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Chapter 574

Chapter 574 No Match

“I swear I’m not, Dad! I was just trying to find out who the chairman of Four Seas Corporation is. I knowthat Alex’s wife, Heather, is close with the chairman, so I tried to get close to her. That’s it. I neverexpected that good-for-nothing to mistake me for making at move on his wife. That’s why he had hismen ambush me and break my legs. I didn’t do anything to offend or anger Tyrael at all. The old manjust kept telling me how much he respected that live-in son-in-law. Hey, if you don’t believe me, call thatold man.”

What Stuart failed to mention was his intention to spite Alex by getting close to the man’s. wife. Thatwas the real reason why Stuart got injured, but he decided to leave that part out intentionally in fear ofhis father’s fury.

“I’m warning you. You better not lie to me.”

After scoffing at the phone, Elvis hung up on his son and immediately called Tyrael afterward.

It took around twenty seconds before the call finally went through. “Tyrael! How are you, my


“You must be calling me because of Stuart, aren’t you?”

Elvis then chuckled embarrassedly in response before continuing, “We’ve known each other for quite awhile now, haven’t we, Tyrael? And I’ve always considered you a dear friend of mine, so could you findit in your heart to forgive Stuart? He’s just a boy. You know what? Why don’t we go grab a drink when Ivisit Nebula City tomorrow?”

As Stuart’s father, Elvis had to check on his severely injured son. He decided to meet with Tyrael whilehe was in the city. The man planned to apologize in Stuart’s place and convince. the physician to help

his son.

“No, thank you. I meant what I said to Stuart, Elvis. I had my reasons for being mad at the boy, and Istill am,” replied Tyrael..

“Then at least be honest with me, my friend. What exactly did that stupid boy do to offend you somuch?”

Tyrael scoffed coldly at the question before explaining, “Not me. Stuart offended Dr. Jefferson. Not onlyhas he done so repeatedly, but he has also tried to drug the man’s wife. And he would’ve gotten hisway had Dr. Jefferson not arrived in time to stop him.”

Immediately, Elvis boiled with anger when he heard Tyrael. “That idiot! I’ll teach him a lesson he’ll neverforget when I arrive at Nebula City tomorrow,” promised the man before

hitting his focus to the doctor that Tyrael mentioned. Tyrael, who is this Dr. Jelle

me that he’s a live-in son-in-law. Is that true?”

“It is. Dr. Jefferson may be a live-in son-in-law of the Jenningses, but he has skills and talents that youcan never imagine. To tell you the truth, I used to have a chronic condition that tortured me fordecades, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. It was not until I met Dr. Jefferson that Iwas finally relieved of my suffering. I owe that man my life.”

Elvis could not believe what the elderly man was telling him. “Are you sure you weren’t fooled by thatman, Tyrael? If he’s that talented, why is he a live-in son-in-law? From what I know, only useless,worthless men do that.”

“Say whatever you want, Elvis. Just know that I’m through with you and your family, so don’t ever callme again.” Tyrael did not appreciate what Elvis had to say about Alex at all.

Just when he was about to hang up on Elvis, the man quickly called out to him. “Tyrael, please. Don’tyou think you’re overreacting? I mean, we’ve known each other for so many years. Are you really goingto let a live-in son-in-law come between us?”

Elvis was starting to get annoyed at his friend’s lack of respect for him.

After all, almost everyone in Summerbank respected the Nixons because of how influential they were inthe city.novelbin

“Yes, I am. You Nixons can never hope to compare to Dr. Jefferson,” answered Tyrael without a hint ofhesitation before finally ending the call, leaving Elvis dumbfounded.

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