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Chapter 2953

“Why don’t I take you to Dunc’s office and you can accompany him there while I go to your grandaunt’s

place to visit the baby?”

Serenity teased Sonny.

Sonny immediately rejected this idea. “I want to go with you to Grandaunt Audrey’s house to see the


Following that, he asked, “Aunt Ser, when can the baby play with me? Every time we go to see him,

he’s sleeping or crying. When he cries, I can’t get him to stop. Why is he always crying?”

Serenity led Sonny by the hand to the car. The bodyguard pulled the car door open and she carried

Sonny into the car.

Once she was in the car too, she answered, “Babies are all like that. He still doesn’t know how to

speak, so he doesn’t know how to tell us when he’s hungry, or thirsty, or when he has pooped. All he

can do is cry, and the adults will pay attention to him then and try to find out why he’s crying.

“You were like that too when you were little. When you were his age, you were even harder to take care

of than he was.”

Serenity lightly pinched Sonny’s little face. “Did you think you were this size the moment you were

born? You grew up bit by bit too.”

Sonny wore a curious expression. “Was I also like that when I was little? I don’t remember anymore.

“Aunt Ser, why can’t I remember what happened when I was little?”

“Babies have a very bad memory. In another eight to ten years, you might have completely forgottennovelbin

what you’ve experienced now.”

Serenity took Sonny’s little bag from him and opened it to flip through the book he had been given to

take home today.

Sonny was only three and a half years old. At preschool, the teacher would teach them to read but play

was still the main focus. Every day, they would send the children home with a book to read. They had

not taught them how to write yet.

However, Sonny already knew how to write the alphabet and a few words. Serenity and Liberty had

taught him.

On weekends, he attended self-defense classes. Liberty was waiting for him to grow up a little more

before arranging for him to attend other hobby classes.

Was there a kid who did not have a skill nowadays?

Liberty would not allow her son to fall behind others.

“Today, the teacher gave you ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ to bring home to read. Do you know how to

read it?”

Sonny nodded confidently. “Yeah! I can read the whole thing.”

The other kids could memorize the book but actually still could not read. However, he already knew

how to read quite a bit.

To prove that he knew how to read, Sonny took the book from Serenity and flipped it open to start

reading it earnestly.

After reading one page, he asked, “Aunt Ser, can you help take a picture of me and send it to Mom so

that she knows I’m being good and I’m very smart?”

Serenity laughed. “Sure.”

She dug her phone out and turned on her camera. Picking the video function, she said to Sonny,

“Okay, you can start reading now. I’m taking a video for your Mom.”

Sonny continued reading his book earnestly.

In the car, there was only the sound of his reading. The driver had even turned off the music.

Once Serenity was done recording, she smiled and said, “Done.”

Very soon after, Liberty video-called them. Reаd at Dram?nоvеls.coм

“Sonny, Mom’s calling.”

Serenity accepted the call and greeted Liberty before handing the phone to Sonny.

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