her marriage with Alex. However, afterhearing from Carmen about Stuart’s less-than-optimistic condition, she decided it was best to hold offthe divorce for the moment.

Eventually, Heather changed her mind under her mother’s persuasion and stopped thinking aboutgetting a divorce altogether.

Still, Alex had been gone for days, and it was flustering her.

As much as Heather wanted to vent her anger at the man, it was impossible since he would not answerher calls.

With nothing much she could do about the situation, Heather continued to work on her live- streamingevery day. Since Alex did not return home, it was up to Carmen to pick up Stanley from school.

Carmen was reluctant to take up that responsibility at first, but she eventually agreed when Heatherpromised to pay her ten thousand for it. Heather even gave her mother the car keys. to her car tosweeten the deal.

Meanwhile, Stuart got more and more anxious as time passed after falling out with Tyrael.

With his legs still broken and no way to get Tyrael’s help, the man decided to call his father.

“Dad, my legs are injured, but Tyrael refused to treat them. Not only has he refused to help. but he hasalso kicked me out of his clinic. He told me that he’s through with our family,” informed Stuart as soonas the call went through.

“Damn it! What were you thinking? You know how important Dr. Skyworth is to us! How the heck didyou get your legs injured anyway? What have your bodyguards been doing the whole time?” shoutedElvis over the phone, for he had valid reasons to be furious. Firstly, he was angry at his son for beingincompetent and getting himself injured not long after arriving in Nebula City. Secondly, he did notunderstand how and why his son offended Tyrael.

Elvis knew firsthand just how brilliant of a physician Tyrael was since the man practically aved himwhen he was at death’s door. Even though the other doctors told him what he

was terminal, Tyrael still managed to find a way.

That was why he had complete faith in Tyrael’s capabilities and believed that the physician could helphis family and him live longer.

Naturally, Elvis pulsed with rage when Stuart informed him that the man responsible for his longevitywanted nothing to do with his family anymore.

Someone as shrewd as Elvis figured that his son had to be the reason for the falling out, for he knewTyrael well enough to know that the man would never cut ties like that without a good reason.

“Is that really what happened? You didn’t lie to me, did you?” questioned Elvis skeptically, for he knewthe situation had to be more complicated than what his son had told him.

“I’m telling you the truth, Dad. How was I to know that good-for-nothing was so important. to Tyrael?The old man even claimed that the live-in son-in-law was a physician more talented than himself. Whata pile of nonsense! My guess is that he’s been fooled by Alex and still doesn’t know it. I can’t believesomeone as experienced as him would be by that piece of trash. What a joke!” mocked Stuart.

“Wait. What is this I’m hearing about the live-in son-in-law? If he’s so damn useless, then how the heckdid he break your legs? Are you taking me for a fool, boy?” Elvis got even more enraged when henoticed the odd contradiction in his son’s explanation.novelbin

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