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Chapter 2425

Serenity had no idea how the guests were doing.

Upon her arrival, she met the York elders and family members with Zachary. As the groom and the

host, Zachary drank with the guests on behalf of Serenity as well because she was pregnant. When the

reception ended, he was worried she would overexert herself and took her to rest in a room.

Serenity was indeed exhausted. She almost fell asleep right upon entering the room.

Zachary held her up and said, “You should sleep after bathing and changing out of these clothes.”

“Don’t I have to entertain the guests later tonight?”

“I’ll be back by nighttime. We don’t have to entertain them all day. We should rest early after a long


Zachary encircled Serenity’s waist and pulled her into his arms. He said, “You must be worn out today.”

She snuggled up to him. “I’m just very tired. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, and Liberty woke me

up early in the morning. I’ve been up the whole day by sheer willpower. Now my eyelids feel heavy.”

Zachary released her. “I’ll fill up the bathtub for you. I’ll head out only after you finish bathing, just in

case you fall asleep in the bathroom again.”

“Thanks, babe.”

Serenity accepted Zachary’s offer. She was used to his attentiveness.

With him around, she could literally not do anything.

Despite always exuding a serious aura, Zachary’s gentleness was captivating. His tenderness had

Serenity gradually falling in love with him until there was him and only him in her heart.

She kissed his cheek.

Satisfied with his beloved wife’s kiss, Zachary went into the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water.

He then came out and said softly, “Go bathe, Seren. I’ll go grab your clothes. You don’t have to benovelbin

present tonight. I’ll bring you some food. Rest well.”

“I think I’ll only be awake the next morning.”

Zachary smiled. “That’s fine. You’ll have breakfast once you wake up tomorrow. I won’t let you go


Serenity walked to the bathroom and asked, “Although we got our marriage license a year ago, we just

had our wedding ceremony today. Should I wake up early and make everyone breakfast tomorrow?”

“No. I’ll get a royal scolding from my parents if you do that. You’re our VIP now. You should just focus

on getting enough rest, eating well, and maintaining a good mood. Leave the rest to me.”

Serenity grinned and touched her stomach. “This baby is so fortunate. If our baby is a daughter, she’ll

be so loved, like Clo-clo. She can be friends with Clo-clo too. If we have a son, he can be Clo-clo’s

husband. How nice will that be?”

Zachary burst out laughing. “Weren’t you considering becoming in-laws with the Buchams? You kept

talking about raising our son with Josh’s or marrying our daughter off to the Buchams.”

Serenity said, “I had a change of heart after meeting Clo-clo. We can think about this again after our

child is born. If we have a son, he probably can’t have Clo-clo anyway. Laurence already has his eyes

on her.”

“They’re still kids. Who knows what will happen in the future? It’s too early to say that Laurence fancies


If Zachary’s unborn baby were a son, he would consider bringing Chloe and his child together.

Though not related by blood, Laurence was Ben and Jane’s adopted son and Chloe’s brother in the

eyes of the law.

Besides, the children were still young and the future was unknown. Not all childhood friends would

become lovers.

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