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Chapter 572

Chapter 572 Just You Wait

“Wait. Are you saying that Alex is a divine physician? That’s not possible! That bastard. must’ve fooledyou.” Stuart’s eyes widened in disbelief. “He’s no physician, he’s just at worthless live-in son-in-law ofthe Jenningses, who wanted nothing more than to gain my favor. They even kneeled before me so thatI would lend them some money. That piece of crap, Alex, has nothing on me! Don’t worry, Tyrael. I’llmake sure that Alex pays for making you look like a fool. When I recover from my injuries, I’ll personallyfeed that bastard to the dogs for you,” promised Stuart.

“You shut your mouth right now!”

Enraged, Tyrael picked up the nearest glass bottle beside him and threw it at Stuart. “How dare youbesmirch Dr. Jefferson like that?! And don’t even think about comparing yourself to him. You can nevermeasure up to him, not in a million years. I’m only letting you off easy today because of the respect Ihave for your father. But don’t you ever show up here again. Do you hear me? Now, get out!”

Stuart did not manage to dodge the bottle. All he could do was let it hit him on the shoulder and clenchhis teeth in pain.

“Damn you, Tyrael! Has age taken away your sight? Not only did you listen to that bastard, but you alsosided with him against my family? You must be a bigger fool than I thought. Just you wait. I’ll tear thiswhole place down,” threatened Stuart.

“You think you have what it takes to destroy my clinic?”

At that moment, Auriel entered the room to give Stuart a glare of contempt.

The man almost exploded with anger when he saw Auriel since she was the one who changed hergrandfather’s mind about treating him. If it weren’t for this pesky girl’s interference, Tyrael would’ve

given the elixir already.

“Grab that girl now and break her legs in front of her grandfather. Then we’ll see if the old man dares tosay no to me,” commanded Stuart to his men, who immediately started walking toward Auriel.


After scoffing at the men’s futile efforts, Auriel stepped aside and easily avoided their At the same time,she struck one of the men’s wrists with a knifehand strike, leaving the brute groaning in pain.

Even though the girl was only a teenager, she was well-trained by Charlie in the art of combat. Not onlywas she skillful, but she was also proficient in utilizing her Mortal Force.

Had Auriel not shown mercy, the brute’s wrist could have been fractured.

After witnessing how skillful the girl was, the other three brutes decided to give their all and startedrushing toward her.

Sneering condescendingly at the brutes’ mindless charging, Auriel readied herself and swiftly. tookdown all three of them without breaking a sweat.novelbin

Stuart only got even more furious after seeing Auriel take down his men with such ease, but his angerquickly turned to fear when the girl turned to approach him.

With his legs not working at that moment, Stuart knew he was no match for the formidable. Auricl.

“What are you doing?” questioned Stuart fearfully.

Auriel then grabbed the man firmly by the collar to lift him from the bed before slamming him down ontothe floor.

Moaning in pain, Stuart was sure that the girl had knocked the wind out of him.

“If you still refuse to leave, I promise you that I’ll break your arms so that they match. legs,” warnedAuriel sternly as she put her feet onto the man’s chest.


Stuart knew the girl was dead serious about breaking his arms, so he quickly nodded in agreement.“Don’t. I’ll go. I’ll go right now.”

With that, Stuart immediately ordered his men to carry him back to the hospital, so they picked him upfrom the floor and put him in a wheelchair before pushing him out of the building.

On his way out, Stuart turned around to issue one last threat before he went away. “Just you wait. I’llhave my vengeance for what happened here today. You’ll see!”

“Get out of here, you loser! Wait till you get your legs back before you make a threat like that, which isprobably never. Too bad for you,” mocked Auriel.

As infuriated as he was, Stuart was worried that Auriel was right about his condition.

The man was utterly terrified when he imagined spending the rest of his life bound to a wheelchair.

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