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Chapter 2276

Elisa hurriedly left the office and drove out of the building. Serenity saw Elisa off before returning to the

office to call Zachary. She told him that Elisa was made privy to the reason behind Julian’s pursuit of


Terrified of Elisa, Zachary asked, “Was Elisa angry enough to want to skin me alive?”

“She’s livid. She wants me to kick you out of the bedroom,” Serenity deliberately uttered.

“That won’t do. Nobody can separate us. She could be mad that I gave Andrew advice, but how was I

supposed to know that Andrew could actually get Julian’s help? Andrew was caught in between Elisa

and Remy’s relationship, innocently dragged into it, so it was only right that I offered him advice. Elisanovelbin

is your cousin while Andrew’s mine. We were only doing what’s best for our cousins.”

Zachary indignantly said his piece before cautiously asking, “Honey, was Elisa really angry?”

“I was only kidding. Elisa wasn’t angry to learn the truth. She’s a reasonable person. We shouldn’t

doubt her. Somehow, Walter got word of Julian’s courtship. He and Stacy visited my aunt’s place

bearing gifts, wanting to discuss Elisa and Julian’s marriage.”

Zachary was speechless.

“Elisa is on her way back. She also told Julian to hurry there.”

“Don’t worry. It’s Julian’s marriage. His parents can’t make him marry a girl he doesn’t want to. He will

clear the air with his parents.”

Serenity understood that no one could force Julian into doing anything, but she was concerned that

Remy would get jealous and take things the wrong way.

“Don’t worry about Remy. He won’t get the wrong idea, though he will certainly be jealous. He will

probably be startled by the news.”

Zachary looked at the time and asked his beloved wife, “Seren, it’s been a while since we had lunch at

your aunt’s. Why don’t we join her for lunch today? I’ll pick you up.”

Serenity happily agreed to it.

The husband and wife were not the ones to miss a drama.

In the meantime, Audrey served Walter and Stacy a cup of tea each at Stones’ residence.

“Thank you, my dear in-laws,” Walter gleefully expressed and took a sip of tea with grace.

Audrey and Darrell were taken aback when Walter and Stacy started calling them in-laws. Despite their

attempts to correct the term of address, Walter and Stacy were determined to see them as family.

Clive and Anthony walked into the house.

After receiving a text message from Alice, Clive ditched work and told his assistant to take over closing

a deal with a client. He informed Anthony and the two brothers rushed home.

Audrey solemnly said, “Walter, Julian doesn’t like Elisa. We heard about Julian’s situation, but this

wasn’t their first encounter with each other. If Elisa were the woman for him, they’d have married a long

time ago. So why now?”

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